Hi wcneill Hi hope your having a wonderful evening!
You may think you are slow but I may be slower. I would really like you to get your first app going. If you look at this thread Deployment Platform: Render ✅ you will see I have helped many people get their first app going.
Building the app may be a challenge but if you try to build an app and you have a problem and you at least try and fix it yourself and you post a question with the error message and a short description of what you tried, I and others will try and help.
Building the app lets you learn every step required to deploy an app.
If you are confident and you remember the steps, I am sure if you went for an interview, you would be in a better position than if you hadn’t built one.
Also, even if you didn’t get the job as “chief systems designer of machine learning systems”, you would be in better position to get a junior support role, to get your foot in the door.
I am looking forward to your first app!
Cheers mrfabulous1