Idea: Call LRFinder for every batch?

This was really just an exercise in learning to write fastai Callbacks, but it’s intriguing:
On the Discord “chitchat” channel, I was getting some wonderful, very detailed help from @Ezno and @ilovescience in trying to answer the question:

How would the suggestions of the LRFinder at every batch (during training) compare with the profile of the 1-cycle schedule? Would they be similar or very different? (e.g., would you ‘naturally’ get something like cosine annealing?)

This was just an exercise in “understanding,” not a practical idea. Calling lr_find() at each batch is incredibly slow, and… as we’ll see… makes something bad happen.

With the help of those guys, I was able to write my first two fastai Callbacks! The first was just a sanity check, and the second would call lr_find() (thanks again to @ilovescience with the syntax!):

class LRTracker(Callback):
    "Exercise for self: save learning rates to plot later"
    # should give the same results as learn.recorder.lrs
    def before_fit(self): self.lr_list = []
    def after_batch(self):
        if self.lr_list.append(learn.opt.hypers[0]['lr'])

class LRDriver(Callback):
    "Replace LR schedule by calling LRFinder for each batch (slow)"
    def before_fit(self,**kwargs): self.lr_min_list, self.lr_steep_list = [], []
    def before_batch(self, **kwargs):
            lr_min, lr_steep = self.learn.lr_find() #which automatic lr do you want?
            #self.opt.set_hyper('lr', lr_steep)   # here's where we overwrite the lr

^that last line was commented out because I wasn’t ready to fully implement over-writing the LR schedule yet.

I put this in my copy of the 022_Imagenette notebook on Colab, and when I finally ran this with the LRDriver() callback enabled,… stuff crashed:

learn = Learner(dls, xresnet34(n_out=10), metrics=accuracy, cbs=[LRTracker(),LRDriver()])
learn.fit_one_cycle(5, 1e-3)

 0.00% [0/5 00:00<00:00]
epoch	train_loss	valid_loss	accuracy	time

 0.00% [0/147 00:00<00:00]
 0.00% [0/1 00:00<00:00]
 0.00% [0/147 00:00<00:00]
 0.00% [0/1 00:00<00:00]
 0.00% [0/147 00:00<00:00]
 0.00% [0/1 00:00<00:00]
 ...about 50 more lines of that and then...
 0.00% [0/1 00:00<00:00]
 0.00% [0/147 00:00<00:00]
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/ in save(obj, f, pickle_module, pickle_protocol, _use_new_zipfile_serialization)
    371             with _open_zipfile_writer(opened_file) as opened_zipfile:
--> 372                 _save(obj, opened_zipfile, pickle_module, pickle_protocol)
    373                 return

376 frames
RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid 4279) is killed by signal: Killed. 

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/ in __exit__(self, *args)
    258     def __exit__(self, *args) -> None:
--> 259         self.file_like.write_end_of_file()
    260         self.buffer.flush()

RuntimeError: [enforce fail at] . unexpected pos 55877568 vs 55877456

So, might anyone have a suggestion for helping this ‘crazy’ idea not crash the DataLoader, etc?

EDIT: …ohhhh I think I see the problem: Since the LRFinder is attached to the same Learner as the one I’m training, all the events are clobbering each other, maybe? I wonder if I could clone the Learner each time before calling the LRFinder…?

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One thing that stops the crashing: Clone the model before calling lr_find(), and don’t forget to turn off show_plot or you get a warning from matplotlib after a while:

class LRDriver(Callback):
    "Replace LR schedule by calling LRFinder for each batch (slow)"
    order,run_after = 80, ParamScheduler
    def __init__(self, drive=True): = drive
    def before_fit(self,**kwargs): self.lr_min_list, self.lr_steep_list = [], []
    def before_batch(self, **kwargs):
            clone = Learner(self.learn.dls, self.learn.model)
            clone.model = copy.deepcopy(self.learn.model).cuda()
            lr_min, lr_steep = clone.lr_find(show_plot=False) 
            if self.opt.set_hyper('lr', lr_min)   # here's where we overwrite the lr

…this is horrifically slow. :wink: As in so far, 40 minutes for one epoch of Imagenette on Colab, 1 hr on my laptop (RTX2070 Max Q),…but my 3080Ti is burning through it ok – guess I should turn on mixed precision to make this go faster.

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…Here’s what I got for the first run through, with mixed precision on. The last two graphs are on top of each other, as they should be.
This is with drive=False btw.


So the outputs from the LR Finder at each batch are a lot larger than they’d otherwise be – I had to rescale them by 250 and 2000 to make them fit – and they’re a lot “blockier”. That seems to be related to Mixed Precision.

When I don’t turn on Mixed Precision, I get something completely different (still drive=False):


The answer to the question, “Do these look anything like the one-cycle schedule?” seems to be no. They look more like exponentially-decaying learning rate schedules. Plotting with semilogy (below) shows…IDK whether you’d call that exponential or not:

(Note this graph was only over 1 epoch, not 5 as in the others)

The blue line (lr_min) looks like it’s got some linear behavior on that (semilogy) plot (so, exponential decay). @ilovescience suggested a weighted average to smooth these. I might do that!

Still, the next thing to do is turn drive on and see what thing does if you let it set the LR at each batch (overwriting what the one-cycle schedule says to do). I’ll post that next!

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Today I was looking at the superconvergence paper and noticed Figure 3:

I realized this is very similar to what you wanted to do. They have some explanation for what this means, but they also say:

In this paper we do not perform a full evaluation of the effectiveness of this technique as it is tangential
to the theme of this work. We only use this method here to demonstrate that training with large
learning rates are indicated by this approximation. We leave a full assessment and tests of this method
to estimate optimal adaptive learning rates as future work.

So maybe you’re on to something… are you still pursuing this idea?


Hey, good idea – when in doubt, read the paper! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: If I’d read that, it would’ve saved me some time & speculation. The blue line on the right in (b) sure looks similar to what I was getting.

I haven’t been pursuing it, just because I’ve got other demands on my time, and plus I’m aware of so many people “much smarter than me” who’ve devoted months or years to devising clever schemes for learning rates and optimizers, e.g. the insights by Hinton et al. that went into the ranger optimizer that dominates Imagenette leaderboards.

I might come back to it someday if my workload eases up, but in the meantime If you (or someone else reading this) want to take this idea and run with it, please just go for it!

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