How does the `DeviceDataLoader` work?


I’m little bit confused by how the DeviceDataLoader work.

So I created a DataBunch from a pandas DataFrame of 500 rows, and I split it into 400 rows for training and 100 for validation:

data = (
    TabularList.from_df(df, path=admission, cat_names=cat_names, cont_names=cont_names, procs=procs)

With a default batch size of 64 I found out that there are 6 batches in the training dataset:

dataloader = data.dl(DatasetType.Train)
for x,y in dataloader:


torch.Size([64, 1]) torch.Size([64, 6]) torch.Size([64])
torch.Size([64, 1]) torch.Size([64, 6]) torch.Size([64])
torch.Size([64, 1]) torch.Size([64, 6]) torch.Size([64])
torch.Size([64, 1]) torch.Size([64, 6]) torch.Size([64])
torch.Size([64, 1]) torch.Size([64, 6]) torch.Size([64])
torch.Size([64, 1]) torch.Size([64, 6]) torch.Size([64])

My questions is: what happened to the leftover 16 rows of training data? Are they ignored during training?

Interestingly the validation dataset are treated differently: the 100 rows are split into 2 batches: one of size 64 and one of size 36.

dataloader = data.dl(DatasetType.Valid)
for x,y in dataloader:


torch.Size([64, 1]) torch.Size([64, 6]) torch.Size([64])
torch.Size([36, 1]) torch.Size([36, 6]) torch.Size([36])