How to get started with using fastai v1.0 library?

I was able to started using the fastai library by following the courses from However for fastai v1 everything is new, code from the course is not usable anymore. Document from website is very limited, comments in code are not clear and code example are scarce. The forums is good but it doesn’t have what I’m looking for. One useful resource I found is from, but code here doesn’t seems to be up to date, code is not runnable with latest fastai.

To be more specific, I’m trying to run this notebook with fastai v1, but I’m really struggling to piece everything together.

Could someone point me to the right direction to get this going? Thanks.

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Hi Khoa,

I would recommend that you wait until the videos for the course V3 are released (around January 2019). There you will understand clearly how to piece it all together.

i would recommended you to read the documentation v1 only if you want using fastai v1 right now until the course v1 release.
you will confuse if you see the tutorial / another code in v.07 and try to fit to v.1
i was there and my solution just only read the documentation

Hi Khoa,

The specific notebook you linked to is for DL part 2 version 2 of the course. The notebook is for lesson 9 multi-object detection.

fastai v1.0 library is currently designed to support part 1 version 3 syllabus and concepts. fastai 1.0 does not support object detection and multi-object detection yet. Ref: Object detection in v1

The question is, why are you using notebooks from part 2 with fastai v1.0? You have better chances to get things work if you use notebooks from part 1.

Because i wanted to try out fastai v1 for object detection :slight_smile: i guess i will have to wait for the new lectures then