Hi Fellow Fastai’ers,
I was asked to join a team for this competition. However, I do not have the bandwidth let me know if anyone is interested. My colleague has over 21 yrs of healthcare experience, so you will be joining a kick ass team.
This is an awesome competition. Am I correct in assuming you propose a solution and you advance to the next stage only if the organizers like your solution?
@nchukaobah Yes, the first stage is a proposal then execution thereafter. Are you interested?
This is a fascinating competition; I’ve never seen such a high prize placed on a competition in medicine before. I do have some serious concerns about the way they structured the competition.
- They left it to the competitors to propose the performance endpoint
- They created a non-performance-based criteria for success in Stage 1 - the “Launch Stage”
- Even by Stage 2 and Stage 3, they will not have a single objective performance metric by which to compare the relative performance of the applicants. Each applicant decides on their own definition of truth and beauty, so judging the whole competition becomes entirely subjective.
The Challenge Structure - The Challenge consists of three stages.
- During the Launch Stage , participants will submit an application via ai.cms.gov and provide information about their proposed solution. Up to 20 participants will be selected to advance to Stage 1.
- During Stage 1 , participants will design and test their proposed solution using certain Medicare claims data sets. Up to five participants will be selected to advance to Stage 2 and will each be awarded up to $80,000.
- During Stage 2 , finalists will be able to request additional Medicare claims data and refine their solutions. The grand prize winner in Stage 2 will be awarded up to $1 million and the runner up will be awarded up to $250,000.
This puts sales-oriented organizations at a big advantage, at each stage. On the other hand, if someone could make a persuasive case for what CMS needs, and then deliver a working model, it could be a worth a lot of prestige and future government contacts. For me, this isn’t the kind of game I do well in.
They also don’t say anything about the nature of the data (or how it will be accessible). Or is this information somewhere else?
@MicPie you can download sample datasets or just look at the data dictionary on the main website. https://www.cms.gov/openpayments/explore-the-data/dataset-downloads.html
Non-U.S. citizens and nonpermanent residents can participate as individuals or as a member of a team that otherwise satisfies the eligibility criteria, but these individuals will not be eligible to win a monetary prize (in whole or in part). However, their participation as part of a winning team, if applicable, may be recognized when results are announced.
I would be interested. Can you tell me more about the team and what the responsibilities would be? It would give me some idea of if I can make the time based on the team’s schedule.
Hi @nchukaobah,
My colleague has over 20 years of experience at Roche Pharm, she has already drafted the scientific questions and welcomes any ideas or expertise from the ML/DL community. Are you on LinkedIn? If so I can directly introduce you both.
Very disappointing since healthcare can use all of the help it gets.
If you get in a team with al least one US citizen, you can always make a separate contract with him.
That’s true, the folks on the team are not all US based. So @cedric you’re welcome to join.
Recognizing the challenges of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) and RPA in healthcare industry can help healthcare providers develop appropriate strategies and quickly implement innovative solutions in a risk-free manner.
Top 5 AI implementation challenges in healthcare:
Data collection
Stay compliant
Identify the application
Eliminate the black box
Educate employees and patients
Understanding these challenges and solutions will help healthcare organizations develop appropriate strategies for their specific applications. When the successful implementation of AI becomes the focus of attention, hospitals will be more motivated to deploy and expand their AI solutions
There are many challenges faced by the HCP in their indusrty. But with the advent of AI and ML, we have all observed a major change in the industry. Here is a quick blog that throws light on this fact.
Happy reading!