Fast Style Transfer in fastai v1

Yes, it is clear now!
There is a lot I can explore on the layer combo for style part (no. of VGG layers, and no. of blocks to be included per layer, and potentially the weight for each layer) . And directly optimizing from the target content image seems could speed up the training process (not sure if it would hurt the generalization), I would like to try out and see how much faster and how much content improvement it could gain.

Thanks for your feedbacks! :grin:


Hi riven314 and FraPochetti hope your both having a wonderful day!

This is one of my favorite threads, I did a lesson on ethics in yesterday and found it a little depressing, but this thread reminds of the beautiful art that can be created with ML, rather than some of the other uses that are not so beautiful.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :grinning: :grinning:

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