Google Cloud Platform

Okay so here is one way:

Under google cloud platform main menu go to storage.
Create storage bucket.
Put a test csv file in.

Then, go to your compute engine instances.
Find your fast AI instance, under “connect” column — click SSH.

In resulting window follow (most) instructions starting @1:20 outlined in the video here (but read additional points below before that):

You will have to install GCSfuse to connect your bucket to your virtual machine:

After this script above, authorize access so that you dont get security/ bucket access error by running the following:

gcloud auth application-default login

Then follow instructions and authorize yourself.
Copy link code, etc etc etc.

When video instructions make it to this script:
gcsfuse YOURBUCKETNAMEHERE mnt/gcs-bucket

Change it to:
/usr/bin/gcsfuse BUCKETNAMEHERE /mnt/gcs-bucket

Follow this thread


doesn’t work you can find where your gcsfuse instance got installed by running the following command:
whereis gcsfuse

finish the video and that’s it, should be good to go.
Go to jupyterlab.
Create notebook.
Run your checks:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.read_csv(“gs://YOURBUCKETNAMEHERE/YOURTESTFIEL.csv”)

Still wondering if there is a way to read stuff from my desktop in VMs JupyterHub…

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