How to make a table like this in chapter 8?

How do I make into a neat table like this in the pic in the notebook. Thank you in advance

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It appears like the table in fastbook was created via Excel, but we can also achieve it in pandas with,

def fill(row):
    user =
    # All the rows in the ratings where the user is the user corresponding to "row"
    user_ratings = ratings[ratings['user'] == user]
    # Go through all the movies
    for movie in row.index:
        # Find the rating the current user gave to the current movie 
        # It is possible there is no such rating, in which case we'd get an empty array
        rating = user_ratings[user_ratings['movie'] == movie]['rating'].values
        row.loc[movie] = rating

path = untar_data(URLs.ML_100k)
ratings = pd.read_csv(path/'', delimiter='\t', header=None,

# The indices are the users,
# the columns are the movies
table = pd.DataFrame({}, index=ratings['user'].unique(),
                     columns=ratings['movie'].unique()) = 'user' = 'movie'
table.apply(fill, axis=1)

table would now be,

Please bear in mind, this is excruciatingly slow & inefficient, but it is all right for smaller DataFrames like the MovieLens 100K dataset. Possible improvements would be vectorization, creating a dictionary where the keys are the user & movie IDs and the values are the ratings to avoid looping through all the movies each time, taking advantage of sparse data structures, and more.

Hopefully this helps!

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It looks really cool! Thank you so much!

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Another option would be to use the crosstab() function in pandas:

from fastai.tabular.all import *
path = untar_data(URLs.ML_100k)

ratings = pd.read_csv(path/'', delimiter='\t', header=None, names=['user','movie','rating','timestamp'])

pd.crosstab(ratings.user,, values=ratings.rating, aggfunc='sum')

If you want to get rid of the NaNs, you can use the fillna() method:

pd.crosstab(ratings.user,, values=ratings.rating, aggfunc='sum').fillna(0)


Wow! That’s amazing! Thank you!