How to update conda on AWS image

I created a AWS image using fastai ami.

when I ssh am entering a conda environment which is activated called “fastai”. If I use command “conda update env” it doesn’t work niether does “conda update --all” work.

I exited the env
source deactivate

and then executed
conda update --all
which seemd to work but atlast it says permission denied
Am I doing it wrong?

Hi Sagar,

I found your question when I was having the same problem.

I ran ‘conda env -h’ to get help and saw that I needed to find the environment file which I then found in the fastai repo directory.

Here’s what I did.
source activate fastai

find the directory with the environment.yml file

cd fastai
conda env update

Hey Danny thanks.
Did you observe one thing that there hardly seems to be any difference between the base and fastai environments.
