How to use fastai to solve problem in life/ work/ study?

Hi friends,
i am learning to use fastai for a while. I feel a little bad that i just learn something like concept or operation. but can not connect what i learned to my study. therefore, i am here for some advices like:

  1. can you share your expirence that you use fastai to solve your problem in life/ work/ study?
  2. can you share some advices on how to use fastai to work in physics, like predict soem properties of material based on your design?

thank you very much.


Radek shared the lessons, approaches in a more bite sized chapters in this book. Twitter thread about Metalearning.

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thank you for your reply. but, I cannot access Twitter. is there another way to read this, like google drive?

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I did not realize it. Meta Learning: How To Learn Deep Learning And Thrive In The Digital World - This is the link to the book where he shared his experiences, lessons learnt etc


Maybe try with this link to see if web-archive works for you:

thank you.