But 1.0.34 is just 1 month old, so even with this outdated version, all those modules are the same. The stuckness is a different symptom (conflict with dependencies from other packages), but it should still load.
I reviewed your previous posts, @Raymond-Wu, and now I see that here it did actually do the right thing - it was able to start loading fastai.text, but it was loading it from courses/dl2/fastai symlink which points to the fastai-0.7 source. I think this is the problem. You are trying to run the course-v2 files which require fastai 0.7 with fastai v1.
If you’re trying however to run fastai-0.7 because you want to run course v2 files, then of course we can’t solve it, since we are solving the wrong problem. In this case this discussion should be done over at Fastai v0.7 install issues thread and you will be not installing fastai-v1 in that case, but fastai-v0, follow the instructions in that thread instead.