Gradient Blending (for multi-modal models) - In Progress

First of all, thank you for the great resource!

Have some questions on @morgan implementation. Why are you calculating weighted accuracy? Also,

Did you try to increase the number of layers in the “mixed” classifier? If no, what would be your guess if you increase complexity in there?

I am doing some experiments with Image+Tabular with high class imbalance. I am trying to use some weighted cross entropy as explained here but I am not quite sure if this is implemented correctly, here is a code snipped:

def ModCELoss(pred, targ, weight=None, ce=True):
    pred = pred.softmax(dim=-1)
    targ = targ.flatten().long()
    if ce:
        loss = F.cross_entropy(pred, targ, weight=weight)
        loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred, targ, weight=weight)
    #loss = torch.mean(ce)
    return loss

class myGradientBlending(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, tab_weight=0.0, visual_weight=0.0, tab_vis_weight=1.0, loss_scale=1.0, weight=None, use_cel=True):
        "Expects weights for each model, the combined model, and an overall scale"
        super(myGradientBlending, self).__init__()
        self.tab_weight = tab_weight
        self.visual_weight = visual_weight
        self.tab_vis_weight = tab_vis_weight
        self.ce =  use_cel
        self.scale = loss_scale
        self.weight = weight
    def forward(self, xb, yb):
        tab_out, visual_out, tv_out = xb
        targ = yb
        "Gathers `self.loss` for each model, weighs, then sums"
        tv_loss = ModCELoss(tv_out, targ, self.weight, self.ce) * self.scale
        t_loss = ModCELoss(tab_out, targ, self.weight, self.ce) * self.scale
        v_loss = ModCELoss(visual_out, targ, self.weight, self.ce) * self.scale
        weighted_t_loss = t_loss * self.tab_weight
        weighted_v_loss = v_loss * self.visual_weight
        weighted_tv_loss = tv_loss * self.tab_vis_weight
        loss = weighted_t_loss + weighted_v_loss + weighted_tv_loss
        return loss

Where I added a new weigth value in both ModCELoss and myGradientBlending class. It seems to work well but I would like to tell me what you think.

Finally, how do you assess the proper weights for each loss? I do not quite understand this part, could you develop a little bit :slight_smile:?

EDIT: And just one more, any hints on how ClassificationInterpretation should be modified in order to make it work in this kind of model?


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