How to specify percentage of training data to be used as validation in ImageDataBunch?

I have a dataset which is structured as follows:

├── test
│   ├── s1
│   ├── s10
│   ├── s100
│   ├── s101
│   ├── s102
│   ├── s103
│   ├── s104
│   ├── s105
│   ├── ....
│   ├── s93
│   ├── s94
│   ├── s95
│   ├── s96
│   ├── s97
│   ├── s98
│   └── s99
└── train
    ├── s1
    ├── s10
    ├── s100
    ├── s101
    ├── s102
    ├── s103
    ├── s104
    ├── s105
    ├── s106
│   ├── ....
│   ├── s93
│   ├── s94
│   ├── s95
│   ├── s96
│   ├── s97
│   ├── s98  
     └── s99

There are no options to specify the number/% of images from the training set that should be used as validation set during training in the ImageDataBunch.from_folder(...) method. Is there something that lets me specify the same?

Never mind, I figured out that the valid_pct accepts a float value which serves this exact purpose.