Harebrain Contributor Group?

This group is designed to help each other in contributing to Harebrain.

Meetings are from 6pm-7pm PST every Monday. Please add meetings to your calendar:

Next meeting is on August 18th

Calendar of Meetings: Calendar

Design overview
Implementation overview
“sil”==“swift intermediate language”

Thanks to Dan, Jeremy and Richard


Hii, I am interested. But, I am new to software development. Would like to learn from the community.

Hi Molly! I could be interested, although my availability for regular meetings is limited right now. Do you have any specific projects / tasks / areas of improvement in mind?

My reason for it was to have something like a software development team. Even if everyone is working on their separate task, we would all eventually become experts in a specific part of the work we are doing. We can then share that knowledge as we continue to develop, and ask questions to the group as needed.

The meeting would be to help facilitate this sharing of knowledge.

Any news on this? I’d really like to get involved as I feel this is in an early enough stage to help the fast.ai team with significant contributions. If there is still enough interest I’d be willing to set up a dedicated Slack channel.

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I think we can do this, there does seem to be enough interest. I think we can approach this as a group that grows slowly over time given the interest that had appeared over time.

What times would everyone like to meet? I’m available Mondays, and Thursdays, I can make my schedule fit in those days.

(Probably give everyone 2 days to chime in)

I can make every day work at least until November.

Hi !
I am also very interested in contributing, even if I am still at the early ages of my development skills. Would be great to share thoughts and knowledges through the harebrain project.

I will be at PyBay next week. So, how does Monday the 19th at 6pm(pst) sound for our first meeting?

For those looking to work on Harebrain, please take a look at these set of patches. These are the patches my system needs to compile the current existing PoC.

They include:

Furthermore, on some systems, you may need to modify line L22 on https://github.com/fkautz/harebrain/blob/fix-0.4rc4/Sources/Harebrain/08_data_block.swift to use /usr/bin/tar instead of /bin/tar. You can find the correct path with the where command.

where tar

@jeremy is it possible to get these patches merged in? Thanks!

@marii would you be willing to help organize regular meetings on this? On days I am not traveling, I can commit to attending at 6pm pst every monday over zoom. I have a paid account and believe I can host.

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Yes, I am willing to help organize. Is there any information you need for the zoom? I was planning on posting a google form to collect email addresses.

That sounds like a good idea. I’ve got a recurring zoom meeting scheduled for 6pm. I don’t know if I need to be present, we’ll need to test it. It’s set for 6pm - 7:30pm but I should be able to extend the session if we think it’ll take longer.

We should set up a public google calendar that people can add to their calendars. This will make it easy to update the meeting details.

Here is the invitation:

Frederick Kautz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Harebrain Community Organized Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Mondays 6pm - 7pm PST

Join Zoom Meeting

One tap mobile
+19292056099,882037539# US (New York)
+16699006833,882037539# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 882 037 539
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aczgpHGDaq

You just taught me something. I had no idea you could make google calendars public. Will take a look at this one.

If you can’t work it out, let me know. I got a friend whom I can ask that has set one up.

This link work for you? https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=ZmEwNTExYTc2cXF0YW5lYnVpYWtlYmYxN29AZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

Yes, the link works. Can you change the meeting from an all day event to a specific time? I believe 6pm was the initial recommendation?

Thanks for organizing it. :slight_smile:

Updated the event to run from 6pm to 7pm. Thank you for catching that!

I’m realizing the latest version I pushed on course-v3 to be fully compatible with the 0.4 release never got converted to harebrain. Will fix that today, which may render some of those fixes irrelevant (and may also create new problems).
I’ll also push in harebrain the unstable version that is compatible with the nightlies (currently broken by two blocking bugs on S4TF).

@sgugger Just FYI, I was able to run through the full example in harebrain with the three patches listed. If you’re running into problems, these may help. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to seeing your patches!

Interesting meeting yesterday. Didn’t realize the name changed from harebrain to swiftai (https://github.com/fastai/swiftai); I like it. It was just @fkautz and I this time. This may be a good way for the fastai community to organize itself and support SwiftAI’s development.

Looks like we’re moving towards weekly meetings for each level of ‘differentiable programming’ abstraction: SwiftAI → S4TFMLIR.