How to feed pairwise image data to model like ImageGenerator in Keras?

def create_base_network(input_dim):
    '''Base network to be shared (eq. to feature extraction).
    seq = Sequential()
    seq.add(Dense(128, input_shape=(input_dim,), activation='relu'))
    seq.add(Dense(128, activation='relu'))
    seq.add(Dense(128, activation='relu'))
    return seq

# network definition
base_network = create_base_network(input_dim)

input_a = Input(shape=(input_dim,))
input_b = Input(shape=(input_dim,))

# because we re-use the same instance `base_network`,
# the weights of the network
# will be shared across the two branches
processed_a = base_network(input_a)
processed_b = base_network(input_b)

distance = Lambda(euclidean_distance,
                  output_shape=eucl_dist_output_shape)([processed_a, processed_b])

model = Model([input_a, input_b], distance)

How to feed pairwise image data to model like ImageGenerator in Keras?

Create your own generator or iterator class which contains two ImageDataGenerators.