Install fail with anaconda because of "gh"


Windows 10,

I am installing with the highly recommanded anaconda command

“conda install -c fastai -c pytorch -c anaconda fastai gh anaconda”


PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  • gh

i had to install “gh” with “pip install gh”

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I finally got my Windows 10 working tonight, so I can go through the book.

I got this same error, and found the solution was to add “-c conda-forge” to the command above. I guess this means the “gh” package is in the conda-forge channel? It worked.


Installers for “gh” is not available for Windows as can be seen from the anaconda repo . We can Install fastai first and then try to install 'gh" separately with conda-forge.

Can’t get it working on Windows though. Better to use collab.