Geospatial 2024

Hi all,

I just joined the course again to learn more about deep learning.
I work as a Data Engineer for a property information company and we work with Geospatial datasets.

I’m interested to know how can I apply deep learning with Geospatial datasets. I know the basics of GIS but do not have a solid foundation I have a computer science background.

I’m hoping at some point that I learn enough deep learning and GIS data preparation to be able to create a model that assess buildings from aerial images.

I saw a previous topic from @daveluo ( which I really liked but unable to replicate.

Hoping we could start a new thread going for geospatial related stuff.

Feel free to show any spatial related things you are working on. Also if you have tips on how to get started with geospatial with deep learning, the community will probably want to hear it as well.

Nice to meet you all!

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I’m also interested. Actually, my background is in remote sensing of the environment.

I recall beign some past thread about geospatial. Will look for it.

Here are some past discussions.

My background is computer science and software engineering in e-commerce, health and insurance sector. I am also keen to learn geospatial datasets, current real world problems related use cases.