Fastai2 Blog Posts, Projects, and Tutorials

My first blog.
Wrote a blog post for beginner like me who struggle with voila and heroku.

Please let me know if there’s any problem :smile:
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Hi karynaur Great post with informative and fun references.

Cheers mrfabuluous1 :smiley: :smiley:

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Hey there, recently I wrote my first blog post on deep learning. In this post I investigated how a batch size affects learning when we train image classifiers on natural images:


Hi Nikita Melkozerov Hope you are having an excellent day.

Great enjoyable and clear post with some interesting results.

Thanks mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

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I continued to reflect my new knowledge in blog posts, so there is a new post about classifying digits from MNIST dataset from scratch. It was inspired by the chapter 4 of the fastbook, except this time we classify all 10 digits, and have some fun with different loss functions.

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MNIST Handwritten digits classification from scratch using Python Numpy - A beginner friendly blog on writing a deep learning model to classify MNIST in vanilla python :slight_smile:


Hi karynaur hope all is well!
I found your post very enjoyable and informative.
:clap: :clap: here’s a couple of claps as I am not on

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

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Thank you @mrfabulous1 for taking the time to read it!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hello friends! :grinning:

I recently started working through the fastbook, and created two posts covering chapters 4 and 5. Use the posts to supplement the videos, and please feel free to reach out if you have any feedback!

@Albertotono is it OK for me to add my newly created blog to the wiki? I hope to update it as I do the course.

Also I am a little confused about what ‘Fastai2’ is. From this repo it looks like it was a temporary name and is now fastai. If that’s correct, perhaps you could rename this wiki page to ‘Fastai Blog Posts, Projects, and Tutorial’ to avoid confusion?


I wrote a post about using a deep learning model to assess the friendliness of a UI! It’s pretty much me thinking out loud about how to approach the problem. Lemme know your thoughts, and how you might go about solving such a problem :slight_smile:

Deep Learning for Judging UIs