[fastpages] GitHub Pages Blog Using Nbdev

{%- if jekyll.environment == ‘production’ and
site.google_analytics -%}

By doing so it seems to work, so somehow jekyll envioronment is not production even on github page? I am not sure how to debug this, may need some help on this. :slight_smile:

@nok I think that I may have to fix this https://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/environments/

Please send me a link to your repo so I can make a PR and we can test it out for you. Leave the if statement in. Once we figure it out I can turn it on for everyone

I rollbacked the If statement changes.

note: I may not be able to give you feedback until tomorrow morning. I live in Asia so… time for bed.

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@nok @kennethwang this change will set the environment to production when your site is deployed https://github.com/fastai/fastpages/pull/177

You should not have to change the if statement. Let me know if this change works for you .

Nevermind. Looks like I have debugging to do, will report back on this thread in a bit

@nok @kennethwang Turns out I had to upgrade fastpages to get everything to work. Now production mode is turned on, so you shouldn’t have to change your if statement.

You should upgrade to the latest version of fastpages, however, as I made some significant improvements. Announcement is here Major Upgrade To Fastpages: Faster build times & customizations


Yikes it looks like git diff displays a lot of javascript stuff whn using bokeh?

You can use nbdime for diffing in a smart way, or else clear all output cells and save.

See https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jhermann/jupyter-by-example/blob/master/how-tos/git.ipynb for details.

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Thanks Hamel! By the way, do you know how we can remove the “About me” title that sits on the about me page? Was trying to edit post.html, however it isn’t working.

@kennethwang _pages/about.md

If you delete the title in the front matter the page goes away

Is there a way to keep the page but instead remove the title that is in bold?

Yeah. Change the title

title: My title

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Hmm the title is still there. It was just renamed to “My title”.

your browser is caching

Do a hard refresh

Hmm does not work for me, it is still there. Is there an “about.html” that I can edit to remove the title manually? Could not find it in the repo.

@kennethwang please provide a link to your repo

It works for me https://hamelsmu.github.io/fp-upgrade/

From https://github.com/hamelsmu/fp-upgrade

@hamelsmu I know it is a bit meta, but maybe you should set up a fastpages blog on the development of fastpages. That is a devlog I’d definitely read, and it would help me keep up with the fast changes :slight_smile:


@miko Intriguing idea! can you give me more specific ideas on things you would like to see on the blog ?

I’d be interested in following the development process and reasoning behind some of the changes/improvement. I always find it extremely useful knowing what is the thought process that brought to certain features, as it then helps me understanding how the tools work

Hi @hamelsmu, here is my repo:

For your case, you have named the title of the about me page as “SomePage”. Are you able to see the title in bold? I was hoping to remove that title.
