Fastai v2 vision

Can someone please give me a hint how to apply different augmentations according to some condition? I tried to use something very simple like writing my own callback which generates this condition:

And then wanted to write a callback which enables only one augmentation and disables others if they are in the list augs. For example, I want to apply MixUp if condition is higher than some value and when this condition is lower I want to apply, say, some Grid distortion augmentation. How it can be done?

The easiest way is probably to have a function that returns a DataLoaders object with some of the augmentation you want to activate or not, then use self.dls = get_dls(custom_aug) inside your callback.

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@sgugger Sorry if found unnecessary tagging but I’m really stuck with handling multimodal data. I found TabularPandas particularly good at handling text data while normal DataBlock is good for tensor based data. The question is, how can I combine the both?

There is nothing out of the box to handle multimodal data right now in v2 (if it mixes tabular with text/vision. You will probably need to dig in the mid-level API and built your own block (or adapt the transforms at the very end of the tabular.core notebook) to build your pipelines.

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Okay. I’ve somehow managed to do that by writing my own Transform, will open a dedicated topic for “Multimodal Data Pipeline” and share the code there. Currently the pipeline I’ve written is insanely slow and I need your guidance on how we can improvise the same.

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This maybe a noob question. I want to use the mnist image as the x AND the y in an experiment. However, I only want to apply augmentation to the input, x. I can’t figure out how to prevent the augmentation on the target, y.

mnist = DataBlock(blocks = (ImageBlock(cls=PILImageBW),ImageBlock(cls=PILImageBW)),
                  get_items = get_image_files,
                  splitter = GrandparentSplitter(train_name='training', valid_name='testing'),
                  batch_tfms = [RandomErasing(p=1)],
                  n_inp = 1)

This results in RandomErasing applied to x and y:

Is this not possible in the High level API?

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You need a type that is not affected by Data augmentation since transforms are always applied and dispatched. We’ll probably add this pretty soon, in the meantime, you can write a custom ItemTransform that takes a batch b and only applies RandomErasing on x.


FYI, I made this in the end:

class RandNoisyTransform(Transform):
    order = 100 # After Normalize
    def __init__(self, noise_factor = 0.5):
        self.noise_factor = noise_factor

    def __call__(self, b, **kwargs):
        x,y = b
        return x + self.noise_factor * torch.randn(x.shape), y

I’m running a multi-label classification and get the following error when calling show_results:

in (.0)
13 ctxs = [, **kwargs) for b,c,_ in zip(samples.itemgot(i),ctxs,range(max_n))]
14 ctxs = [, color=‘green’ if b==r else ‘red’, **kwargs)
—> 15 for b,r,c,_ in zip(samples.itemgot(1),outs.itemgot(0),ctxs,range(max_n))]
16 return ctxs

AttributeError: ‘L’ object has no attribute ‘show’

I think the problem is caused by sometimes there’s no prediction for the image.

I can fix this by checking that ‘r’ has a method ‘show’ by adding

if hasattr(r, ‘show’)

into the list comprehension as follows, but this may not be the correct approach:

def show_results(x:TensorImage, y:TensorCategory, samples, outs, ctxs=None, max_n=10, rows=None, cols=None, figsize=None, **kwargs):
    if ctxs is None: ctxs = get_grid(min(len(samples), max_n), rows=rows, cols=cols, add_vert=1, figsize=figsize)
    for i in range(2):
        ctxs = [, **kwargs) for b,c,_ in zip(samples.itemgot(i),ctxs,range(max_n))]
    ctxs = [, color='green' if b==r else 'red', **kwargs)
            for b,r,c,_ in zip(samples.itemgot(1),outs.itemgot(0),ctxs,range(max_n)) if hasattr(r, 'show')]
    return ctxs

When I do this I now get the classification labels in black, as opposed to green or red.

Could you tell me more about you assembled your data?

I notice on the PETS datablock example (in nb50) we now have a attrgetter("name") passed into the get_y. Is this needed? Or what does it do exactly? As I would expect the RegexLabeller to be just returning it. Did something change in the behavior of RegexLabeller to where we need to find a name attribute? (Note I have not played around with the latest dev version, just looking at the commits :slight_smile: )

You might be able to see the whole notebook here:

Down the bottom, in the “Create the predictions” section is where its doing the show_results

Just want to point out, looking at your notebook I see the color codes (green/red), not all black as you describe (for show_results) :slight_smile:

No this is to show an example when get_y is a list of functions. Someone wanted to use RegexLabeller on the grandparent for instance, and I wanted to show them how you can compose several things in one get_y automatically.
It also simplifies the Regex and makes it work on all OS (since it was relying on a ‘/’ before). But the behavior of RegexLabeller hasn’t changed, no,

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Awesome :slight_smile: (I was wondering if it was this instead.) Thanks for the example!!! :slight_smile:

I’m not able to reproduce your bug. Even if I have no predictions for one image, all works perfectly on my side (I get red labels on first line and an nothing on the second line).

Yes, in that notebook snapshot it all worked fine - all the predictions had values and so they are all coloured red or green. They are only coloured black when an error occurs, which I think happens when a prediction isn’t made.

Ok. Thanks for looking. I’ll see if I can narrow it down further in my code.


@muellerzr Congrats for the notebook !

I have a question related to the models hybridisation (that I’ve already mentioned somehow in a previous post).
I want to create a DynamicUnet model that is able to handle 2 inputs (image + image/mask).

So I’m defining a DataBlock that loads the CamVid data and has a secondary input which is the mask we want to predict. It doesnt make any sense since that will be equivalent to “cheating” (we give the target in the input) but let’s ignore it.

camvid = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, MaskBlock(codes), MaskBlock(codes)),
                   get_y=lambda o: path/'labels'/f'{o.stem}_P{o.suffix}',
                   batch_tfms=[*aug_transforms(size=(360,480)), Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)], n_inp=2)

Then I’m creating a class inheriting from SequentialEx that can handle 2 inputs. The second input is ignored for the moment.

class CustomSequentialEx(SequentialEx):
    def forward(self, x, x2):
        res = x
        for l in self.layers:
            res.orig = x
            nres = l(res)
            # We have to remove res.orig to avoid hanging refs and therefore memory leaks
            res.orig = None
            res = nres
        return res

I create a new DynamicUnetBis that inherits from CustomSequentialEx and that has an identical implementation with DynamicUnet:

    the exact implementation from DynamicUnet

And then something similar with what you did:

def custom_unet(dls, arch, loss_func=None, pretrained=True, cut=None, splitter=None, config=None, n_in=3, n_out=None,
             normalize=True, **kwargs):
"Build a unet learner from `dls` and `arch`"
if config is None: config = unet_config()
meta = model_meta.get(arch, _default_meta)
body = create_body(arch, n_in, pretrained, ifnone(cut, meta['cut']))
size = dls.one_batch()[0].shape[-2:]
if n_out is None: n_out = get_c(dls)
assert n_out, "`n_out` is not defined, and could not be infered from data, set `dls.c` or pass `n_out`"
if normalize: _add_norm(dls, meta, pretrained)
model = DynamicUnetBis(body, n_out, size, **config) # HERE
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=loss_func, splitter=ifnone(splitter, meta['split']), **kwargs)
if pretrained: learn.freeze()
return learn

Then i create a custom_unet learner instance:

opt_func = partial(Adam, lr=3e-3, wd=0.01)#, eps=1e-8)

learn = custom_unet(dls, resnet18, pretrained=False,
                     opt_func=opt_func, path=path, metrics=acc_camvid,
                     config = unet_config(norm_type=None), wd_bn_bias=True)

When I’m calling:

bs = dls.one_batch()
output = learn.model(bs[0], bs[0])

i get the output:

torch.Size([2, 32, 360, 480]).

Everything good till now !

But then when I call:


i get this lovely error. Any idea why this is happening? @sgugger

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in one_batch(self, i, b)
    136             if not return
--> 137             self.loss.backward();                            self('after_backward')
    138             self.opt.step();                                 self('after_step')

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ in backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph)
    194         """
--> 195         torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/ in backward(tensors, grad_tensors, retain_graph, create_graph, grad_variables)
     98         tensors, grad_tensors, retain_graph, create_graph,
---> 99         allow_unreachable=True)  # allow_unreachable flag

RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (710) : device-side assert triggered at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/generic/

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in fit(self, n_epoch, lr, wd, cbs, reset_opt)
    175                         self.epoch=epoch;          self('begin_epoch')
--> 176                         self._do_epoch_train()
    177                         self._do_epoch_validate()

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in _do_epoch_train(self)
    148             self.dl = self.dls.train;                        self('begin_train')
--> 149             self.all_batches()
    150         except CancelTrainException:                         self('after_cancel_train')

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in all_batches(self)
    126         self.n_iter = len(self.dl)
--> 127         for o in enumerate(self.dl): self.one_batch(*o)

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in one_batch(self, i, b)
    140         except CancelBatchException:                         self('after_cancel_batch')
--> 141         finally:                                             self('after_batch')

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in __call__(self, event_name)
--> 108     def __call__(self, event_name): L(event_name).map(self._call_one)
    109     def _call_one(self, event_name):

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in map(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
    361              else f.__getitem__)
--> 362         return self._new(map(g, self))

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs)
    314     def _xtra(self): return None
--> 315     def _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs): return type(self)(items, *args, use_list=None, **kwargs)
    316     def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._get(idx) if is_indexer(idx) else L(self._get(idx), use_list=None)

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(cls, x, *args, **kwargs)
---> 41         res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)
     42         res._newchk = 0

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in __init__(self, items, use_list, match, *rest)
    305         if (use_list is not None) or not _is_array(items):
--> 306             items = list(items) if use_list else _listify(items)
    307         if match is not None:

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in _listify(o)
    241     if isinstance(o, str) or _is_array(o): return [o]
--> 242     if is_iter(o): return list(o)
    243     return [o]

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    207         fargs = [args[x.i] if isinstance(x, _Arg) else x for x in self.pargs] + args[self.maxi+1:]
--> 208         return self.fn(*fargs, **kwargs)

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in _call_one(self, event_name)
    110         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 111         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    110         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 111         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in __call__(self, event_name)
     22                (self.run_valid and not getattr(self, 'training', False)))
---> 23         if and _run: getattr(self, event_name, noop)()
     24         if event_name=='after_fit': #Reset to True at each end of fit

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in after_batch(self)
    388         mets = self._train_mets if else self._valid_mets
--> 389         for met in mets: met.accumulate(self.learn)
    390         if not return

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in accumulate(self, learn)
    351         self.count += 1
--> 352         self.val = torch.lerp(to_detach(learn.loss.mean(), gather=False), self.val, self.beta)
    353     @property

RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-d81c6bd29d71> in <module>
----> 1 learn.lr_find()

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in lr_find(self, start_lr, end_lr, num_it, stop_div, show_plot, suggestions)
    195     n_epoch = num_it//len(self.dls.train) + 1
    196     cb=LRFinder(start_lr=start_lr, end_lr=end_lr, num_it=num_it, stop_div=stop_div)
--> 197     with self.no_logging():, cbs=cb)
    198     if show_plot: self.recorder.plot_lr_find()
    199     if suggestions:

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in fit(self, n_epoch, lr, wd, cbs, reset_opt)
    181             except CancelFitException:             self('after_cancel_fit')
--> 182             finally:                               self('after_fit')
    184     def validate(self, ds_idx=1, dl=None, cbs=None):

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in __call__(self, event_name)
    106     def ordered_cbs(self, cb_func): return [cb for cb in sort_by_run( if hasattr(cb, cb_func)]
--> 108     def __call__(self, event_name): L(event_name).map(self._call_one)
    109     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    110         assert hasattr(event, event_name)

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in map(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
    360              else f.format if isinstance(f,str)
    361              else f.__getitem__)
--> 362         return self._new(map(g, self))
    364     def filter(self, f, negate=False, **kwargs):

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs)
    313     @property
    314     def _xtra(self): return None
--> 315     def _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs): return type(self)(items, *args, use_list=None, **kwargs)
    316     def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._get(idx) if is_indexer(idx) else L(self._get(idx), use_list=None)
    317     def copy(self): return self._new(self.items.copy())

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(cls, x, *args, **kwargs)
     39             return x
---> 41         res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)
     42         res._newchk = 0
     43         return res

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in __init__(self, items, use_list, match, *rest)
    304         if items is None: items = []
    305         if (use_list is not None) or not _is_array(items):
--> 306             items = list(items) if use_list else _listify(items)
    307         if match is not None:
    308             if is_coll(match): match = len(match)

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in _listify(o)
    240     if isinstance(o, list): return o
    241     if isinstance(o, str) or _is_array(o): return [o]
--> 242     if is_iter(o): return list(o)
    243     return [o]

~/workspace/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    206             if isinstance(v,_Arg): kwargs[k] = args.pop(v.i)
    207         fargs = [args[x.i] if isinstance(x, _Arg) else x for x in self.pargs] + args[self.maxi+1:]
--> 208         return self.fn(*fargs, **kwargs)
    210 # Cell

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in _call_one(self, event_name)
    109     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    110         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 111         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]
    113     def _bn_bias_state(self, with_bias): return bn_bias_params(self.model, with_bias).map(self.opt.state)

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    109     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    110         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 111         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]
    113     def _bn_bias_state(self, with_bias): return bn_bias_params(self.model, with_bias).map(self.opt.state)

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in __call__(self, event_name)
     21         _run = (event_name not in _inner_loop or (self.run_train and getattr(self, 'training', True)) or
     22                (self.run_valid and not getattr(self, 'training', False)))
---> 23         if and _run: getattr(self, event_name, noop)()
     24         if event_name=='after_fit': #Reset to True at each end of fit

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in after_fit(self)
    168         tmp_f = self.path/self.model_dir/'_tmp.pth'
    169         if tmp_f.exists():
--> 170             self.learn.load('_tmp')
    171             os.remove(tmp_f)

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in load(self, file, with_opt, device, strict)
    254         distrib_barrier()
    255         file = join_path_file(file, self.path/self.model_dir, ext='.pth')
--> 256         load_model(file, self.model, self.opt, with_opt=with_opt, device=device, strict=strict)
    257         return self

~/workspace/fastai2/fastai2/ in load_model(file, model, opt, with_opt, device, strict)
     39     if isinstance(device, int): device = torch.device('cuda', device)
     40     elif device is None: device = 'cpu'
---> 41     state = torch.load(file, map_location=device)
     42     hasopt = set(state)=={'model', 'opt'}
     43     model_state = state['model'] if hasopt else state

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ in load(f, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)
    527             with _open_zipfile_reader(f) as opened_zipfile:
    528                 return _load(opened_zipfile, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)
--> 529         return _legacy_load(opened_file, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ in _legacy_load(f, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)
    707     for key in deserialized_storage_keys:
    708         assert key in deserialized_objects
--> 709         deserialized_objects[key]._set_from_file(f, offset, f_should_read_directly)
    710         if offset is not None:
    711             offset = f.tell()

RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (710) : device-side assert triggered at /pytorch/torch/csrc/generic/serialization.cpp:148
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Most likely this is due to a mismatch in class codes. Are you sure they’re all what you should be expecting? To make sure the models working, try building it then making a single call to it through something like:

batch = dls.one_batch()[0]
res = learn.model(batch)

Check the inputs match up first and can run through, then we can try debugging your classes :slight_smile: