Hugdatafast: hugginface/nlp + fastai

Hugdatafast: huggingface/nlp :heavy_plus_sign: fastai

An integration to make use of hundreds of datasets with fastai, and some handy transforms to make concatenated dataset like language model dataset.

:inbox_tray: pip install hugdatafast
:open_book: Documentation:

Doing NLP ?
See if you can turn your data pipeline into just 3 lines. :sunglasses:

The updates will also be tweeted on my Twitter Richard Wang.


So with this awesome plug in, every hugging face models are compatible ready to be used?

What are some differences in the approach of yours compared to @morgan’s fasthugs?

Hi @chansung18 @muellerzr, thanks for your interest.
AFAIK, fasthug is fastai + huggingface / transformers, which get you model training and tokenizers (correct me if I am wrong).
And hugdatafast is fastai + huggingface / nlp, which get you Dataloaders.
You should be able to use hugdatafast with blur or fasthug. (Although I haven’t tried.)


Makes perfect sense. Thank you both! :slight_smile:

Working on a blogpost/notebook using hugdatafast with blurr sometime this weekend (after I work through some PRs).

I think things should work out fine for the most part, though I’m not so sure about the use cases where post-processing is applied to the raw inputs to get things to line up right with the subword/BPE tokenization (I’m thinking things like question/answering and token classification/NER).

Nice lib! Thanks for making it available.


Update: add a example for preparing any hugginface/nlp dataset for (traditional) langugage model, or implement custom context window.

Update the update: I cancel the updates.
— Reason — (just for notes, skipping is ok)
Originally I want to introduce LMTransform and CombineTransform, which can do context window over examples. But I suddenly thought there is few cases we need context window across examples. Examples in a dataset are often not consecutive, we don’t need to concatenate texts not related. So these classes might be only useful for my personal use case.

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I tried working up an example with blurr, but I failed :frowning:

Maybe I’m missing something, but I think the problem is that the datasets/dataloaders returned from Hugdatafast only returns the “input_ids” … whereas blurr is designed to return (and work against) all the other things associated to a text sequence depending on the architecture (e.g., input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids, etc…)

So for example, here is what one batch of Hugdatafast looks like …

… and here is what it looks like in blurr

Screen Shot 2020-09-08 at 11.26.17 AM

If you got any ideas on how to make the two play nicely together, I’m all ears. Lmk what you think.


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Hi @wgpubs,
Although it is a more sophisticated example, you might want to take a look at, where I can get this.

hugdatafast doesn’t provide built-in preprocessing, you need to map your hf/nlp dataset (write your own preprocessing logic) and then hugdatafast make the preprocessed hf/nlp dataset all the way to Dataloaders we are familiar with.

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