How would you approach the (DL) codebase from others' repo?

When doing deep learning project, we always have to work on codebase from the others. For example, a scholar release a new paper with open source code and you would like to give it a try. The headache things are, those codebase always come with different styles and different frameworks. (unluckily most of them are not written in fastai…)

In some scenario, only a small subset of the repo is what you need. And in some case, the repo is well written but the codebase is too huge that you have no idea how to get a starter.

For my recent experience, I would like to take the original work of CycleGAN and Pix2Pix as an example, the codebase is well written in a sense that it considers a generic pipeline for both CycleGAN and Pix2Pix model. It also enables a whole bunch of hyperparameters for you to specify in different flags. But as I came across the codebase at the beginning, I find it a bit intimidating because of its complexity and abundance of flags. I am a bit struggle on how I should “interact” with such codebase and how I should make changes on these to fit my use case. (not sure if you share the same feeling)

With all these reasons, I find it pretty costly to work on a variety of “legacy codebase”. Hence, I am looking for some systematic and efficient ways to work on these “legacy codebase”.

I find related topics are rarely discussed in machine learning community, but I personally find it pretty significant.

What is your general pipeline when you have to work on others’ repo? (especially on deep learning repo). Do you have any hacks for this? Would love to hear your sharing! :slight_smile:

Well first thing I look at is does it use PyTorch. If it does, you can directly plug and play pretty much the entire thing into v2 as seen in this notebook:

If using v1 the easier solution would be to attempt to recreate their data in the framework and then pass the model into a Learner

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Thanks for the material! I am still learning fastai v1, and I think for v1 it is less straight-forward to recreate the data into the format that fastai requires.
And how would you approach the codebase if unfortunately it is written in tensorflow / other frameworks?

Get a deep understanding of just how they make the data and look at the model implementation in TF and attempt to recreate it. Most TF models have a PyTorch version available of it. Welcome to part of the life of a deep learning practitioner and what can make it difficult :wink: