Google Cloud Platform

Yeah, I use budget n1-highmem-4 with nvidia-tesla-t4 and the combination works. There is a PR sent for updating (reverting) documentation but hasn’t been merged yet.

fwiw, I also tried Gradient free tier type before trying gcp, and found that it is a bit faster than my gcp instance setup above. (tested with lesson-1 pet example with bs=64. 22 sec v.s. 48 sec for an epoch.)

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Hello good people.

I just started the v3 course with a Google Cloud instance. It has been a mixed bag, but lately I am getting cut off from my session very often. So I wanted to know if anyone can tell me how I can transfer my instance to a non pre-emptive instance in the easiest way possible.
I know that I cannot just edit my existing instance and set it to non pre-emptive (which really annoys me) and I would like to keep my storage so I don’t lose all my progress (and don’t have to pay for twice as much storage).

Please if anyone can help me that would be very helpful. I tried searching the forums and the internet, but I could not really find anything and using the web interface of Google Cloud is a frustrating experience.

Nevermind, I was so frustrated after I tried to create an image from the instance which was still set to preemptive and no way for me to change this, that I deleted the whole instance and set up a new one. This probably means I have to pay for that image plus the new storage I added but at least I have something not-preemptive.
Man I remember that aws was much more transparent e.g. about what costs money and google cloud is super intransparent.
Anyways, I advise anybody to not do pre-emptive instances at this point as they are not up for longer than 10 minutes (if they start).

I’ve been auto-rejected every time for the last couple months. Calling their support wasn’t helpful, they would forward me to sales, who forwarded me back to support who forwarded me back to sales. Verified, months-old account. Even tried adding $50 to my account as recommended in some posts I found on reddit.

I still haven’t been able to use GCP…