I am using the “advanced” method of Google Collab with Ngrok and native Jupyter notebooks. Widgets are supposed to work. When I run ImageClassifierCleaner, I get images but no widget:
I know that this makes no sense, but it seems to work intermittently on Colab. I tried it again and it did not work, but I tried it just now and it is working. Here’s the proof:
To actually use the cleaner and modify the files, I found that I had to run the subsequent block of code (the cell that is commented out) for each subcategory. That is, run the code after selecting the options for brown bear training, again for brown bear validation, again for black bear training, etc. It would not “remember” what I’d chosen once I’d changed the set that I was working on.
I can’t tell you why it works sometimes and why it doesn’t. Furthermore, I cannot get it to work in native Jupyter notebooks using Ngrok, which is where it’s supposed to work. So YMMV.
i did what you said and tried started the
cleaner widget again after doing the unlink functions but the widget was giving me a file not found error, any suggestions?
I have also surprisingly managed to run the cleaner widget on Google Colab. It has worked every time I tried it though. It doesn’t remember choices, so I have to run the cleaning for every set of choices (bear type plus test or validation set). Since I have never ran the widget on real Jupyter, I actually thought that was the expected behavior.
I figured out where the problem was with Kaggle. It’s somehow related to their working directory that they assign to you. When I ran my notebook for the first time it worked and showed the widget . but when I tried to run it for the second time I face this issue and the widget was not loading. I fixed the issue by changing the directory name where all downloaded images were being stored and the problem is solved.
Know this is old but if anyone looks for this again, got it working in Kaggle by changing the environment to always use latest environment as well as setting a max amount shown on the cleaner.