FER2013 Facial Expression Detection

Hello everyone.

So I watched the first video and I wanted play around with something. I had already worked with Facial Expression Detection before, so I wanted to test it with resnet.

The challenge is on Kaggle for the FER2013 dataset. I’m going to be posting updates here.

So I tried hard to train my model on the dataset directly. After multiple sessions of resnet34 and resnet50 (+/- unfreeze) the maximum accuracy I achieved was 50%.

When I plot top losses I find some images have problems like being blank etc. So I am trying to clean the data by running OpenCV DNN Face Detector on the dataset and removing those faces with confidence < 50%.

There are 28k images with 7 classes in here. Also the distribution of images in the classes is very bad. Do I need to take equal from each class to better train ? Or whole (cleaned) ?

I cleaned the dataset and about 3k images were removed. So I have 25k images left now.
The distribution is like this:

angry disgust fear happy sad surprise neutral
3577 401 3565 6645 3985 2946 4584

which has very less items of the class disgust. Any suggestion on what to do ? I trained the model now and it gives me a decrease of just 2% error rate, i.e earlier error was 50% ish and now its 48% ish.

What does the confusion matrix look like?
Does your data after cleaning look decent?
Would you mind sharing your code, so we can see your model in more detail?

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Okay, here is the colab notebook link: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1b3eLAQ_7w-tbjgNVJjWHhqlY0j4GiKdX
I also nave the confusion matrix plotted in there.

The data looks decent, at least no non face images(after the pre-processing). But there seems to be some problem with some of the labels. Like some labels look like they’ve been labelled wrongly I guess.
Top Losses:

Wait, what. Why are the labels getting distributed. It should retain parts of all labels for train and for validation right.

Even without the normalize function called,

I cannot seem to connect to your notebook anymore. I did connect some hours ago once.

What do you mean by the labels are getting distributed?

I don’t understand what you mean by not being able to connect. Can you elaborate.

So when the data is split for training & validation, its split 70-30 or 80-20 but different classes are distributed equally right. That was my question. By labels, I meant classes.

But after some thought, I think that the Train in ImageDataBunch is just showing the labels for the first 5 images, not the classes which were given as input data.

The url to your notebook was not loading, but I opened it on a different computer, and it works fine.

You can specify the train-test proportion in your databunch argument, and you are right, it is showing only the first several items.

I don’t think they are equally distributed based on labels though, they are randomly distributed.

So you probably don’t need random.shuffle before putting them into databunch.

Just looking at your notebook, I think you might want to play around with different learning rates, instead of just passing .fit_one_cycle(10).

Also, seems like your model is underfitting since training loss is higher than validation loss.

Increase the number of epochs as well?

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In the ten cycles, the train_loss, val_loss and error_rate follow a pattern like - decrease very fast, slow down, stop, start increasing back. Thus, I thought that 10 epochs would be better or I could be facing overfitting.

Also, in the first lesson, it worked fine on the Oxford dog dataset with 10 epochs on resnet50. That also was in my consideration.