Hello World: I've started with Fastai

Hi folks;
I intend tI intend to put in writing my experience with Deep Learning from Jeremy and Rachel’s course, Fastai.
I start posting today on this Fastpages blog. In it, I intend to put in writing my experience with learning from Jeremy and Rachel’s course, Fastai.

The first thing I have to say is that my experience in the field of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning is absolutely zero. Not even until I discovered Fastai by chance, could I say that my interest in these topics was none. Why did, I decide to introduce myself in this experience? I have to say, and this is an absolute recognition to the work and dedication of both Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas, that the Fastai course is a very valuable resource, one you can find in a million on the internet, and I think I fall short in my praise.

I take this opportunity to share with you my static Fastpages site, where I will be publishing my experience with the Fastai API.
My Fastpages site.
Greetings and see you soon


Hey, I am also planning to start with the course soon (from August) and have very minute knowledge on Deep Learning. Since, you were also in a similar situation a few months back, wanted to know if you can share some guidance on Do’s and Don’t while following the course in order to get the most outcome from the course.
P.S. I did read your blog posts, and I too am a music (singing) enthusiast as a hobby, and had kind of a similar motivation to contribute in this field using AI, software engineering and music knowledge :slight_smile:

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at the moment I have a very elementary knowledge of the API, so I don’t feel qualified to give you good advice. In the forums you will no doubt find people more experienced than me who can give you better advice. On the music issue, I still haven’t found a way to use fastai with Music 21 and Supercollider. At the moment I’m more focused on learning Deep learning in general without applying it to anything specific at the moment. I’ll leave that for later when I have more experience and mastery of Fastai.
Best regards!!!

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