FastAI course v4 MOOC

its finally here!

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Alright - so for all of you who have tried different platforms for setting up fastai (GCP, Colab, etc.), which one would you recommend, and what configuration? For example, would β€œ8 vCPUs, 30 GB RAM, NVIDIA Tesla P100 - $1.292 hourly:” be overkill? Thanks for your inputs! :slight_smile:

It would if you learning or researching. It’s worth to pay If you are utilizing fully GPU. Training will take much less time. But it’s not needed If you want to rummage in code (GPU here is hardly needed).

You can use google colab successfully until you need to run training for long hours.

When you working in the notebook colab should be sufficient. When you finish, just create from your notebook runnable script, to run on faster machine (e.g. GCP or AWS or Floydhub)