Help wanted: transcriptions

Got it. I see where you’re going with that now. You’re changing the text so it’s not always possible to CTRL + F text to see where you left off.

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Amazing job to complete lessons 1 & 2 gang! So fantastic :smiley:

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Lesson 4 auto-generated transcript is now available:

Lesson 1 & 2 transcripts are now ready to use! Looks so good :slight_smile:

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I think Lesson 3 is done. There seems to be no italics left in the document.

Amazing, yes it is! Thanks so much @bencoman @wyquek @Raymond-Wu @fmussari :smiley:

These transcripts also mean that students can use the auto-translation features of captions to watch in their own language – e.g here’s the arabic translation:


Hi Jeremy,
The other contributors had demolished Lesson 3 before I got much of a chance at it, so I ended up doing a pass through the whole transcript - which was easy with all the work done - but I did pick a couple things, the most common of which was “values” for “ReLU”, which I corrected. I saw the status to “Finished” when I was halfway through, so if you uploaded straight away to YouTube, you may have missed some of my changes. :smiley:

p.s. there is a query for you in Lesson 4 transcript.


Thanks for letting me know – I’ll copy it over now.

Thanks for making the correction. My bad. I thought Jeremy said Relu :slight_smile:

You were correct. Sorry I wasn’t clear. It was where Jeremy said “ReLU”, the auto-trascribe had “values” and some had been missed being fixed. It was actually hard to distiguish, except for the context.


Do we really care about ULMFiT being spelled correctly as in paper in transcriptions? I noticed a few inconsistencies in the transcriptions

Doesn’t matter too much - but we can do a search/replace to fix them all at once…


Lesson 4 transcript is done! (and I did a final skim through the whole doc at double-playback-speed.)

So we are up to date!
Awesome effort everyone that helped.


That’s fantastic news - well done everyone!!! :smiley:

I’ve just added the Google Doc for the lesson 5 transcript now to the top post. I’ll paste it here too:


I think there is no more italics in lesson 5 transcript, though I see some comments in the document.


Thanks everybody for being such heroes! Just two more lessons to go! :D.

You’re all going to get invites to be fellows for part 2 of the course (i.e you can join remotely for free!)


Hey champs - I’ve just added the auto-generated lesson 6 transcript. Thank you for all your hard work – please help on this one if/when you can!


Lesson 6 looks complete - no more italics.
Good effort @gagan, @fmussari, @mike.moloch.


Super cool :smiley:

(oh and also @bencoman :slight_smile: )


OK friends, the latest auto-transcript is now available for you to hack at! :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your terrific work. Just one more after this one!