FastGarden - A new ImageNette like competition (just for fun)

I believe you mean fit_flat_cos? (looked at the notebook, unless I missed something :slight_smile: )

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Indeed! Whoops, edited.

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BTW, once you guys are getting comparable results, go ahead and edit the second post with the results. I’ll show an example with @jwuphysics momentarily :slight_smile: We’ll keep it on the honor system with keeping individuals on the leaderboard, just move them down one when it needs updating :slight_smile:

If we decide a different format is more readable please post ideas!

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I’m following the baseline notebook, and trying to get the kaggle file set with the !wget ‘URL’ -O ‘’ , and my download seems to stop after a minute or so. Does anyone else get this issue? I just copied the download link from the developer console. Thanks -Daniel

I have not, however perhaps try again? And could you post all the steps? (the exact place you copied the URL from on the console, the browser used, etc)

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The value in limiting the batch size is that they go through the system more quickly and with less variability, which fosters faster learning

Going to give this a shot. But for the setup instructions, would it be easier to just suggest people use the kaggle cli? Then it’s as easy as kaggle competitions download -c flower-classification-with-tpus to get the data, and you learn something that’ll be useful for future competitions.

Also if anyone is running outside of Colab you’ll have to do pip install tensorflow to run the starter notebook

Edit: more specifically, you’ll actually want pip install "tensorflow>=1.15,<2.0" since this tfrecord repository isn’t compatible with TF2.

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No, as it will download it all as tons and tons of zip files I found (atleast on colab)

That’s weird, for me when I run it I just get one zip,

In colab? Or a different env

I’m running on my own machine in Ubuntu so it definitely could be an env or version difference

I can say that in Colab it downloaded as a bunch of zips :confused:

I should’ve led with this, but: thank you for setting this up! It’s a fun way for fastai veterans to get acquainted with the new library, with a little less pressure than a full Kaggle competition


On paper space I just got one zip file using kaggle API and curlwget chrome extension


Hi Zachary,

Tried to figure this out. It seems like I get intermittent byte errors, and the wget freezes. To get the wget to restart itself after intermittent byte errors, I used the following line

!wget -T 15 -c “YOUR_URL” -O “”

-T = checks for timeout after 15 seconds (default 900 secs)
-c = continue wget download in case it was partially downloaded already


I ended up just downloading from the site instead of through jupyter notebook.

But here is what I was trying.

  1. Get link from kaggle. Note: the coped link is much longer than the picture.

  2. Wget in jupyter notebook. Note, this is not the curl method.

  3. Download freezes

I’m wondering if I’m missing some authentication or key. But I thought the copied download link contains it.

Daniel Lam

I’m not 100% sure what the errors could be, I’d try the recommendations from others in the thread too. It could be dataset dependent and/or environment dependent too (from Kaggle’s side on a firewall standpoint,etc). Sorry about the issues :confused:

I figured out a solution for my problem (updated in my post). I just added a “-T 15” flag into my !wget command. During my kaggle download, I’d get a byte error that stopped the download.

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what is the MaxBlurPool Layer? It seems to help the model get ~1-2% boost.

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It’s a recent technique that has the current highest leaderboard spot on ImageWoof and Nette: