Getting higher error rate (rmse value) for tabular dataset

Hey i am trying to predict dataset similar to rossman data.
Dataset includes 5 fields and Billing quantity is my target.

The dataset is of 3 years records containing 85 New materials sales at 81 different New Plants.
Datatypes of respective fields are:
Year int64
Month object
New Plant int64
New Material int64
Billing Quantity (MT) float64
dtype: object
I have attached the databunch code and I am getting error rate as NanScreenshot%20(31)
Please help me if you find what is wrong in the code. Thank you.

New user here, adding to this conversation as I couldn’t see how to start a new thread…

I think I’ve got a similar issue to the one above - essentially I have a Tabular model that’s training well with an RMSE of ~2.0.

Before submitting to a competition, I’m using re-adding the entire training and validation set as a test set, then using get_preds against this (to ensure I’ve got the workflow functioning properly). However when I export that model, load it back in and get_preds against that test set, the RMSE is around 60!

Would really appreciate if someone could help me out, and point out where I’m going wrong - this is a massive difference. I’ve included my code and some of the differences in results below:

Drop timestamps, rename target and declare continuous vs categorical variables for

cleaned_df = merged_df.drop(columns=[‘target_timestamp’]).rename(columns={
‘target_PPO:AC4_1A:TIC7201-PV’: ‘target’

for i in range(0, len(cleaned_df.columns)):
cleaned_df.iloc[:,i] = pd.to_numeric(cleaned_df.iloc[:,i], errors=‘ignore’)

cont_vars = cleaned_df.columns.values.tolist()

add_datepart(cleaned_df, “timestamp”, drop=True)

cat_vars = []

valid_idx = range(int(.7len(cleaned_df)), int(.9len(cleaned_df)))
procs=[FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize]
dep_var = ‘target’

Create indexed databunch

data = (TabularList.from_df(cleaned_df, path=data_path, cat_names=cat_vars, cont_names=cont_vars, procs=procs)
.label_from_df(cols=dep_var, label_cls=FloatList, log=False)

max_y = (np.max(cleaned_df[‘target’])*1.2)
y_range = torch.tensor([0, max_y], device=defaults.device)

learn = tabular_learner(data, layers=[1000,500], ps=[0.01,0.1], emb_drop=0.04,
y_range=y_range, metrics=root_mean_squared_error)

learn.fit_one_cycle(1, 1e-4, wd=0.1)

test_df = merged_df.drop(columns=[‘timestamp’, ‘target_timestamp’,‘target_PPO:AC4_1A:TIC7201-PV’])
test_df[‘target’] = np.arange(len(test_df))

for i in range(0, len(test_df.columns)):
test_df.iloc[:,i] = pd.to_numeric(test_df.iloc[:,i], errors=‘ignore’)

model_name = ‘regressor’

test_learn = load_learner(path=data_path, file=f’{model_name}.pkl’,
test=TabularList.from_df(test_df, cat_names=cat_vars, cont_names=cont_vars))

preds, y = test_learn.get_preds(DatasetType.Test)

px = preds.numpy()
px = pd.DataFrame(px)

testing = pd.merge(merged_df, px, left_index=True, right_index=True)
testing[‘target_PPO:AC4_1A:TIC7201-PV’] = testing[‘target_PPO:AC4_1A:TIC7201-PV’].astype(‘float’)

Calculate RMSE

((testing[‘target_PPO:AC4_1A:TIC7201-PV’] - testing.iloc[73]) ** 2).mean() ** .5

Result: 59.336321997070314

# Added for context - As you can see below, there’s quite a difference between the preds and actuals

Just built my first model and the results were too good to be true. And when I did a predict on my training set, just like above, my rmse was about 100 times higher than the loss func. I finally tried metrics=rmse and when I trained this column matched the rmse of my predictions.

So, the loss func is not rmse after all. Maybe it’s the variant that takes the sum of the weights into account, but it is not rmse.

So much for my Nobel prize…