Hi @russnagel1, you may want to try this other option :
@nn.Charles @russnagel1
Hi there,
I have tried both solutions posted and have not had any success. If anyone does have a working solution please upload a screenshot of your code working or a link to your notebook so that I and others may debug further and look into the issue.
This code below I entered in the cell below
!pip install bing-image-downloader from bing_image_downloader
import downloader
for q in ["grizzly", "black bear”, “teddy bear"]:
downloader.download(q, limit=20, output_dir='bears', adult_filter_off=True, force_replace=False, timeout=5)
Edit: This is a community where we seek to grow together and further our skillset in deep learning. I do understand that some of you have solutions for this issue but a reminder please provide documentation and exact setup so that we may attain similar results.
This just worked for me. Note it only downloaded 20 images per ‘limit = 20’ in the last line of code. Let me know how it works for you.
I am using gradient as well.
Awesome that was tremendous team-work, I’m so very happy that this work-around is running. Hopefully the authors take notice of this issue and adopt this work-around or produce one themselves. Thank you team and keep on deep learning !
Edit: I used a server with 2gb ram, I upgraded to 30gb, everything is working fine.
Hi there !,
I am revisiting this thread as I had a question regarding the code work around. In the cell where in which “we can now create our Learner and fine-tune it” , I am presented with this error.
RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid 8417) is killed by signal: Killed.
Does this error have correlation to the work-around ?, and if not what can it be? I’m currently using gradient and the free server option.
I had the same problem and It worked for me!
Thanks! Happy learning!
Hi all, I have consolidated the code I shared above, and wrote a Towards Data Science Medium article about how to leverage the updated Bing Search V7 API together with the fast.ai capabilities for this lesson. Feel free to have a look!
And here is the Medium post as mentioned, containing the full updated code that works: https://towardsdatascience.com/classifying-images-of-alcoholic-beverages-with-fast-ai-34c4560b5543
Wow, thank you a lot!
I have run into one weird problem with it:
was not working and I had to import PIL.Image
(instead of from PIL import Image
) and later in each instance use PIL.Image.open
and besides that works smoothly!
Thanks for sharing this! Will amend the import in the article
Great article Kenneth!
I looked through the article and I can see I will learn a lot as I go through it slowly to really understand what you did.
Did you continue with the lesson after downloading the images? I went out of town and I am just now getting back to this. I had a problem with the next cell. Did you work around the issue with the first line in the next cell 'results = search_images_bing(key, ‘grizzly_bear’).
If so, please let me know what you did.
this question removed. Not the one above.
@russnagel1 Hi Russ, I hope all is well. Please provide a code sample of your error so that I can better assist you. I have been able to get the entire model into production via binder and made my own variation.
@russnagel1 Hi Russ, try giving this a try this is different method to get the images.
Use this instead:
!pip install bing-image-downloader
Followed by:
image_downloader import downloader
for q in ["Black Bear","Grizzly Bear","Teddy Bear"]:
downloader.download(q, limit=150, output_dir='bears', adult_filter_off=True, force_replace=False, timeout=5)
Assign your bears to the path ‘bears’:
bear_types = 'Black Bear','Grizzly Bear','Teddy Bear'
path = Path('bears')