[fastpages] GitHub Pages Blog Using Nbdev

Unfortunately, nbinteract isn’t supported yet:

I was hoping that if I did the leg work of converting to HTML myself, maybe I can put it out there - but maybe it is not as simple as that.

Thank you for the quick response :slight_smile:

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Ah ok I see, I am not sure if you have an html file whether it will integrate well with fastpages. I guess it’s best for @hamelsmu to answer this.

Hi @hiromi do you have a stand-alone HTML file that does what you want? If so can you share it? That would be helpful!

If you can produce HTML that does what you want, then I know what to do from there. Let me know!


I made a simple example of getting a text input from a user in this repo:


I am not sure if it qualifies as a stand-alone because it probably needs that requirement.txt and .nbinteract.json file. But if this is something that can be hosted in fastpages, it would be amazing. And if there are other tools (like nbinteract) out there that would be easier to integrate with fastpages, then I have no problem switching to that tool as well!

Thanks once again :slight_smile:


Question, how do I make the inline code font size larger? IE see DataBlock here (either in the title or in the text), I want them to ideally be the same size

What is that in the CSS?

Can you open an issue on GitHub about this? I’ll fix this. However to answer your question you can use developer tools in your browser to see what element and class it belongs to and change that in the CSS


Sure :slight_smile:

Also I figured it out, thanks for the hint :slight_smile: I wanted to adjust it and the background color of the highlights as well. These were the two adjustments needed:

.post-content pre, .post-content code {
	background-color: #fff;

.post-content tt, .post-content code {
	font-size: 21px;

What does it look like just curious? Share a screenshot?

This is just white on white, still figuring out the color but the idea is there :slight_smile: (and the title is still a little smaller)

Edit: cleaner version (at this point I’m messing around and playing with it still, but glad I was on the right track finally :slight_smile: )

(color code: 9581b121)

FYI - I’m tracking this in Explore interactive notebook backends · Issue #128 · fastai/fastpages · GitHub

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@muellerzr fixed this in fix code blocks in headings by hamelsmu · Pull Request #224 · fastai/fastpages · GitHub. Thanks for letting me know!

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Awesome! Thanks! (is there a quick way to get this update?)

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I was about to say that I just saw that, thanks :wink:

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No worries! I’m hoping it works smoothly, there is a chance it might not :crossed_fingers:

Looks like I got the 8 ball :confused:

Your version of fastpages is up to date. There is nothing to change.

I just bumped the version, try again?

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Did the trick :slight_smile:

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