I’m Ben Mainye, a microbiologist from Kenya. I introduced myself in a previous iteration which you can find here. I made the immune cell classifier with some of my classmates. Now, with colleagues from the Institute of Primate Research, we made one that detects causative agents plus some stages of their lifecycles of L.donovani, T. b. rhodesiense , P. berghei as well as help count the number of parasites in the image. I am currently working on publishing my results to AfricArXiv – in a few weeks . I am also thinking about effective data science infrastructure to support the project above and slowly getting back to doing bioinformatics/genomic data science to enrich the project. Hoping to learn more state of the art Natural language processing techniques and loss functions related to measuring similarity and differences between string representations from the course.
Looking forward to interact with everybody. Its great to be back.