Getting The Bing Image Search key

I am not able to find search_images_ddg api on the notebook. Is this api available on the fastbook chapt2 notebook?

Resolved : If people are using the template on paperspace, the fastbook version that is available as part of the template is 0.0.14. The new image search api, search_images_ddg is available in later versions. We need to upgrade the fastbook version. You can print your fastbook version using

import fastbook

The latest version as of 21st Aug is 0.0.18. search_image_ddg is available in this version

Here is an alternative to bing image search using the duck duck go api.

from duckduckgo_images_api import search
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='Unverified HTTPS request')
import requests

def ddgo_download_images(search_term = None, dest=None, max_results=None):
    search_results = [r['image'] for r in search(search_term, max_results=max_results)['results']]
    image_output_name = [search_term.replace(' ','_') + '_' + str(idx) + '.jpg' for idx in range(len(search_results))]

    for url, image_name in zip(search_results, image_output_name):
            # Skipping SSLCertVerificationError
            r = requests.get(url, verify=False)
            with open(dest/image_name, 'wb') as outfile:
path = Path('penguins')
search_terms = ['emperor penguin', 'king penguin']
if not path.exists():
    for search_term in search_terms:
        dest = (path/search_term)
        ddgo_download_images(search_term=search_term, dest=dest, max_results=10)

just wanted to reply to direct people to a solution that solved the issue at the current time, Sept 18, 2021. I was using the default cognitive search, make sure you follow step #2 provided by PedroSousa and search for bing search v7


Thank you so much! It worked! :grinning:

Had the same problem, so I made a web scrapper for myself and others with this in mind.

No cards, signups or anything needed. Run the .py file from terminal.

If you don’t have chrome & chrome-driver + selenium, there is a how-to (again, terminal command lines to copy-pasta) on the github page.

thanks! to generate a key to access Bing Image Search following the instructions by PedroSousa worked for me on 19/10/21.

it took me a bit of looking around until I found it, so hopefully that will help someone :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Wow, this helped me a lot, thank you!

Hi @thatgeeman
Thanks for the google search alternative and the detailed explanation on how to set it up.
However I am getting a '404 Client Error : Not Found for url’
When I tried the url it indeed no longer exists and instead I ended up in

Did you face a similar issue ?

I found a solution to my problem.
In fact the url for search changed and instead of
I used

Are you sure? the documentation says otherwise.

I am really confused because I do agree with you about the documentation mentioned. But when I tried it on paperspace with the url specified ( it gave me a 404 not found error.
That’s when I found this google page that helps you use the API whitout code, and you can see in the code part generated automatically that it uses
Maybe I am doing something wrong here without realising it.
Do your code still work without encoutering errors ?

Yes, I tried with both the URIs on Kaggle and both return the same information in the same format.

After a bit of slow reading I see here, here and here that they have differentiated both the URIs and best practices. In brief, works better with “Google-provided client libraries” since it uses gRPC transcoding syntax and for conventional RESTful requests. The query parameters remain the same. My understanding may be wrong (not an expert with these jargons) but this is what I was able to gather.

@ maxk it’s also worked for me


import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install numpy

from bing_image_downloader import downloader
import os, shutil
from pathlib import Path


#creates the parent dataset folder
if not path.exists():

labels=['grizzly', 'black', 'teddy']

for l in labels:'{l} bear',limit=100,output_dir=path,adult_filter_off=True)

    #changes the folder name from default to fastAI label specific
    if not Path(f"{path}/{l}").exists():
        os.rename(f"{path}/{l} bear", f"{path}/{l}")

    #add code to handle folder management if code is run multiple times 


  • Install the package (bing-image-downloader · PyPI)
  • Import the library at the start of the notebook
  • Replace the downloading images part of the code with the code provided here.


Hope this helps.


Thanks for this solution! Was getting splits of only 2 folders before: grizzly and a combo of black bear and teddy. This solved it.

DuckDuckGo does not require a key

!pip install -Uqq duckduckgo_search
from duckduckgo_search import ddg_images

def search_images(term, max_images=200):
  return L(ddg_images(term, max_results=max_images)).itemgot('image')

results = search_images('teddy bear')

Use the following syntax:

download_images(dest, urls=results)



After more than an hour of struggling, this worked for me: 2022-12-14.

I don’t think that the keys can be found using this method anymore.

You can also use this Google Images API for scraping Images.