Hidden Docs of Fastcore

Looks cool @Daniel !

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Sorry to admit it but I don’t understand the concept of tagging @ when some developer who has closely worked with core functions and methods tries to ask admin for their views, that is considered correct, but when I ask for some help or support using @ for admin or core devs of the forum I am told that I shouldn’t do it.
So can someone explain when to use @ and when not to?
Sorry for such a silly question.

Hi @joshiharshit5077, to avoid the admin/maintainer being overwhelmed with questions that can be answered by someone else, we only at mention @ them in the case that only they can respond.

We can see above, Daniel didn’t at mention Jeremy (no @).

He did mention jeremy in the post, that’s why I got confused I saw some posts mentioning admin and other devs so that they can support with the issue.
I did understand the overwhelmed point though.

We are adviced to only use @ to Jeremy when it is something only Jeremy can deal with. I rarely use @ to Jeremy, because most of my questions if they are answerable, they all have been answered by Jeremy or other members of the community. This is a very supportive community.

I understand you want all your questions be answered, I share the feelings. My own experience is that instead of worrying people not reading my questions, I should pay more attention to whether my questions are readable and answerable, i.e., showing people what have I done to solve the problem myself, and where exactly I stuck, so that it can be slightly easier for people to step in and help. To do it well is difficult but very helpful to me when I post questions.

Don’t give up, keep working, keep sharing, you will get through the questions.


Oh, that’s understandable, thanks, Daniel. I’ll try working on my problems probing already answered similar questions.

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Also, you get back what you put in. For instance, @Daniel has put an enormous amount of work into the fast.ai community, including writing all the course notes that appear on course.fast.ai! Since he’s put in extra to help the community, I put in extra to answer his questions.


Wow, thank you so much Jeremy! I didn’t know my notes were shared on the course site! It’s such an honor! Thank you! Now I will have to spend some time to revise my notes to make them more readable and constructive (which I planned to do in August but get carried away by fastdebug :sweat_smile: , I think I should be able to get back to it soon).

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Thank you so much Jeremy! :grin: Now I should be more careful on the questions I post and so that I won’t waste your time and others who read them.

Here’s an example of one:

If you do make any changes, please send us a PR! :smiley: Here’s the relevant bit of the repo: https://github.com/fastai/course22-web/tree/master/Lessons/Summaries


This one may be a private repo at the moment.

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Yeah, I am not able to access it, if it could be, please make it public soon.
Thanks a lot, daniel for your efforts.

Can’t wait to check out your fastdebug library. I believe there is some weird behavior with pdb with fastai, especially when I want to step into some function that inherits type dispatch.

Could you show me an example of what you mean?

Thanks for being interested in it :grin: I am still in the process of building an important feature. When it is done I will let you know.

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Oops! Fixed now.


Thanks. Currently, I don’t remember what exactly is the problem I got. Something like when I step into a function, pdb leads me to the definition of type dispatch in fastcore instead of the function I am interested in. When I remember, I will tell you.

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I have finished building the major tools I need for exploring and documenting fastcore library. Now comes the real test, which is whether this library can really assist me explore and learn fastcore library with easy and joy. (If I keep posting more often here, it probably means this little tool helps)

Before I move on to the real challenge, please let me give this library a little exposure.

If you are interested to see the notebook, I have the html version below as my git recently messed up and I can’t use git at all. I will update the library once I get my git back.


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summaries on test_sig, _rm_self, FixSigMeta, PrePostInitMeta, AutoInit, and how to use snoop and docsrc to explore 3 classes in one example.

Now, the fastdebug repo is updated

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What I have learnt from _funcs_kwargs and funcs_kwargs

for more details, please visit the notebook