Free GPU credits for Courses

Error: Raw GPU access is no longer supported on our platform. Please contact for more information and refunds for unused paid GPU hours.

Sign up for upcoming serverless training and deployment product.

I am getting this error please help.

Hi @cduguet , sorry the previous source of GPU is not very stable and we got attacks from miners and there were also a lot of security issues. We figured out itā€™s not a viable business to offer access to raw crypto mining rigs. Currently iterating the product so people can easily run machine learning on cloud through the software.

Can we still get free 100$ credit? Also theres no sign up anymore on your website?

is the promo code still available?

Hi @snarkai, I have signed up an account with Snarkai, however the promo code is no longer available. Is there any chance I can get the $100 promo?


Why donā€™t you guys try GPU instances available at - dam good for practicing at low price options, as low as USD 100 per month for a dedicated GPU with containers having all the components installed such as python, Tensorflow, KERAS, Anaconda, OpenCVā€¦instant one give it a go for your testsā€¦