FastGarden - A new ImageNette like competition (just for fun)

Current best result using a modified XSE-ResNeXt 50 based on the Imagenette XSE-ResNeXt with a custom (24,32,64) stem and GeM Pooling. Stem inspired by Ross Wrightman and GeM pooling by DrHB.

76.55% ± 0.25%: Notebook, second submission.

I also included just the (24,32,64) stem as Submission 1 which had an accuracy of 75.29% ± 1.09%. GeM required lowering the batch size from 64 to 56 with a P100.

Also tested a (24,48,64) stem, less augmentation, more augmentation, and bs=56 with AvgPool, all which scored worse.