My Image Shape does not Match…Left side is my Notebook and Right one is from JH00 Github account…
Pls Suggest
My Image Shape does not Match…Left side is my Notebook and Right one is from JH00 Github account…
Pls Suggest
Hello @akshaylamba,
I don’t have the dataset and notebook in front of me.
If I remember correct, the notebook is not for “just executing”.
There are two cells above your problem:
In [260]: lnames = [labels_path+os.path.basename(fn)[:-4]+’_L.png’ for fn in fnames]
In [7]: lnames = [labels_path+os.path.basename(fn) for fn in fnames]
If I remember correct, you just have to execute the first one (thats the mask).
I think the second was a trail/error/visualisation thing.
As suggestion, look at the different input(images) and output (what is lnames / what is the shape after each cell).
As I’ve remember, you can face that problem more often in this notebook.
See Lesson 14 wiki
@benediktschifferer …Yes you are Correct …I only executed the first one…But The Result is the same…
The Shape remains the same…PLs Suggest…
I took a look on my code.
I am not sure, where there error is / was.
Your label object has 3 channels -> because the mask has 1 color for each class
His label object has 1 channel -> because it contains a classid
I think you proceed without caring about that problem:
In the below code, there is a function:
%time labels_int =conv_all_labels()
This function converts an image mask (image with 3 channels) into a image of classes (image with 1 channel, the channel contains an integer for the class)
I think you can continue