Sorry for super beginner question. But how to create new environment for fastai v1? If I understand this correctly it is command like this: conda env create -f environment.yml
Is there somewhere environment.yml for fastai v1?
Because for environment.yml what I found is comment: # use/edit this file only for working with fastai-0.7.x version
The last two steps should install all you need in the fastai env. The remove an env you don’t need:
conda env remove -n fastai
To list all envs
conda env list
Could something bad or out of date get pulled in from cache - rather than re-loading? I agree that a fresh start sounds good. I haven’t seen a conda list output, but the earlier torchvision error looks like it is stuck on fastai 1.0.34,
But 1.0.34 is just 1 month old, so even with this outdated version, all those modules are the same. The stuckness is a different symptom (conflict with dependencies from other packages), but it should still load.
I reviewed your previous posts, @Raymond-Wu, and now I see that here it did actually do the right thing - it was able to start loading fastai.text, but it was loading it from courses/dl2/fastai symlink which points to the fastai-0.7 source. I think this is the problem. You are trying to run the course-v2 files which require fastai 0.7 with fastai v1.
If you’re trying however to run fastai-0.7 because you want to run course v2 files, then of course we can’t solve it, since we are solving the wrong problem. In this case this discussion should be done over at Fastai v0.7 install issues thread and you will be not installing fastai-v1 in that case, but fastai-v0, follow the instructions in that thread instead.
!!! Stas thank you for being so patient with me. I reread your message and now got everything to work! I owe you a coffee or something. Thanks for unblocking me!
I have fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04. and I want install latest fastai. So currently v 1.0.39
Here are my steps:
Download latest conda. Currently
Open terminal
command: $ bash (installed successfully with no errors)
command: $ sudo apt install nvidia-390 (installed successfully with no errors)
Reboot system!
Open terminal again and run this commands: $ conda create -n fastai python=3.7 (created with no errors) $ conda activate fastai $ conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch (installed successfully with no errors) $ conda install -c fastai fastai (version 1.0.39 is installed successfully with no errors)
Reboot system!
Terminal again and: $ conda activate fastai $ jupyter notebook
This automatically open new browser window with jupyter notebook and until now everything looks correct.
But when I try ran:
from fastai import *
from import *
from import *
import torch
I have this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘’
So it is looks like I’m runnig v0.7 or something.
Any idea what I’m doing wrong and how can I fix it?
I already tried few other similar way how to install latest fastai including pip but I have still same result
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘’
In a PR request, I pulled the latest developer version of fastai the following commands in a clean environment. I then had two problems which I think I solved, but want to post here so others know what to do if they see this.
I was able to reproduce this problem following your instructions. Mine was installed via conda and had no such problems.
So as you identified pip installs incompatible versions of some of the numpy functionality and bottleneck, conda’s versions of these packages don’t have that problem. The problem happens during pandas’ import.
It looks like a new long overdue release is being tested:, so perhaps let’s wait a little bit and perhaps it’ll get resolved automatically with the new release.
If, however, it gets delayed and/or new numpy is still not released, we will pin pip to bottleneck=1.2.0 for the next fastai release.
As you can see from the bug report, I managed to reduce the problem to:
python -c "import pandas"
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
Forgive the noob question here, but I am purposely working under 1.0.36.post1. I am using bash-git-prompt. When I am in the fastai folder, I am able to confirm I am using version 1.0.36.post1. When create a new folder for Kaggle competitions within the fastai folder, and then cd into the Kaggle folder, I check the version and now see that I am using 1.0.40.
All of this is done within a virtual environment. Any ideas on how I can make sure I am still under 1.0.36.post1? Apologies if I am supposed to be asking this question under a different thread than this one.
Use locate fastai/ if you’re on unix to find all the instances and then you will see if you have it installed twice. You probably have some symlinks pointing to a second install or something similar. Can’t tell without a proper report.
p.s. if you’re working with the git checkout, there was originally also a git cross-over in the 1.0.36 branch (with master HEAD) that has been fixed since then, so if you’re using the 1.0.36 branch, you need to update it.