How to change logo of Fastpages blog in toolbar and add preview images to notebook posts?

Hi there,

I have used fastpages to create my own blog and would like to modify the look and feel of the blog. I have no front-end experience would like to know how one can change the fastpages logo in the toolbar of the blog and add a preview images to notebook posts?


I did experiment around a bit with the look (as I could not find any info on this), I don’t have front end experience either but the bulk of the changes are within the _sass/minima folder. You can view my blog and the test-layout.scss file within _sass/minima. It was with this file that I could change the background color and colors of the code cells, I did include some notes in this file for my benefit but it needs alot more work (in noting what each section changes in the format)

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

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