Importing modules in nbdev

I am developing using nbdev and when I build my library from the notebooks I find that the following code in the notebook (which I have needed to use as a work-a-round)

    from appname.datapipe import load_and_cache_raw_walk_data, calc_walk_stats
    from datapipe import load_and_cache_raw_walk_data, calc_walk_stats    

gets converted to (note the DOT in the try version):

    from .datapipe import load_and_cache_raw_walk_data, calc_walk_stats
    from datapipe import load_and_cache_raw_walk_data, calc_walk_stats

this allows my app to function in both the notebook and app environments (in my case I am writing a app). Otherwise I just have to edit the .py file each time to remove the dot to make the code work. This seems like an undesirable “hack” - any thoughts on a better approach?

If I leave the dot there I get the error:

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

I found the following article which may address the problem i.e. it may relate to the design/assumptions of Streamlit and not be nbdev related at all STREAMLIT AND PYTHON MODULES.