March 23, 2020, 4:33pm
While following along the FastAI mega Online study series with @muellerzr , I made a couple of Notebooks and copied some of the @muellerzr work with fastaiv2 library and published it as Kaggle notebooks.
Do check it out here:
If I missed acknowledging anyone or citing something, do point out to me
March 25, 2020, 5:01pm
Dear Kurian,
awesome! I wrote an instruction on how to run fastai2 on Google Colab. This was to help my study group in Vienna getting started:
## Setting up Google Colab for FastAI2 & the lessons of course-v4
1. Prerequisite is a Google Drive account. Get it here: https://www.google.com/drive/
2. Download the FastAI course-v4 repository as a .zip to your local filesystem: https://github.com/fastai/course-v4.git
3. Upload “course-v4-master” folder to your drive (this instruction works with the root-folder of your GoogleDrive).
4. In your GoogleDrive, navigate into folder "course-v4-master/nbs" and open file “01_intro.ipynb” with connected app “Google Colab”.
5. Copy the linked code in the first cell of the notebook (erase the #hide contents): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/seduerr91/fastAI_v4/master/fastAI2_colab_setup
6. Authorize Google Colab to connect to your drive by following the screen instructions
7. Click “Runtime” > “Change runtime type” > Select “GPU” as “Hardware accelerator”; Click “Save”.
8. Start with training and enjoy the new FastAI v4! (If this is not working right away, then please try "Runtime", and "Restart runtime" which should resolve issues.)
Please mind: You may need to input the first cell into all the notebooks to have access to your files.

*** Tested on MacBook Air in Chrome Browser on March 22, 2020. ***
Thank you FastAI Team! You guys are awesome!
@sgugger : Maybe this helps fellow students?
Thank you guys for your awesome work.