v3 2019课程中文版笔记

第一课 你的宠物


the purpose of this Nb

In this lesson we will build our first image classifier from scratch, and see if we can achieve world-class results. Let’s dive in!

三行Jupyter notebook魔法代码

three lines of magics

Every notebook starts with the following three lines; they ensure that any edits to libraries you make are reloaded here automatically, and also that any charts or images displayed are shown in this notebook.

%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

how fastai designs import

We import all the necessary packages. We are going to work with the fastai V1 library which sits on top of Pytorch 1.0. The fastai library provides many useful functions that enable us to quickly and easily build neural networks and train our models.


import everything we need

from import *
from fastai.metrics import error_rate

how to handle out of memory problem?

If you’re using a computer with an unusually small GPU, you may get an out of memory error when running this notebook. If this happens, click Kernel->Restart, uncomment the 2nd line below to use a smaller batch size (you’ll learn all about what this means during the course), and try again.


set batch_size

bs = 64
# bs = 16   # uncomment this line if you run out of memory even after clicking Kernel->Restart

Looking at the data


What Pets dataset is about?

We are going to use the Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset by O. M. Parkhi et al., 2012 which features 12 cat breeds and 25 dogs breeds. Our model will need to learn to differentiate between these 37 distinct categories. According to their paper, the best accuracy they could get in 2012 was 59.21%, using a complex model that was specific to pet detection, with separate “Image”, “Head”, and “Body” models for the pet photos. Let’s see how accurate we can be using deep learning!

We are going to use the untar_data function to which we must pass a URL as an argument and which will download and extract the data.


How to get docs

Help on function untar_data in module fastai.datasets:

untar_data(url: str, fname: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = None, dest: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = None, data=True, force_download=False) -> pathlib.Path
    Download `url` to `fname` if it doesn't exist, and un-tgz to folder `dest`.

how fastai get dataset

path = untar_data(URLs.PETS); path

how to see inside a folder

how to build path to sub-folders

path_anno = path/'annotations'
path_img = path/'images'

what does it mean to look at the data

The first thing we do when we approach a problem is to take a look at the data. We always need to understand very well what the problem is and what the data looks like before we can figure out how to solve it. Taking a look at the data means understanding how the data directories are structured, what the labels are and what some sample images look like.


getting labels is the key of handling dataset

The main difference between the handling of image classification datasets is the way labels are stored. In this particular dataset, labels are stored in the filenames themselves. We will need to extract them to be able to classify the images into the correct categories. Fortunately, the fastai library has a handy function made exactly for this, ImageDataBunch.from_name_re gets the labels from the filenames using a regular expression.


turn files inside a folder into a list of path objects

fnames = get_image_files(path_img)

how to make sure the same validation set?

pat = r'/([^/]+)_\d+.jpg$'
如何从regular expression 创建ImageDataBunch

how to create an ImageDataBunch from re

data = ImageDataBunch.from_name_re(path_img, 

print out images with labels

data.show_batch(rows=3, figsize=(7,6))



print out all classes and c

['Abyssinian', 'Bengal', 'Birman', 'Bombay', 'British_Shorthair', 'Egyptian_Mau', 'Maine_Coon', 'Persian', 'Ragdoll', 'Russian_Blue', 'Siamese', 'Sphynx', 'american_bulldog', 'american_pit_bull_terrier', 'basset_hound', 'beagle', 'boxer', 'chihuahua', 'english_cocker_spaniel', 'english_setter', 'german_shorthaired', 'great_pyrenees', 'havanese', 'japanese_chin', 'keeshond', 'leonberger', 'miniature_pinscher', 'newfoundland', 'pomeranian', 'pug', 'saint_bernard', 'samoyed', 'scottish_terrier', 'shiba_inu', 'staffordshire_bull_terrier', 'wheaten_terrier', 'yorkshire_terrier']
(37, 37)

Training: resnet34


what is transfer learning like?

Now we will start training our model. We will use a convolutional neural network backbone and a fully connected head with a single hidden layer as a classifier. Don’t know what these things mean? Not to worry, we will dive deeper in the coming lessons. For the moment you need to know that we are building a model which will take images as input and will output the predicted probability for each of the categories (in this case, it will have 37 outputs).

We will train for 4 epochs (4 cycles through all our data).


how to create a CNN model as transfer learning

learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)

how to see the structure of model

  (0): Sequential(
    (0): Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(2, 2), padding=(3, 3), bias=False)
    (1): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (2): ReLU(inplace)
    (3): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
    (4): Sequential(
      (0): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (1): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (2): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (5): Sequential(
      (0): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (downsample): Sequential(
          (0): Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(2, 2), bias=False)
          (1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (1): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (2): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (3): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (6): Sequential(
      (0): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(128, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (downsample): Sequential(
          (0): Conv2d(128, 256, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(2, 2), bias=False)
          (1): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (1): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (2): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (3): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (4): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (5): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (7): Sequential(
      (0): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(256, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (downsample): Sequential(
          (0): Conv2d(256, 512, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(2, 2), bias=False)
          (1): BatchNorm2d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (1): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
      (2): BasicBlock(
        (conv1): Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn1): BatchNorm2d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (relu): ReLU(inplace)
        (conv2): Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        (bn2): BatchNorm2d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  (1): Sequential(
    (0): AdaptiveConcatPool2d(
      (ap): AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=1)
      (mp): AdaptiveMaxPool2d(output_size=1)
    (1): Flatten()
    (2): BatchNorm1d(1024, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (3): Dropout(p=0.25)
    (4): Linear(in_features=1024, out_features=512, bias=True)
    (5): ReLU(inplace)
    (6): BatchNorm1d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (7): Dropout(p=0.5)
    (8): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=37, bias=True)

how to fit the model with the best default setting


Total time: 01:46

epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate
1 1.409939 0.357608 0.102165
2 0.539408 0.242496 0.073072
3 0.340212 0.221338 0.066306
4 0.261859 0.216619 0.071042

how to save a model'stage-1')



how do we know our model is working correctly or reasonably or not?

Let’s see what results we have got.

We will first see which were the categories that the model most confused with one another. We will try to see if what the model predicted was reasonable or not. In this case the mistakes look reasonable (none of the mistakes seems obviously naive). This is an indicator that our classifier is working correctly.

confusion matrix能告诉我们什么?

what can confusion matrix tell us?

Furthermore, when we plot the confusion matrix, we can see that the distribution is heavily skewed: the model makes the same mistakes over and over again but it rarely confuses other categories. This suggests that it just finds it difficult to distinguish some specific categories between each other; this is normal behaviour.


how to access the idx and losses of the images with the top losses

interp = ClassificationInterpretation.from_learner(learn)

losses,idxs = interp.top_losses()


how to plot the top loss images

interp.plot_top_losses(9, figsize=(15,11))


how to print out docs nicely

如何画confusion matrix

how to plot confusion matrix

interp.plot_confusion_matrix(figsize=(12,12), dpi=60)


how to print out the most confused categories and count errors

[('British_Shorthair', 'Russian_Blue', 5),
 ('Ragdoll', 'Birman', 5),
 ('staffordshire_bull_terrier', 'american_pit_bull_terrier', 5),
 ('Birman', 'Ragdoll', 3),
 ('Birman', 'Siamese', 3),
 ('Persian', 'Maine_Coon', 3),
 ('Persian', 'Ragdoll', 3),
 ('Russian_Blue', 'British_Shorthair', 3),
 ('american_bulldog', 'american_pit_bull_terrier', 3),
 ('american_pit_bull_terrier', 'staffordshire_bull_terrier', 3),
 ('chihuahua', 'miniature_pinscher', 3)]

Unfreezing, fine-tuning, and learning rates


when to unfreeze the model?

Since our model is working as we expect it to, we will unfreeze our model and train some more.


how to unfreeze the model?


how to fit for one epoch


Total time: 00:26

epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate
1 0.558166 0.314579 0.101489

how to save the model


how to explore lr within a range for lower loss?

LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.

how to plot the loss-lr graph and read the best range?




how to unfreeze model and fit with a specific range of lr with epochs

learn.fit_one_cycle(2, max_lr=slice(1e-6,1e-4))

Total time: 00:53

epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate
1 0.242544 0.208489 0.067659
2 0.206940 0.204482 0.062246

That’s a pretty accurate model!

Training: resnet50

what is the difference between resnet34 and resnet50

what is the difference between resnet34 and resnet50

Now we will train in the same way as before but with one caveat: instead of using resnet34 as our backbone we will use resnet50 (resnet34 is a 34 layer residual network while resnet50 has 50 layers. It will be explained later in the course and you can learn the details in the resnet paper).

why use larger model and image to train with smaller batch size?

why use larger model and image to train with smaller batch size?

Basically, resnet50 usually performs better because it is a deeper network with more parameters. Let’s see if we can achieve a higher performance here. To help it along, let’s us use larger images too, since that way the network can see more detail. We reduce the batch size a bit since otherwise this larger network will require more GPU memory.

how to create an ImageDatabunch with re and setting image size and batch size?

how to create an ImageDatabunch with re and setting image size and batch size?

data = ImageDataBunch.from_name_re(path_img, 
how to create an CNN model with this data?

how to create an CNN model with this data?

learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet50, metrics=error_rate)
find and plot the loss-lr relation

find and plot the loss-lr relation

LR Finder complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.


how to fit the model 8 epochs

how to fit the model 8 epochs

Total time: 06:59
epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate
1      0.548006    0.268912    0.076455    (00:57)
2      0.365533    0.193667    0.064953    (00:51)
3      0.336032    0.211020    0.073072    (00:51)
4      0.263173    0.212025    0.060893    (00:51)
5      0.217016    0.183195    0.063599    (00:51)
6      0.161002    0.167274    0.048038    (00:51)
7      0.086668    0.143490    0.044655    (00:51)
8      0.082288    0.154927    0.046008    (00:51)
how to save the model with a different name

how to save the model with a different name'stage-1-50')

It’s astonishing that it’s possible to recognize pet breeds so accurately! Let’s see if full fine-tuning helps:

how to unfreeze and fit with a specific range for 3 epochs

how to unfreeze and fit with a specific range for 3 epochs

learn.fit_one_cycle(3, max_lr=slice(1e-6,1e-4))
Total time: 03:27
epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate
1      0.097319    0.155017    0.048038    (01:10)
2      0.074885    0.144853    0.044655    (01:08)
3      0.063509    0.144917    0.043978    (01:08)
how to go back to previous model

how to go back to previous model

how to get classification model interpretor

how to get classification model interpretor

interp = ClassificationInterpretation.from_learner(learn)
how to print out the most confused categories with minimum count

how to print out the most confused categories with minimum count

[('american_pit_bull_terrier', 'staffordshire_bull_terrier', 6),
 ('Bengal', 'Egyptian_Mau', 5),
 ('Bengal', 'Abyssinian', 4),
 ('boxer', 'american_bulldog', 4),
 ('Ragdoll', 'Birman', 4),
 ('Egyptian_Mau', 'Bengal', 3)]

Other data formats

how to get MNIST_SAMPLE dataset

how to get MNIST_SAMPLE dataset

path = untar_data(URLs.MNIST_SAMPLE); path
how to set flip false for transformation

how to set flip false for transformation

tfms = get_transforms(do_flip=False)
how to create ImageDataBunch from folders

how to create ImageDataBunch from folders

data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(path, ds_tfms=tfms, size=26)
how to print out image examples from a batch

how to print out image examples from a batch

data.show_batch(rows=3, figsize=(5,5))


how to create a cnn with resnet18 and accuracy as metrics

how to create a cnn with resnet18 and accuracy as metrics

learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet18, metrics=accuracy)
how to fit 2 epocs

how to fit 2 epocs
Total time: 00:23
epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  accuracy
1      0.116117    0.029745    0.991168  (00:12)
2      0.056860    0.015974    0.994603  (00:10)
how to read a csv with pd

how to read a csv with pd

df = pd.read_csv(path/'labels.csv')
how to read first 5 lines

how to read first 5 lines

.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
name label
0 train/3/7463.png 0
1 train/3/21102.png 0
2 train/3/31559.png 0
3 train/3/46882.png 0
4 train/3/26209.png 0
how to create ImageDataBunch with csv

how to create ImageDataBunch with csv

data = ImageDataBunch.from_csv(path, ds_tfms=tfms, size=28)
how to print out images from a batch and classes

how to print out images from a batch and classes

data.show_batch(rows=3, figsize=(5,5))
[0, 1]


how to create ImageDataBunch from df

how to create ImageDataBunch from df

data = ImageDataBunch.from_df(path, df, ds_tfms=tfms, size=24)
[0, 1]
how to create file path object into a list from df

how to create file path object into a list from df

fn_paths = [path/name for name in df['name']]; fn_paths[:2]
how to create ImageDataBunch from re

how to create ImageDataBunch from re

pat = r"/(\d)/\d+\.png$"
data = ImageDataBunch.from_name_re(path, fn_paths, pat=pat, ds_tfms=tfms, size=24)
['3', '7']
how to create ImageDataBunch from name function with file path list

how to create ImageDataBunch from name function with file path list

data = ImageDataBunch.from_name_func(path, fn_paths, ds_tfms=tfms, size=24,
        label_func = lambda x: '3' if '/3/' in str(x) else '7')
['3', '7']
how to create a list of labels from list of file path

how to create a list of labels from list of file path

labels = [('3' if '/3/' in str(x) else '7') for x in fn_paths]
['3', '3', '3', '3', '3']
how to create an ImageDataBunch from list

how to create an ImageDataBunch from list

data = ImageDataBunch.from_lists(path, fn_paths, labels=labels, ds_tfms=tfms, size=24)
['3', '7']


Creating your own dataset from Google Images



by: Francisco Ingham and Jeremy Howard. Inspired by Adrian Rosebrock

In this tutorial we will see how to easily create an image dataset through Google Images. Note: You will have to repeat these steps for any new category you want to Google (e.g once for dogs and once for cats).



from import *

Get a list of URLs



Search and scroll

Go to Google Images and search for the images you are interested in. The more specific you are in your Google Search, the better the results and the less manual pruning you will have to do.

Scroll down until you’ve seen all the images you want to download, or until you see a button that says ‘Show more results’. All the images you scrolled past are now available to download. To get more, click on the button, and continue scrolling. The maximum number of images Google Images shows is 700.

It is a good idea to put things you want to exclude into the search query, for instance if you are searching for the Eurasian wolf, “canis lupus lupus”, it might be a good idea to exclude other variants:

"canis lupus lupus" -dog -arctos -familiaris -baileyi -occidentalis

You can also limit your results to show only photos by clicking on Tools and selecting Photos from the Type dropdown.



Download into file

Now you must run some Javascript code in your browser which will save the URLs of all the images you want for you dataset.

Press CtrlShiftJ in Windows/Linux and CmdOptJ in Mac, and a small window the javascript ‘Console’ will appear. That is where you will paste the JavaScript commands.

You will need to get the urls of each of the images. You can do this by running the following commands:

urls = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.rg_di .rg_meta')).map(el=>JSON.parse(el.textContent).ou);'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(urls.join('\n')));


Create directory and upload urls file into your server

Choose an appropriate name for your labeled images. You can run these steps multiple times to create different labels.

folder = 'black'
file = 'urls_black.txt'
folder = 'teddys'
file = 'urls_teddys.txt'
folder = 'grizzly'
file = 'urls_grizzly.txt'

You will need to run this cell once per each category.



path = Path('data/bears')
dest = path/folder
dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)


Finally, upload your urls file. You just need to press ‘Upload’ in your working directory and select your file, then click ‘Upload’ for each of the displayed files.

uploaded file

Download images



Now you will need to download your images from their respective urls. has a function that allows you to do just that. You just have to specify the urls filename as well as the destination folder and this function will download and save all images that can be opened. If they have some problem in being opened, they will not be saved.

Let’s download our images! Notice you can choose a maximum number of images to be downloaded. In this case we will not download all the urls.

You will need to run this line once for every category.

classes = ['teddys','grizzly','black']
download_images(path/file, dest, max_pics=200)


# If you have problems download, try with `max_workers=0` to see exceptions:
download_images(path/file, dest, max_pics=20, max_workers=0)


Then we can remove any images that can’t be opened:

for c in classes:
    verify_images(path/c, delete=True, max_size=500)

View data



data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(path, train=".", valid_pct=0.2,
        ds_tfms=get_transforms(), size=224, num_workers=4).normalize(imagenet_stats)


# If you already cleaned your data, run this cell instead of the one before
# np.random.seed(42)
# data = ImageDataBunch.from_csv(".", folder=".", valid_pct=0.2, csv_labels='cleaned.csv',
#         ds_tfms=get_transforms(), size=224, num_workers=4).normalize(imagenet_stats)

Good! Let’s take a look at some of our pictures then.



['black', 'grizzly', 'teddys']


data.show_batch(rows=3, figsize=(7,8))



data.classes, data.c, len(data.train_ds), len(data.valid_ds)
(['black', 'grizzly', 'teddys'], 3, 448, 111)

Train model



learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)











learn.fit_one_cycle(2, max_lr=slice(3e-5,3e-4))


Interpretation 解读





interp = ClassificationInterpretation.from_learner(learn)
对confusion matrix 作图

对confusion matrix 作图



Cleaning Up



Some of our top losses aren’t due to bad performance by our model. There are images in our data set that shouldn’t be.

Using the ImageCleaner widget from fastai.widgets we can prune our top losses, removing photos that don’t belong.

from fastai.widgets import *


First we need to get the file paths from our top_losses. We can do this with .from_toplosses. We then feed the top losses indexes and corresponding dataset to ImageCleaner.

Notice that the widget will not delete images directly from disk but it will create a new csv file cleaned.csv from where you can create a new ImageDataBunch with the corrected labels to continue training your model.

ds, idxs = DatasetFormatter().from_toplosses(learn, ds_type=DatasetType.Valid)


ImageCleaner(ds, idxs, path)
'No images to show :)'

Flag photos for deletion by clicking ‘Delete’. Then click ‘Next Batch’ to delete flagged photos and keep the rest in that row. ImageCleaner will show you a new row of images until there are no more to show. In this case, the widget will show you images until there are none left from top_losses.ImageCleaner(ds, idxs)



You can also find duplicates in your dataset and delete them! To do this, you need to run .from_similars to get the potential duplicates’ ids and then run ImageCleaner with duplicates=True. The API works in a similar way as with misclassified images: just choose the ones you want to delete and click ‘Next Batch’ until there are no more images left.

ds, idxs = DatasetFormatter().from_similars(learn, ds_type=DatasetType.Valid)


ImageCleaner(ds, idxs, path, duplicates=True)
'No images to show :)'


Remember to recreate your ImageDataBunch from your cleaned.csv to include the changes you made in your data!

Putting your model in production 创建网页 APP



First thing first, let’s export the content of our Learner object for production:


This will create a file named ‘export.pkl’ in the directory where we were working that contains everything we need to deploy our model (the model, the weights but also some metadata like the classes or the transforms/normalization used).



You probably want to use CPU for inference, except at massive scale (and you almost certainly don’t need to train in real-time). If you don’t have a GPU that happens automatically. You can test your model on CPU like so:

defaults.device = torch.device('cpu')


img = open_image(path/'black'/'00000021.jpg')




We create our Learner in production enviromnent like this, jsut make sure that path contains the file ‘export.pkl’ from before.

learn = load_learner(path)


pred_class,pred_idx,outputs = learn.predict(img)
Category black


So you might create a route something like this (thanks to Simon Willison for the structure of this code):

@app.route("/classify-url", methods=["GET"])
async def classify_url(request):
    bytes = await get_bytes(request.query_params["url"])
    img = open_image(BytesIO(bytes))
    _,_,losses = learner.predict(img)
    return JSONResponse({
        "predictions": sorted(
            zip(, map(float, losses)),
            key=lambda p: p[1],

(This example is for the Starlette web app toolkit.)

Things that can go wrong



  • Most of the time things will train fine with the defaults
  • There’s not much you really need to tune (despite what you’ve heard!)
  • Most likely are
    • Learning rate
    • Number of epochs


Learning rate (LR) too high

learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)
learn.fit_one_cycle(1, max_lr=0.5)
Total time: 00:13
epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate       
1      12.220007   1144188288.000000  0.765957    (00:13)


Learning rate (LR) too low

learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)

Previously we had this result:

Total time: 00:57
epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate
1      1.030236    0.179226    0.028369    (00:14)
2      0.561508    0.055464    0.014184    (00:13)
3      0.396103    0.053801    0.014184    (00:13)
4      0.316883    0.050197    0.021277    (00:15)
learn.fit_one_cycle(5, max_lr=1e-5)
Total time: 01:07
epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate
1      1.349151    1.062807    0.609929    (00:13)
2      1.373262    1.045115    0.546099    (00:13)
3      1.346169    1.006288    0.468085    (00:13)
4      1.334486    0.978713    0.453901    (00:13)
5      1.320978    0.978108    0.446809    (00:13)


As well as taking a really long time, it’s getting too many looks at each image, so may overfit.



Too few epochs

learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate, pretrained=False)
Total time: 00:14
epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate
1      0.602823    0.119616    0.049645    (00:14)


Too many epochs

data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(path, train=".", valid_pct=0.9, bs=32, 
        ds_tfms=get_transforms(do_flip=False, max_rotate=0, max_zoom=1, max_lighting=0, max_warp=0
                              ),size=224, num_workers=4).normalize(imagenet_stats)
learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet50, metrics=error_rate, ps=0, wd=0)
learn.fit_one_cycle(40, slice(1e-6,1e-4))
Total time: 06:39
epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate
1      1.513021    1.041628    0.507326    (00:13)
2      1.290093    0.994758    0.443223    (00:09)
3      1.185764    0.936145    0.410256    (00:09)
4      1.117229    0.838402    0.322344    (00:09)
5      1.022635    0.734872    0.252747    (00:09)
6      0.951374    0.627288    0.192308    (00:10)
7      0.916111    0.558621    0.184982    (00:09)
8      0.839068    0.503755    0.177656    (00:09)
9      0.749610    0.433475    0.144689    (00:09)
10     0.678583    0.367560    0.124542    (00:09)
11     0.615280    0.327029    0.100733    (00:10)
12     0.558776    0.298989    0.095238    (00:09)
13     0.518109    0.266998    0.084249    (00:09)
14     0.476290    0.257858    0.084249    (00:09)
15     0.436865    0.227299    0.067766    (00:09)
16     0.457189    0.236593    0.078755    (00:10)
17     0.420905    0.240185    0.080586    (00:10)
18     0.395686    0.255465    0.082418    (00:09)
19     0.373232    0.263469    0.080586    (00:09)
20     0.348988    0.258300    0.080586    (00:10)
21     0.324616    0.261346    0.080586    (00:09)
22     0.311310    0.236431    0.071429    (00:09)
23     0.328342    0.245841    0.069597    (00:10)
24     0.306411    0.235111    0.064103    (00:10)
25     0.289134    0.227465    0.069597    (00:09)
26     0.284814    0.226022    0.064103    (00:09)
27     0.268398    0.222791    0.067766    (00:09)
28     0.255431    0.227751    0.073260    (00:10)
29     0.240742    0.235949    0.071429    (00:09)
30     0.227140    0.225221    0.075092    (00:09)
31     0.213877    0.214789    0.069597    (00:09)
32     0.201631    0.209382    0.062271    (00:10)
33     0.189988    0.210684    0.065934    (00:09)
34     0.181293    0.214666    0.073260    (00:09)
35     0.184095    0.222575    0.073260    (00:09)
36     0.194615    0.229198    0.076923    (00:10)
37     0.186165    0.218206    0.075092    (00:09)
38     0.176623    0.207198    0.062271    (00:10)
39     0.166854    0.207256    0.065934    (00:10)
40     0.162692    0.206044    0.062271    (00:09)
1 Like

Lesson 3 multi-label and segmentation


Intro Andrew Ng and Fastai ML courses

Intro Andrew Ng and Fastai ML courses
- what special about fastai ML course?
- why should take both Ng and fastai ML courses?

用Zeit实现Web App

Deploy your model on Zeit

Deploy your model on Zeit
- just a page instruction
- free and easy


Student Projects deployed online

Student Projects deployed online 170-418
- what car is that by Edward Ross
- build the app help understand the model better
- no need to use mobile NN api
- Healthy or Not!
- [image:104C2ABE-D1CF-440B-A38B-6BE5569D516B-86291-000381CF60EFD424/26B26097-13E0-4526-95CD-64EBD0D52680.png]

- Trinidad and Tobago Hummingbird classifier
	- [image:ADB4E47E-BFF5-4065-9471-E6AAE95CF2B8-86291-000381DF9FE0D786/2A47E6C9-ABAB-4FD9-B329-02DDE21DBD83.png]
- Check your mushroom
	- [image:A2CAB546-E926-4BEF-B0FE-A97CA8C59C8E-86291-000381EE4799B078/0866584B-7A59-49B8-9718-CA9CC3D1881E.png]
- cousin classifier
	- [image:0A3510E0-A979-43EE-A560-AFD9E5D0CD98-86291-000381F869D4F914/CFBB57C7-1ED6-4D19-9D63-2DD2A480C3BD.png]
- emotion detector and classifier
	- [image:CDC2A15D-C402-4533-A51C-A572060A2AD6-86291-000382017E9B9B81/9AF78E81-7344-49B1-894A-F81033F7BFD6.png]
- sign language detector
	- [image:29705796-EDB2-4EA3-B67F-34E1A272AD0B-86291-0003820E0154E0B5/3106750F-8A8D-4414-9910-780AB4DE4411.png]
- your city detector
	- [image:ACB64105-9676-4D10-A7ED-A3CA094E4462-86291-0003821CB4217822/D18076AA-FA7F-4F10-A674-CA84BA810373.png]
- time series classification
	- [image:877696BC-C47D-4AB7-AE0D-05205B9BCA85-86291-00038228FFA7EFC0/4738255D-E810-4830-84C7-D34109F22E69.png]
- facial emotion classification
	- [image:1647B963-2CAC-406D-8EA5-B8C8E41431D8-86291-00038355D164F364/F9A95BBA-6683-4E15-8757-A798FC5258A0.png]
- tumor sequencing
	- [image:D0B6EDB8-9781-4C0E-BE11-AE5E9CF49EDA-86291-0003835CAE96793E/6E587C7F-FD7C-43E8-B06F-EDE585B8007C.png]
- [Face Expression Recognition with fastai v1 – Pierre Guillou – Medium](

Introduction to Satellite Imaging dataset

Introduction to Satellite Imaging dataset 9:20-11:02 418-500
- check out the image examples and labels
- what is multi-label classification?

如何下载kaggle 数据集

how to download dataset from Kaggle

How to download dataset from Kaggle
- What is Kaggle and why it is good?
- How to download dataset from Kaggle?
- How to comment, reverse comment?
- use the notebook to guide the process of downloading
- how to download with 7zip format?
- how to unzip 7zip file?

介绍data block api

Introduction to data block API

Introduction to data block API
- Note the dataset is images with multiple labels
- how to read csv with pandas?
- what data object we use for modeling?
- previously what was the trickiest step of deep learning?
- how to create more flexible ways to create your DataBunch, instead of factory method?
- What is data block api and how does it work in general?

介绍 Dataset, DataLoader, DataBunch

Introduction to Dataset, DataLoader, DataBunch

Introduction to Dataset, DataLoader, DataBunch
- What is Dataset class?
- what does __getitem__ and __len__ do?
- How to use DataLoader to handle mini-batch?
- How to validate model with DataBunch?
- How to link all the above together through data block api?

用api Nb学习data block 用法

Explore data block api notebook

Explore data block api notebook
- use data block api notebook to play with the functions and tiny version of dataset
- a lot of skills to dig into (a lot of questions can be further created)


How to do transforms

How to do transforms
- when and how to pick on flip_vert?
- how to experiment to find out the best values for other parameters?
- what does max_warp do?
- when and how to use it for different dataset?
- building a model procedure is the same as usual


How to create your own version of metrics

How to create your own version of metrics
* what does we use metrics for?
* how to create the accuracy required by Kaggle?
* how does accuracy in fastai source code?
* what does data.c mean?
* why a threshold is needed for satellite dataset accuracy?
* how to create a special version of an accuracy function with specific arg values using partial?


QA on corrected data, data api style, video frames

QA on corrected data, data api style, video frames
* should we record the error from app?
* how to do finetuning with the corrected dataset?
* how we set the learning rate with the corrected dataset?
* should data block api be in certain order?
* where does the idea of data block come from?
* how to dig into the details of data block source code?
* what software to pull frames? (web api, opencv)


How to pick learning rate carefully?

How to pick learning rate carefully
* How to read the lr for fine-tuning?
* How to read the lr for full training?
* What is discriminative learning rate?


How to further improve Satellite Imaging model performance

How to further improve CamVid model performance
why use smaller images than Kaggle provided for training?
why then larger images to train the model again can avoid overfitting and improve model?
How do we make use the larger images and train model?
- how to change the data with large images?
- how to put the new data into the learner previously trained?
- how to freeze most of the layers of the model and only train the last few layers?
- how to find the best learning rate?
- how to train the model 5 times?
- evetually we move up to top 10%

  • How to further improve the performance?
    • how to unfreeze to train all the layers?
    • how to pick the learning rate to train properly?
    • to get into top 20
      How to actually do Kaggle competition?

Introducing Camvid dataset

Introducing Camvid dataset
* what kind of problem is segmentation?
* What kind of dataset needed for segmentation?
* What industries have such segmentation problems?
* How to cite the datasets to get them credits?


QA How to find a specific lr number or range

QA How to find a specific lr number or range
- still a bit more artisanal than expected
- require certain experiment
- bottom point value not good
- try numbers x10 smaller and a few more around
- maybe someone will create an auto learning rate finder


How to do segmentation modeling

How to do segmentation modeling
- How to get data?
- How to take a look at the data?
- how to extract labels for the data?
- How to open image and segmentation image?
- how to create DataBunch and how to set validation dataset?
- how to pick and use classes names?
- how to do transformation for Camvid dataset?
- how to choose batch size?
- how convenient to do show batch for Camvid dataset?
- How to create a learner
- how to find the learning rate
- how to start training, unfreeze and train more


QA unsupervised learning and different sized dataset training

QA unsupervised learning and different sized dataset training
* can we do unsupervised learning do segmentation?
* cons of unsupervised learning for segmentation
* should we make smaller size dataset to do training?
* great idea and great trick to improve you model


QA what kind of accuracy do we use for pixel segmentation?

what kind of accuracy do we use for pixel segmentation
why we use acc_camvid rather than accuracy?
what are void pixels?
what are the basic skills you need to create such metrics?


QA what to do when training loss higher than validation loss?

QA what to do when training loss higher than validation loss
- what to do?
- training longer
- train the last bit with lower learning rate
- decease regularization
- data augmentation
- what to learn about regularization in coming weeks?


Why and how to create a U-net for segmentation?

Why and how to create a U-net for segmentation
* what does a U-net look like?
* how a medical DL paper contribute to DL in general?
* U-net is the best option for segmentation so far
* What is the usual factory procedure for building and training segmentation model?


What is the trick of one cycle learning?

What is the trick of one cycle learning
* How to plot the loss during training and validation?
* Why loss go up a bit and then go down?
* why it is a good idea to start low and push lr up and push it down?
* how to explain it through visualization?
* too small or large is bad
* you want lr to decrease as it is converging
* what does the loss space look like?
* what is learning rate annealing?
* what is leslie Smith’s contribution in one cycle learning?
* How Smith see the loss space in general?
* What is Smith’s learning rate strategy to explore the space much more quickly and efficiently?
* How to get yourself to be an experimentalist?


how to get full image size to train the previous trained model

how to get full image size to train the previous trained model
* how to get full image size to train the previous trained model?
* how to show result for segmentation model?
* how good is our model compared to the state of art?
* how big deal with U-net and one-cycle-learning from this example?

什么是mixed precision training

What is mixed precision training for memory limit?

What is mixed precision training for memory limit
* what does to_fp16 mean? and how to use it?
* what the hardware requirement is?
* why it is so fast and easy with GPU?
* how good is its performance?


Introduction to BIWI dataset

Introduction to BIWI dataset
What does this dataset problem do?
How to use the provided functions and methods to calculate the coordinates for dot on the face?
what is the interesting point about the ImagePoints?
what kind of problem is it? (classification or regression)


how to prepare BIWI data into DataBunch?

how to prepare BIWI data into DataBunch
* how to pick validation set?
* how to set the labels?
* how to do transformation?


How to train CNN for regression

How to train CNN for regression
* how to choose a model
* how to choose a loss
* how to find the lr?
* how to fit and save model
* how to check the result


Introduction to IMDB dataset

Introduction to IMDB dataset
* How to classify document
* which submodule of fastai to use
* introduction to IMDB dataset
* how to create DataBunch quickly?
* how to create it step by step?
- what is tokenization?
- what is numericalization?
- how to do all these steps with data block api?
- What is a language model?
- How to train a learner and save the model
- there is a fastai paper on this model

问答:为什么要用Imagenet stats

QA why use Imagenet stats?

106:52- 108:46
QA why use Imagenet stats


How simple DL theory is

How simple DL theory is
* why NN is all about matrix multiplication?
* what is nonlinear activation?
* what were the popular activations?
* what is ReLU, as the current popular activation?
* how come matrix multiplication + nonlinear + stack together = deep NN?
* what is universal approximation theorem?
* BP is used to find parameter values
* people can’t accept DL theory is so simple

问答:tokenization如何处理San Francisco

QA how tokenization work on things like San Francisco?

QA how tokenization work on things like San Francisco
* what did the old way do (Bigram, N-gram)?
* what does NN do with tokens? (how words work together)


QA how to deal with images with four channels

how to deal with images with four channels
* plan to incorporate into fastai library
* what if you only got 2 channels?
* what if you have 4 channels?


summary of lesson 3

- a single workflow to solve different kinds of problems
- data block api is not big and you are free to add your own
summary of lesson 3

NLP, Tabular Data, Recsys


lesson plan and forward

lesson plan and forward
classification, image regression, localization, tabular data, collaborative filtering, NLP transfer learning, U-turn, math
::key questions::
* What we learnt before lesson 4?
* What’s our focus (NLP transfer learning, and collaborative filtering) in lesson 4?
* What’s the math behind collaborative filtering?
* How to take a U-turn to dive into previous learnt applications behind the scene?


fastai model beat state of art in camvid dataset

fastai model beat state of art in camvid dataset
The one hundred layers tiramisu (paper), camvid, state of art, smaller subset of classes, 94% > 91%, default setting
::key questions::
* How good is fastai model on camvid dataset?
* What is the fair comparison between different models on camvid dataset?
* How much can a default fastai model do these days?


NLP problems and neural nets approach

NLP problems and neural nets approach
::Key words::
NLP transfer learning, IMDB dataset, Legal text classifier, Wikitext dataset,
::Key questions::
- What are the applications of NLP?
- Why it is difficult to use neuralnet to NLP classification?
- Why and how we say there isn’t enough information to learn?
- What is the nature or core of neural nets or deep learning?
- Why transfer learning is always the trick to go?
- How come Jeremy think of trying it then he can actually try it out, as if no one else thought of it and tried it? (I thought of it, but I didn’t know how to try it out)


How to do NLP transfer learning?

How to do NLP transfer learning?
Wikitext, language model, IMDB, classifier, finetune, target corpus,
::key questions::
* What is a language model? what can it do?
* What is the difference between language model from Wikitext and IMDB?
* How so that to train a movie review classifier is to train with wikitext first, and finetune with IMDB dataset, and finally train the classifier with positive/negative dataset?
* Can language model learn some abbreviation expressions? think of language model generate math papers like output
* What is swiftkey’s language model in your phone?
* what exactly has been learnt from a language model trained with wikipedia dataset?


Experiment the IMDB sample and NLP basic procedure

Experiment the IMDB sample and NLP basic procedure 14:00-19:44
::key questions::
* How to experiment on the IMDB sample from csv file?
* What is token, numericalization?
* How to access the vocab?
* What is the default number of vocabulary?
* What is the threshold number of appearance to keep/throw the word?
* How to turn dataset from csv file into a DataBunch with data block api?
* But how to put the original IMDB dataset into DataBunch? (it is not in csv file anymore)

%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

from fastai.text import *
path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)
df = pd.read_csv(path/'texts.csv')
data_lm = TextDataBunch.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv')
data = TextDataBunch.load(path)
data = (TextList.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv', cols='text')

How to train IMDB language model?

How to train IMDB language model?
::key questions::
* what if you got a huge medical dataset no smaller than wikitext dataset?
* why we can use test set to train our language model?
* what does label language model mean?
* how to create a language model learner with RNN?
* what is dropout in terms of regularization?
* what is moms in fit-one-cycle?
* what does the model predict do? and how to do it?
* what does encoder do? and how to just save encoder as the model?


How to train a language model for classification

How to train a language model for classification
time 27:13-33:12
::key questions::
* How to create the DataBunch to train the language classifier?
* why use vocab?
* How to manage the batch_size given the size of GPU memory card?
* What does the time spent look like on the second model and many classifier models?
* How to freeze up to specific number of layers?
* What is moms or momentum parameter for?
* How exactly do Jeremy figure out the best hyper-parameter value such as moms to automate?

如何用random forest来寻找最优学习率

How to find the best parameter value for learning rate using random forest

How to find the best parameter value for learning rate using random forest
time: 33:12-36:47
- Where does 2.6**4 come from?
* How to use random forest search for the best hyper-parameter value?
* what is all about auto-ML? build models to how to train your model
* but we are fond of building models to better understand how your hyper-parameters work


How to do tabular data with deep learning

How to do tabular data deep learning
time: 36:31 - 53:09
* What are the problems with tabular data?
* How people first reacted to deep learning in tabular data problem?
* How such wrong reaction has been changed?
* Why and how (feature engineering and Pinterest conference) deep learning become powerful and useful in dealing with tabular data?
* What is Jeremy’s top options for tabular data problem? (DL, RF, GBoost?)
* What are the reasons why DL for tabular data not widely used? (library)
* Why fastai use pandas a lot for tabular data?
* What are the 10% cases in which DL is not the default approach?
* Why do we use URLs.ADULT_SAMPLE dataset?
* How to make tabular DataBunch from dataframe?
* What are dep_var, cat_names, cont_names and procs?
* How to deal with categorical variables inside tabular data in DL models? (embeddings) How about continuous variables?
* What are the differences between processor and transform? (once ahead of time vs every time sending in model)
* What does FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize do?
* Why do we split valid with split_by_idx to have connected sub dataset for validation?
* How to build tabular model with get_tabular_learner? what does parameter layers=[200,100] do?
* How to combine NLP data with metadata (tabular data) and let DL to apply to them?
* Will sklearn and XGBoost go outdated?
* What does metrics do?

如何将深度学习应用到collaborative filltering问题

How to apply DL to collaborative filtering

How to apply DL to collaborative filtering
* What kind of problems do we apply Collab filtering?
* What is the data structure like? (user, movie, rating two styles representing)
* What is the pros and cons of the sparse matrix style?
* What if you want to learn to deal with large sparse matrix storage problem? (Rachel’s computation LA course)
* What is GroupLense dataset about?
* How to experiment with the dataset using Collab filtering?
* How to create a collaborative filtering model?
* Why using Collab filtering was difficult?
* What is Cold stack problem?
* How Netflix fix the Cold stack problem?
* What is the other solution (predictive model) to cold stack problem?
* How to make language model learn to use emoji’s?
* How to deal with time series tabular data with DL? (extract and add more columns, not use RNN)
* Is there a source to learn more of Cold stack problem?

如何用excel帮助理解colaborative filtering的数据集和模型

How to understand dataset and models with excel

How to understand dataset and models with excel
time: 67:23-77:11
* How to visualize collaborative filtering process with excel?
* How to create weights for users and weights for movies?
* How to do gradient descent with solver?

用Vim来探索collab embedding的源代码

Explore collab embedding with VIM

Code Browsing - YouTube
Explore collab embedding with VIM
VIM Adventures
Timesavers: Bash kernel for Jupyter notebooks & ctag Vim navigation
How to use VIM to explore source code quickly?
What is embedding and how it is created?


Explain deep learning process up to output layer

Explain deep learning process up to output layer
92:11 - end
* what is the deep learning workflow?
* what is input layer, hidden layers, output?
* what are parameters, weights?
* what are activations?
* How much linear algebra we need to do deep learning?



lesson 5 outline

lesson 5 outline
* downhill into details behind the scene
* why start with machine vision?
* why we finish with tabular data and collaborative filtering?
* how this lesson is structured by starting with the latest notebook?
* regularization is the key in this lesson and will help improve your models


review the workflow of deep learning and backprop

review the workflow of deep learning and backprop
* How to understand the Layers of parameters and activations
* how to update parameters
* how to get activations with parameters
* Inputs are special kind of activations
* original inputs
* inputs created by element-wise function with activations, Relu
* Relu works all the time
* What is Universal Approximation theorem
* parameter matrix product with input
* activations with relu to get input features
* stack many and large enough of weight matrices together to solve any function to any level of accuracy
* This is all the trick you need about DL for CS
* What is bp?
* name sounds impressive, but
* in fact = prediction + target -> loss -> gradient -> update parameters by - lr*gradient


How to understand fine-tuning with ImageNet on new classifiers

How to understand fine-tuning with ImageNet on new classifiers
what exactly does Resnet classifier do behind the scene?
how to change ResNet’s last second matrix of 1000 category to suit your classes need?
What are the other/remaining hidden layers good at?
- as layers go up, features become more complex
- you want earlier layers weights stay where they are
- so we want them frozen
What does freeze do to the model?
- don’t backpropagate those frozen layers
- model run faster
- earlier layers’ weights stay the same
After a while, we want to train the rest of network, how to do that?
- unfreeze the layers
- earlier layers need almost no update, refer to very small learning rate
- middle layers need slight higher learning rate to have a little more update
- later layers need larger learning rate to update even more
- this process is called “discriminative learning rate”
How to do discriminative learning rate with fastai?
- fit(1, 1e-3)
- fit(1, slice(1e-3)), middle layer rate/3
- fit(1, slice(1e-5, 1e-3)), spread reasonably
- different learning rate for each layer group

为什么N-embedding比one-hot encoding更优

why is N-embedding better than one-hot encoding

why is N-embedding better than one-hot encoding
What is Affine function?
- sort of matrix multiplications
- CNN: weights are tied, so affine function is more accurate
- most common in DL
How to use one-hot encoding as input
- 15 users one-hot encoding as user input
- 15 movie one-hot encoding as movie input
How to understand one-hot encoding vs N-embedding
- conventionally, user weights(embedding) do matrix multiplication with user input (one-hot encoding)
- output is activation, which actually is the same to user weights (embedding)
- activations are actually the same to user embedding
- or equal to user embedding with array lookup (computationally easy)
What does it mean that user embeddings corresponds to user idx (same to movie)?
- when movie and user embedding matrix multiplication output (activation) is high, it means
- user embedding features corresponds to movie embedding features
- they are referring to the same features in their own corresponding embedding values
- user’s features = personal tastes, corresponds to/matches to movie’s features
- these underlying features are latent factor or latent features
How to deal with bad movies even though there are good features inside?
- solution is to add bias (for both user and movie)
- use user bias to represent user rating behavior
- use movie bias to represent movie overall quality
- so, bias is important, this is why by default all NN add bias to train


questions on epoch and affine function

questions on epoch and affine function
* When we load a pretrained model, can we reload activations to say what they are good at?
* yes
* What is Affine function?
* linear function
* multiplication + add up = affine function
* affine function (affine function) = affine function
* affine + relu + affine + relu …. = deep neural net

用collaborative filtering来解决电影用户预测问题

run full movie lens dataset with collaborative filtering

run full movie lens dataset with collaborative filtering
38:21- 48:02
- Introduction to Movielens dataset and how to pick the dataset
- How to open and check the dataset with pandas
- What does encoding="latin-1" do?
- nowadays standards is unicode
- old style is latin-1
- what about the genre of movie in the dataset?
- how to use merge function to bring title into the table?
- how to create a CollabDataBunch and set specific column to be the movie or item column?
- what about the trick of setting the y-range to improve performance?
- first use sigmoid to move values into [0, 1]
- better, to move [0,1] to [0, 5.5] make sure the largest rate can be 5
- What are n_factors (latent factors)?
- matrix factorization
- the width of embedding matrix
- tried a number of values, 40 works the best so far
- How to pick the lr from lr plotting?
- paper author’s method
- find the lowest value
- then go back by x10
- Jeremy method method
- find the sharpest decline
- go back and forward by x10
- see which one works better
- go to LibRec to compare your result with the benchmarks


How to interpret the weights or parameters of users and movies

How to interpret the weights or parameters of users and movies
- What interesting inside the latent factors (embeddings)?
- How to deal with Anime fans who just love anime and rate very high, so you see many episodes of anime stay the top 100 over the top 1000 movies?
- this kind of features are captured by bias
- it is interesting to check out bias vector of all movies
- how to use pandas to find the movies being rated the most?
- to find movies we might have seen hopefully
- How to access model’s item/movie bias?
- it is a vector of course
- how to group mean_ratins , bias and movie title together?
- then, how to sort them by bias values
- to compare bias value and rating numbers
- How to squish the 40 latent factors into 3 factors?
- how to use pca?
- Rachel teaches PCA from a different course
- How to use PCA to compare image similarities?
- How to group PCA latent factors with movie titles
- and sort by different factors
- how to interpret
- How to plot the movie by factors

如何解读collaborative learner的源代码

How to read source code of collaborative learner

How to read source code of collaborative learner
- just watch Jeremy explore it a lot more times
- dive deeper with vim
- dive deeper with ipdb


Interpreting embeddings

Interpreting embeddings
What is the big deal about entity embeddings?
- a Kaggle dataset with 2016 paper with entity embeddings
- how it work with different models?
What is the interesting founding from plotting the embedding?
- embedding projection discovered geography
- clear path between weekday and month of a year

  • Embedding is under researched
    • interesting to see pre-trained models’ embeddings
什么是weight decay

what is weight decay

what is weight decay
- weight decay is a kind of regularization
- how to understand regularization with Ng’s graph?
- what is under and over fitting?
- what is the lie taught in social statistics courses?
- too many parameters cause overfitting
- complexity depend on number parameters
- How to balance complexity and parameters number?
- real life is full of complexity, curve lines, more nonlinearity, many parameters
- but no more curvy than necessary
- but how to avoid overfitting at the same time?
- how to penalize complexity?
- use a lot of parameters but penalize complexity
- one way: sum up value of parameters(not really), sum up the square of parameter values
- all such value to loss
- what problem can it be?
- good loss require sum of squared parameters to be zero
- solution: multiply wd to the sum of squares of parameters
- generally, wd = 0.01, but here we use 0.1
- wd too small, model is easy to overfit, so can’t train too long
- what is the difference on using kwarg between collab_learner and learner?
- how to pass on or add additional args, such as wd

如何手写SGD与weight decay

How to write SGD with weight decay from scratch?

How to write SGD with weight decay from scratch
- how to implement SGD from scratch? (review)
- what is loss from scratch, such as MSE?
- how to move from loss to loss with weight decay?
- How to use MNIST dataset pickle file for experiment
- How to use Pytorch to create DataLoader, loss and Affine function?
- How to access a batch of dataset? (why always use DataBunch)
- Make sure you can do subModule
- What does nn.Linear do? do the same to Mnist_logistic
- how to create a model out of the submodule you create?
- what does model.parameters() do?
- why use crossEntropy rather than MSE?
- How to implement update with weight_decay?
- how to write w2 sum squared of parameters?
- what to access all the parameters for update?
- how to write loss with weight decay?
- what does loss.item() mean?
- why we need reduce learning rate as we train the model further?
- see the plotting of loss
- why we call w2*wd weight decay?
- linear algebra transformation outcome show wd*w
- without this transformation, we call it L2 regularization
- later they become different some how
- How to further refactor the code Mnist_NN
- How to do all the above with less code using Pytorch functions?


What is Adam optimization

What is Adam optimization
* what is SGD in excel?
* what is momentum in excel?
* v = v_{t-1}*0.9 + g*0.1
* w = w_{t-1} - lr*v
* so momentum is gradients momentum, not weights
* what is the intuition of momentum on graph
* weighted gradient
* ::one more step by inertia, maybe we see the world better::
* how to do SGD with momentum in pytorch
* what is RMSProp in excel?
* where is the first citation of this method
* v = v_{t-1}*0.9 + 0.1*g^2 ->
* if gradient is consistently small, v will be small
* if gradient is volatile, v will be large
* if gradient is consistently large, v will be large
* w = w_{t-1} - g_{t-1}*lr/sqrt(v_{t-1}) ->
* if previous momentum of gradient is very small, let’s update weight in bigger steps
* vice versa
* ::make a change the previous lasting state, maybe we see the world better::
* learning rate is still necessary
* what is Adam in excel?
* adding momentum and RMSProp together
* w = w_{t-1} - lr*v_momentum/sqrt(v_rmsp)
* Deep dive into the excel sheet
* Deep Dive: An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms


What is fit-one-cycle

What is fit-one-cycle
- fastai takes care of the optimization details for us
- what does fit-one-cycledo?
- make learning rate start low
- as we know very little of the world
- go up about half of the time
- knows the world better, direction is correct
- then go down about half of the time
- finetune to get closer to convergence
- right : momentum graph
- when steps are small and momentum is accumulating, suggest we can just make big steps
- when steps are big, momentum is small, suggesting we change flexibly
- when steps are getting smaller, the momentum is increasing, we can make big steps again
- make it super fast convergence
- an inspiring story

什么是cross-entropy loss

What is cross-entropy loss?

What is cross-entropy loss
Introduction to the toy dataset
what is the intuition of cross-entropy loss in excel
what is intuition of softmax in excel
- single label multiple classification
How pytorch does them both for us?
- nn.CrossEntropyLoss has both loss functions above inside
what pytorch multiple class classification model return to us?
- pytorch default is different from fastai default



How to use to label images

How to use to label images
- How to use combine human skills with to group or label images efficiently?

介绍Rossmann Store Sales 数据集

Getting Started with Rossmann Store Sales dataset

Getting Started with Rossmann Store Sales dataset
* How to understand Tabular learner source code?
* How to sort out Rossmann Store Sales dataset?
* Why the test set is more closer to the recent time?
* What is the loss function offered by Kaggle competition?
* Where to learn how to joint and manipulate data tables?
* Which notebook to clean rossman_data to generate pickle file?
* What does add_datepart do?
* Why it is useful to turn date into metadata columns?


How to preprocess the dataset before DataBunch

How to preprocess the dataset
- What is transform and what transforms are good at?
- What is preprocess and how to use it?
- How to graph a small subset of data to experiment with?
- How to categorify for tabular dataset?
- what does categorify mean and what the output look like?
- What does NaN and -1 mean?
- Why we can’t use -1? and How we deal with -1 here?
- How to use FillMissing to fill the missing value with median values?
- How does fastai do all these preprocessing automatically or easily together?


How to create DataBunch for Rossmann dataset?

How to create DataBunch for Rossmann dataset
- how to provide column names for all variables?
- how to determine validation set using test set from Kaggle?
- why make sure label_cls to be FloatList not IntList?
- Why use log=true for FloatList to use RMSPE?


How to build tabular model for Rossmann dataset?

How to build tabular model for Rossmann dataset
- What to do about y_range for tabular_learner and why?
- What kind of NN structure for tabular dataset? (simple fully connected)
- What does layers=[1000, 500] suggest?
- How to use ps and emb_drop to prevent overfitting?


How to understand and use dropout?

How to understand and use dropout
* How to understand the basic idea of dropout from the paper?
* not only hidden activations but also inputs (sometimes) to be thrown away
* why it is useful?
* to make parameters to remember patterns rather than the specific images
* where usually do new brilliant ideas come from
* not from math
* but from life and intuition
* How to choose the probability to drop out for each layer?
* a single p
* or list of p
* What to do in training and testing time?
* do we throw activations too?
* if not, how to balance with training throwing percentage?
- How to understand dropout C source code?
- How to use ps and emb_drop in coding?
- How to understand the use of emb_drop?
- just another layer’s output/activations to be dropped with probability

如何理解Tabular Learner模型中的embedding 层

How to understand embedding layers in Tabular learner?

How to understand embedding layers here
How to experiment things out to find the best hyper parameter values?
- such as the process of finding emb_drop=0.04
How to understand embeddings?
- how embedding layers corresponds to categorical input variables?
- how to read and set the embedding sizes?
- continuous input variables work not with embedding layers, but batch norm layers

什么是Batch Normalization

What is Batch normalization

What is Batch normalization
* What is Batch normalization in a sentence?
* What is interesting about the recognition story of dropout paper by major journals?
* Why batch norm paper was accepted quickly?
* Why you should understand papers and give no big deal to math jargons?
* What is the real reason why BN is so powerful?
* loss vs parameters is not as bumpy, therefore model can converge with higher lr
- what does BN algorithm actually do?
- BN is a layer to produce activations
- get mean and sd from a batch, and normalize the batch with them
- [image:C1E8B194-E4C9-4561-89B3-0AF453351EF4-76996-000338D1A2BB7D80/579DC33D-7356-4458-907E-68A08C964680.png]
- scale (coefficient param) and shift (bias param) the distribution of the batch (most important)

为什么BN中的scale, shift能产生显著功效

Why BN (scale and shift) make a difference?

Why BN (scale and shift) make a difference
* what is the problem behind the scene?
* target range 1 to 5
* prediction range -1 to 1
* it causes difficulties
* scale with alpha and shift with beta can deal with it
* to transform [-1,1] closer to [1, 5]


How to use BN in code?

How to use BN in code
- what does momentum=0.1 mean for BatchNorm1d?
- value low = mean and sd vary less between mini-batches = less regularization
- value high = otherwise = high regularization
- it trains much faster now

如何在BN,数据增强,dropout, weight decay 和L2 norm之间选择

How to pick between BN, data augmentation, dropout, weight decay and L2 norm

How to pick between BN, data augmentation, dropout, weight decay and L2 norm
- L2 = weight decay, use weight decay
- always use BN, data augmentation
- experiment to see the combination options for dropout and weight decay


How to do data augmentation

How to do data augmentation
- Why it is Least well studied and most exciting regularization?
- no cost
- no longer to train
- no underfitting
- how to find out all about data transformation through docs
- how to pick appropriate values for brightness
- how to pick for diheral
- how about flip
- pad mode a fastai paper about it
- what is symmetric warp doing
- how to transform a single dog picture into many “different looking” images
- why data augmentation is such a big potential opportunity?


How to create a CNN step by step

How to create a CNN step by step


Overview and Why to understand CNN by creating a heat map in the end?

Overview and Why to understand CNN by creating a heat map in the end
* how to quickly create, train and save a CNN with fastai?
* To understand CNN by creating a heat map from scratch


How to understand kernels with Setosa’s web app?

How to understand kernels with Setosa’s web app
why study how CNN work in the end of a course?
- not useful in terms of just using them
- but if want to do it slightly differently, we need to know CNN behind the scenes
- convolution: a special matrix multiplication
How to understand CNN kernel or image kernel with Setosa’s web app?
- how the kernel transform an image?
- why there is black outer edge of the output image?
- why head area is transformed into while cells but face areas into black cells?
- How to define a convolution with this example?
- How to relate this to channel visualization with the paper?
- Why such kernel is to help find up-edges?


How to understand convolution differently and what is padding for?

How to understand convolution differently and what is padding for
* How to view convolution as standard matrix multiplication?
* transform kernel convolution movement into a single larger matrix kernel doing simple matrix multiplication with input matrix
* How to understanding padding?
* to keep the output feature map the same size as input feature map

kernels, stride, padding在CNN中是如何工作的

How kernels, stride, padding work in a real CNN?

How kernels, stride, padding work in a real CNN
what does a 3-channel kernel look like? and how does it work?
how do we find more features by adding more 3-channels kernels?
- e.g., add 16 kernels to find 16 different features

Why and How to shrink the feature map but double the kernels?
- avoid memory goes out of control by kernel skipping over one or several pixels
- feature map size shrinks, but we can add more kernels

Let’s Experiment an image with kernels, stride and padding
- create a CNN over an image
- check out its model summary, particularly its feature map size half and kernels double


How to do your manual CNN?

How to do your manual CNN
- how to create your own 3 channel kernel with 4D to show bottom right edge
- how to get a single image
- how to create a kernel as a 4D tensor
- how to create a mini-batch of size 1
- how to apply the kernel to an image

如何创建heat map

How to create the heat map?

How to create the heat map
- how to turn a 512x11x11 tensor into a vector of 37 values
- average pool 2d with output size 1
- linear layer with (512, 37)
- what does the finally feature map (512, 1, 1) tell us?
- what does (512, 11, 11) tell us?
- what does it mean to average cross same cell position for 512 channels rather than 11x11 grid of a single channel?
- how to use hook to get the feature map 512x11x11?
- how to run model on a single example


Ethics and data science

Ethics and data science
- what are generative models?
- what are the ethics issues of data science
- what are the gender bias based on facial classifier on major DL companies
- why? what are the reasons caused such bias? (where is data source)
- how biased surveillance DL cause massive arrest?
- the best way to get publicity is to do something like “Amazon Face Recognition falsely matched black 28 members of congress with mugshots”
- google machine translation seem don’t fix the gender bias
- machine bias is overwhelming in public policy and judicious system
- Facebook and Mianmar genocide
- how should a DL engineer face ethical issues

1 Like

第七课 Resnet, U-net, GAN


A warning of lesson 7 and a student role model to checkout

A warning of lesson 7 and a student role model to checkout
- Food classifier with fastai on Android and IOS app
- help docs, tutorials, community organizing

如何一步一步链接data block

How to do data block api step by step?

How to do data block api step by step
- how to extract images with gray scale with ImageItemList.from_folder and convert_mode?
- how to access each item from the folder path object?
- how to set the default color map for fastai?
- why fastai make each image into a rank 3 tensor rather than a 2D matrix?
- how to access an image item as file path and item as image?
- how to split training and validation sets by two folders “training” and “testing”?
- the images inside “testing” folder do has labels, not real testing data without label
- How to check what included inside training set folder?
- inside training set folder, there is a folder for each class
- how to provide labels for your training and validation sets?
- then check to see the difference from previous step
- how to access a single image example from training set with both x and y?
- how to do transforms for small image dataset recognition?
- how to do it with tuple setting for transforms?
- how to create DataBunch with normalize?
- how to access data example from DataBunch.train_ds?
- how to plot an image from data.train_ds?
- how to plot this image with different transformations?
- how to get a batch of x and y from DataBunch?
- how to show a batch of data?


How to create a CNN model from scratch

How to create a CNN model from scratch
- How to refactor nn.Conv2d for usual use?
- leaving two function inputs:
- ni: number of input channels
- nf: number of output channels
- #14 : the size of feature map 14 x 14
- How down-sampling from 7x7 to 4x4?
- 7/2=3.5 + max_ceiling = 4
- How to build a CNN model with conv and BatchNorm2d and Relu?
- [image:16EDA985-0D1A-4765-A638-A584274C1AFD-76996-00031B1524A7B3E7/31DEDE98-8C85-49DD-8BBD-805C7617B89C.png]
- How to use a single batch of data xb to double check on model built above?
- [image:30C46125-9967-4C3A-8CA4-E4D671AF1DBD-76996-00031BCD20A29908/E30127C3-CE26-42E0-AF31-531AF1DC1C19.png]

- How to refactor code further into `conv2`?
	- use fastai `conv_layer` which include `conv2d`, `BatchNorm` and `Relu`
	- refactor `conv_layer` into `conv2` with `stride=2`

How to create a Resnet from scratch

How to create a Resnet from scratch
How to make the CNN deeper without shrink feature map size?
what caused a deeper CNN model to perform worse than a shallow one?
- [image:07F9441D-7B1B-42C7-AB03-511415A802C2-76996-00030C8FB1006D28/5F24E25C-4439-4077-BDE9-1F48D0CF7A30.png]
what does really good researcher do in front this kind of problem?
What is the key insight that ResNet or ResNet block offers to us? (identity/skip connection)
What the real reason for why ResNet block work so well?
- [image:4291DC80-8849-40B6-B0BA-EA852DFAB7F2-76996-00030CDE88DA86CA/CC14544A-4771-453E-B8CA-7A32D0B5DCD2.png]
How to write the ResNet block?
- [image:5FD3BB7A-9C45-44C5-9C19-339F57D213DC-76996-00030CEA99BEF92C/2D3B65A4-D464-4B14-BA1D-1259E04C3094.png]
How to build the ResNet model?
- [image:AB5244DF-26E5-4ED5-9868-41E9D041F6C6-76996-00030CFD98B63574/25A2D232-5166-4BF7-87D9-4003793E359F.png]

如何创建Resnet block和Dense block

::How to use sequentialEx and mergeLayer to create Resnet block and Dense block?::

How to use sequentialEx and mergeLayer to create Resnet block and Dense block
What are the pros and cons of Dense net?
What kind of tasks or problems does Dense net good at solving?
How does it link to U-net?


How to build upgraded U-net from scratch?

How to build upgraded U-net from scratch
- how much better skip/dense connection help to strengthen U-net on segmentation?
- 29:50-32:12
- What does it mean by upgrading U-net with ResNet and Deconvolution
- 32:00-36:10
* What is the wasteful way of doing deconvolution and what is the better way (nearest neighbor interpolation?
* 36:08-41:20
* how to enlarge feature maps not shrink anymore?
* [image:59E5FB01-2CFB-47DA-8085-05DD1DE7368D-76996-00031687B20EFB04/71B721CF-5FD1-494C-86BD-6149546E7D33.png]
* part2 : pixel shuffle > NN interpolation
- How to implement U-net?
- 41:20-48:31
- why simple convolution (down-sampling) + deconvolution(up-sampling) won’t work
- What kind of special skip connection does U-net have?
- skip long distance and not add but concat
- How such special skip connection enable U-net to better segmentation?
- 41:20-43:35
- What is the U-net implementation?
- 43:30-47:24
- what does a UnetBlock do and how to implement it?
- How exactly does U-net train? ::Not explained in the course::

问答:为什么要在之前做concat,以及如何用dense concat防止缩水

QA Why concat before and How to keep dense concat without shrinking

Why concat before and How to keep dense concat without shrinking


How to make low resolution image with high resolution image

How to make low resolution image with high resolution image


What is image restoration?

What is image restoration
What are those specific applications of image restoration?


How to crappify image as low resolution?

How to crappify image as low resolution
Why to crappify image?
How did Jeremy do it? (low res and text written)
* How to open image file
* How to resize and bilinear interpolation
* How to write a text on the image
* How to save image with random quality level
Why not always see the text or number?
How to speed up with parallel?
How to come with your own crappification?
- this is how to make something interesting or original
Why crappify is important to models to learn?


How to train a model to remove watermarks

How to train a model to remove watermarks
Why use a U-net to train?
How to create the DataBunch?
Why need transfer learning to get rid of the text in the image?
What is a generator learner?
What does MSELossFlatdo here?
What is frozen for the U-net?


How to use GAN to upgrade image resolution?

How to use GAN to upgrade image resolution
why to blame the MSE loss for current model can’t upgrade the resolution?
How GAN solves the upgrade problem with another loss function by calling another model?
How to understand all the concepts and the workflow in the diagram below?
[image:D3D36EFF-991E-4A7B-934C-276869A877A0-76996-0002F142639FB908/8E89A71B-A3FB-462A-8A96-279CC9BB7A7C.png](how loss change between different stages)
How the generator training and critic training do the ping pong game?
why it is a pain to train GAN (very slow to train especially at the beginning)?
How can pretrained both generator and discriminator to solve this problem?


How to build and train a discriminator to tell images and image_gen

How to build and train a discriminator to tell images and image_gen
What folders of images do we need for discriminator training?
How to generate and save prediction images into a folder?
- how to create and remove directories (trees)
- how to get all the image file names
- how to access each batch of files at a time
- how to save images with specific names in a directory
- [image:EDA6CF1C-83E8-4351-A8FF-0F144B9431B5-76996-0002F6B41F32AE5B/7A5230C9-302E-4B45-9DEC-8FE5394AAAA1.png]

Why we should start to learn write our own codes/functions?
How to use GPU memory efficiently to avoid restarting notebook?
How create DataBunch for discriminator with two classes images and image_gen?
- [image:ECD5A2F8-A1D2-4CF7-8A89-9C3495D82150-76996-0002F6AC6B981613/381EAF2C-0163-4BF1-9B31-744143C9E2D5.png]
Why do we use a specific gan_critic model architecture rather than ResNet to build discriminator?
- what kind of loss do we use here?
- what is spectral normalization to make GAN work?
- maybe we could make a ResNet with spectral normalization to replace gan_critic
- how to train the critic
- [image:C82EBF3E-0DAD-487B-96D6-0DF587286F76-76996-0002F6C426E9DFFA/D2675782-151B-4BE5-8A91-170D7C868D5F.png]

GAN是如何在generator 和 discriminator 之间反复训练的

How to use GAN to do pingpong with generator and discriminator training

70:08- 73:05
How to use GAN to do pingpong with generator and discriminator training
How to use GANLearner.from_learners to train the ping pong process?
How weights_gen combine both losses (pixel MSE and binaryEntropyLoss) together to balance generator and the critic?
Why and how to downplay momentum when use Adam?
- [image:7321EE22-B189-47AE-B7CA-EB65AEF00CED-76996-0002F93E289E4CA9/0A83E2DD-B404-41E5-A5D8-B1FE3E637856.png]
How to understand the gen_loss and disc_loss during the training? (one gets better and the other gets worse, and vice versa)
How to show the result of gan training?
- [image:C16059DC-7061-4621-ADB9-68F9CB0ADB33-76996-0002F99336D4EBFC/778D82F1-55F6-46B9-8A1B-A2FDFC96EB68.png]


Q&A: when use to U-net or not?

when use to U-net or not
- segmentation and high resolution
- classification make no sense


What can WGAN do?

How can WGAN do
What does WGAN aim to do?
What does generator aim to train a noise image into?
Does WGAN use any pretrained model? NO
After hours, some bedroomish images can be produced eventually


How to train GAN to pay attention to cat’s eyes

why cat’s eye features can’t be upgraded with current GAN?

How to implement feature loss paper to help

How to use the perceptual loss paper idea to solve the problem
- How exactly does the style loss and content loss help to capture eye features?
- do we really do GAN still now? (seems not)

How to implement the perceptual loss paper into FeatureLoss function?
* how to do crappification for this model?
* which the loss or base loss to pick? which loss does Jeremy like better?
* How to grab all the feature layers of pretrained VGG model?
* how to get all the layers for generating features losses?
* how to create the feature loss or perceptual loss?

How to train and test on our U-net with feature loss model?
- how to train a U-net with feature loss
- how to refactor do_fitto make the process easier a little
- how to train to improve performance
- test the model with larger images

What can we be creative with U-net + GAN + feature_loss notebook?
* What Jason’s crappification approach?
* What is deOldify doing?
* what should we learn and do about crappification and deOldify?


How to create RNN models from scratch

How to create RNN from scratch


What we have learnt in part 1?

What we have learnt in part 1
How to link all the concepts below to pain a brief picture of deep learning workflow?
- people usually have to watch the lesson three times to get all the details and feel comfortable with those key concepts


How to represent basic NN with single hidden layer with diagram?

How to represent basic NN with single hidden layer with diagram
- make sure you are comfortable with how to calculate the shape of the input, activations, and output


How to predict 3rd or 4th word with fully connected NN diagram

How to predict 3rd or 4th word with fully connected NN diagram
- How do fully connected NN use two words to predict the third?
- How then to predict the fourth word?
- why should same color parameters should be the same set of parameters?
[image:A3DB17E3-AB76-4818-A1BF-D767C7B646DE-76996-0002D85254D25DE9/BECCCC16-C799-41D3-943B-EBC449BEDA64.png] [image:2EBD0725-7D53-4292-9E85-CCD47C02242F-76996-0002D857FC4B16B9/B4551F3D-468F-4721-9A70-BCA8BF561B96.png]

如何用human numbers数据集来构建训练和验证集

RNN Toy example - how to create the training and validation sets from human numbers dataset?

Toy example - how to create the training and validation sets
- how to access the number of tokens in validation set?
- how to distinguish bs=batch_size, bptt=backpropagation through time, num_batches?
- How to get 3 batches of data from validation set one by one?
- How to count the number of elements within a batch of x or y?
- Why bptt=70 but first batch has 95 elements and second batch as 69 elements?
- How x1 and y1 differ from each other?
- How to textify numbers into words?
- How mini-batches of x join up with each other?
[image:AE5A0EB9-4737-49D4-A96D-5D7F639C6795-76996-0002D54E2D48B6B0/22BDBA2A-B966-420D-8A35-C0FD52358568.png] [image:18BC726D-3B3A-425F-A1FD-056D96B27B76-76996-0002D55B8C6BCD68/A55BC1CA-08A8-4410-A760-E044A17C636E.png]
[image:F0C85252-1AFF-453A-82C2-16D1F13119F5-76996-0002D564FBB255BD/384FE658-537D-45BC-AF0D-850578C3D6D0.png] [image:90F9A20B-F518-490F-9589-E642B14FEA94-76996-0002D56F65054CFA/DB6FB9FD-D207-470E-9069-631F54B9992A.png] [image:8617D414-3D73-472F-8A61-0D7A74FD76B1-76996-0002D57EE9EF1C9F/280A1DD4-0F34-4ED1-8063-951DF0C4258E.png]


How to build the predicting n-th from n-1 words model based on the diagram above

How to build the predicting n-th from n-1 words model based on the diagram above
* How to implement the diagram into a NN?
* When is appropriate to refractor code?
* Why RNN can be seen as actually the NN with refactor?
* How to create a tensor container for h the activation?
* Why the h the activation shape should be a fixed size? (just assume to be in the video)

[image:3559F672-B354-4F89-9B4C-3BAF03458589-76996-0002D67E54EA29E7/392E6C24-BDAD-499F-8179-C84AFFA17A3B.png] [image:FEBC5FE9-71E0-4759-BBAC-DB98CB7FD8D2-76996-0002D6BE424D17C4/76DF1742-C01A-4065-8994-3FC590FF12FF.png]


How to build the NN to predict N-th word with N-1th word?

How to build the NN to predict N-th word with N-1th word
- How can such model’s loss function make the most out of words input (compared to previous model)?
- [image:115D0079-23B3-41B6-A52C-1F49EAAAFE22-76996-0002D8B1CA8E7878/EDE758BD-BEB8-4B1C-97C3-8A5821C2C0D0.png]
* What does the diagram and the NN look like now?
* [image:AD60460F-79F2-4AB9-A62B-7CEA27DEE907-76996-0002D8CF71CAF5D2/AF0DF661-4D14-4855-AA30-B80D8CE0325D.png] [image:05A5B6D4-9590-40E1-8E68-A7F5A0C0C163-76996-0002D8DAE81AD37C/0B17DF53-3B3B-46E0-8038-765B09D66A52.png]
- Why this new model has a worse performance?
- [image:B58A024E-E6D2-40F4-BC31-7CCEAAD717F1-76996-0002D8EC63A82D9B/9770EC6E-5046-417C-80FD-09132DBB0B24.png]
- How to solve this problem?
- [image:602586BF-3EC6-4B5C-9CD6-598BC7BB0E66-76996-0002D909E79C817B/1E5F7C06-85C4-4307-BBC8-E7B0454BC1EB.png][image:0D53D28C-C4CA-4315-A73D-D0D6FC0553B4-76996-0002D920A624A226/606BD09D-1FD6-493C-BFCF-4457923C4DCF.png]
* So, what is RNN?
* just fully connected NN with refactor of loops


How to construct multi-layer RNN?

How to construct multi-layer RNN
- How to refactor the code to with nn.RNN?
- [image:FBD17C9F-E448-4C70-9667-7518665CE381-76996-0002DBFE40EF2337/A2496C4A-EB7C-4FE3-8A7B-7183F6F24527.png]
- How to construct a 2-layer RNN?
- What is GRU or LSTM
- [image:98B2640C-1011-4FBC-B3CF-7A9D7F02D8BC-76996-0002DC3F7C828DAD/3E17705E-BFA2-4FC7-8CBF-FAC8D15AFC9E.png] [image:23733A06-1A7D-42C7-935E-2BC9BFAE7045-76996-0002DC47DC4EE864/F2D891A4-8012-461A-8814-6BEC49DEC1B1.png]
* What are sequence labeling tasks?
* What and how to do NLP classification?


How to learn by heart

How to learn by heart

What is it like of watching lessons again and again?

- a second time can always help to get some bit of the lesson previously not understood and enable to implement some code which was not able to previously

Why should I write and share codes?

- make sure you code something on your own
- people can confirm what you did right and where to improve and learn more

Why and How to read papers?

- more papers to cover in part 2
- just focus on practical sections such as “why we are solving this problem” and “what are the results”

What to write on blogs?

- put into words on what you learnt 
- not for DL academic professionals 
- but to help people like you 6 months ago

What to do on forums?

- to get help from others
- to help others 
- to share your successful stories

Why and how to get together with your peers?

- social learning is very helpful
- we can do book clubs, meetups, study groups

Why and how to build something?

- make the world a slightly better place 
- or, make people you love a little more delight
- just finish something, build something, such as a model can generate tweet sounds like Elon Musk
- people on forum can help even guide you to do so
- you can build an app, create a project, help with library


如何参与fastai library 建设

How to get involved with fastai library?

- it may seem boring from outside
- help docs, texts require deep understanding of the implementation of codes
- curators can send you papers and materials to figure out why they wrote code this way
- eventually you are going to write the docs and texts to explain it clearly



How to initiate a study group?

- go on to forum and find your timezone
- get a google sheet to sign up 
- to create projects and wiki together

What to expect from part 2 fastai?

- see how the fastai codebase was built from stage to stage
- talking about software development in terms of fastai
- to learn the process of doing research and reading papers
- how to turn math into codes
- many more advanced architectures



What Jeremy’s typical daylight is like? How to manage work and life?

- people shocked to see me disorganized and incompetent
- have a good time without a specific plan, just want to finish it
- DL is not like web app with regular feedback and specific milestones, therefore you must be able to have fun in DL to keep you going
- No meetings, phone calls, coffee, TV, PC games, but a lot of time coding, reading, exercising and with family
- make sure to get something finished properly, and even get a group to do it together

What part of ML DL most exciting to you and why not RL?

- RL is overly complex and less useful to normal people in day to day work
- Transfer learning has always been under appreciated and researched, help changed NLP with transfer learning. I am excited to get transfer learning work better and faster in many areas

What to recommend to practice before part 2?

- just coding and code all the time
- make sure you know all the tiny coding skills we covered 
- rebuild all the notebooks from scratch but with fastai lib
- it makes you top edge students or practioners

What is fastai going to be in 5 years?

- become a software to use without coding
- get rid of course and code and do useful stuff easily and nicely

第二课 手写SGD



%matplotlib inline
from fastai.basics import *


In this part of the lecture we explain Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) which is an optimization method commonly used in neural networks. We will illustrate the concepts with concrete examples.

Linear Regression problem



The goal of linear regression is to fit a line to a set of points.

构建features, X

构建features, X

x = torch.ones(n,2)  # 第二个特征的值都是1, 让问题简单点
tensor([[-0.1957,  1.0000],
        [ 0.1826,  1.0000],
        [-0.1008,  1.0000],
        [-0.1449,  1.0000],
        [ 0.7091,  1.0000]])


a = tensor(3.,2); a
tensor([3., 2.])


y = x@a + torch.rand(n)
作图 X与Y的关系图

作图:X[:0] 与Y的关系图

plt.scatter(x[:,0], y);


构建损失函数 MSE

构建损失函数 MSE

You want to find parameters (weights) a such that you minimize the error between the points and the line x@a. Note that here a is unknown. For a regression problem the most common error function or loss function is the mean squared error.

def mse(y_hat, y): return ((y_hat-y)**2).mean()


Suppose we believe a = (-1.0,1.0) then we can compute y_hat which is our prediction and then compute our error.

a = tensor(-1.,1)


y_hat = x@a
mse(y_hat, y)




So far we have specified the model (linear regression) and the evaluation criteria (or loss function). Now we need to handle optimization; that is, how do we find the best values for a? How do we find the best fitting linear regression.



Gradient Descent

We would like to find the values of a that minimize mse_loss.

Gradient descent is an algorithm that minimizes functions. Given a function defined by a set of parameters, gradient descent starts with an initial set of parameter values and iteratively moves toward a set of parameter values that minimize the function. This iterative minimization is achieved by taking steps in the negative direction of the function gradient.

Here is gradient descent implemented in PyTorch.



a = nn.Parameter(a); a
Parameter containing:
tensor([-1.,  1.], requires_grad=True)


def update():
    y_hat = x@a
    loss = mse(y, y_hat)
    if t % 10 == 0: print(loss)
    with torch.no_grad():
        a.sub_(lr * a.grad)


lr = 1e-1
for t in range(100): update()
tensor(7.9356, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(1.4609, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(0.4824, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(0.1995, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(0.1147, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(0.0893, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(0.0816, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(0.0793, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(0.0786, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)
tensor(0.0784, grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)






Animate it!

from matplotlib import animation, rc
rc('animation', html='jshtml')
a = nn.Parameter(tensor(-1.,1))

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(x[:,0], y, c='orange')
line, = plt.plot(x[:,0], x@a)

def animate(i):
    return line,

animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(0, 100), interval=20)


In practice, we don’t calculate on the whole file at once, but we use mini-batches.


  • Learning rate
  • Epoch
  • Minibatch
  • SGD
  • Model / Architecture
  • Parameters
  • Loss function

For classification problems, we use cross entropy loss, also known as negative log likelihood loss. This penalizes incorrect confident predictions, and correct unconfident predictions.

Image segmentation with CamVid



%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline


from fastai import *
from import *
from fastai.callbacks.hooks import *


The One Hundred Layer Tiramisu paper used a modified version of Camvid, with smaller images and few classes. You can get it from the CamVid directory of this repo:

git clone


path = Path('./data/camvid-tiramisu')


将文件夹中文件转化成path list

将文件夹中文件转化成path list

fnames = get_image_files(path/'val')
lbl_names = get_image_files(path/'valannot')


img_f = fnames[0]
img = open_image(img_f),5))




def get_y_fn(x): return Path(str(x.parent)+'annot')/

codes = array(['Sky', 'Building', 'Pole', 'Road', 'Sidewalk', 'Tree',
    'Sign', 'Fence', 'Car', 'Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Void'])
mask = open_mask(get_y_fn(img_f)),5), alpha=1)




src_size = np.array(mask.shape[1:])
(array([360, 480]), tensor([[[1, 1, 1,  ..., 5, 5, 5],
          [1, 1, 1,  ..., 5, 5, 5],
          [1, 1, 1,  ..., 5, 5, 5],
          [4, 4, 4,  ..., 3, 3, 3],
          [4, 4, 4,  ..., 3, 3, 3],
          [4, 4, 4,  ..., 3, 3, 3]]]))




bs,size = 8,src_size//2
创建segmentation data source

创建segmentation data source

src = (SegmentationItemList.from_folder(path)
       .label_from_func(get_y_fn, classes=codes))
从data source创建databunch

从data source创建databunch

data = (src.transform(get_transforms(), tfm_y=True)
show_batch 将原图和annot图进行了融合,好比图片与label一同打印一样

show_batch 将原图和annot图进行了融合,好比图片与label一同打印一样

data.show_batch(2, figsize=(10,7))





name2id = {v:k for k,v in enumerate(codes)}
void_code = name2id['Void']


def acc_camvid(input, target):
    target = target.squeeze(1)
    mask = target != void_code
    return (input.argmax(dim=1)[mask]==target[mask]).float().mean()
设置weight decay

设置weight decay



learn = unet_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=metrics, wd=wd, bottle=True)


LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.




learn.fit_one_cycle(10, slice(lr), pct_start=0.8)'stage-1')
加载,解冻,设置学习率区间slice, 用pct_start训练12次

加载,解冻,设置学习率区间slice, 用pct_start训练12次

lrs = slice(lr/100,lr)
learn.fit_one_cycle(12, lrs, pct_start=0.8)

Total time: 05:52

epoch train_loss valid_loss acc_camvid
1 0.277594 0.273819 0.913931
2 0.271254 0.266760 0.916620
3 0.269084 0.269211 0.915474
4 0.273889 0.295377 0.914132
5 0.268701 0.312179 0.906329
6 0.295838 0.363080 0.902990
7 0.304576 0.323809 0.898795
8 0.290066 0.267403 0.920294
9 0.274901 0.274512 0.914693
10 0.275207 0.273877 0.920632
11 0.248439 0.236959 0.931970
12 0.224031 0.253183 0.926807'stage-2');

Go big





You may have to restart your kernel and come back to this stage if you run out of memory, and may also need to decrease bs.

size = src_size


data = (src.transform(get_transforms(), size=size, tfm_y=True)


learn = unet_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=metrics, wd=wd, bottle=True).load('stage-2');


LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.


挑选学习率并开始训练,采用slice, pct_start

挑选学习率并开始训练,采用slice, pct_start

learn.fit_one_cycle(10, slice(lr), pct_start=0.8)'stage-1-big')
加载模型,解冻,设置学习率区间slice, 并训练10次

加载模型,解冻,设置学习率区间slice, 并训练10次

lrs = slice(lr/1000,lr/10)
learn.fit_one_cycle(10, lrs)'stage-2-big')


learn.show_results(rows=3, figsize=(9,11))


# start: 480x360


Layer (type)         Output Shape         Param #    Trainable 
Conv2d               [8, 64, 180, 240]    9408       False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 180, 240]    128        True      
ReLU                 [8, 64, 180, 240]    0          False     
MaxPool2d            [8, 64, 90, 120]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 64, 90, 120]     36864      False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 90, 120]     128        True      
ReLU                 [8, 64, 90, 120]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 64, 90, 120]     36864      False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 90, 120]     128        True      
Conv2d               [8, 64, 90, 120]     36864      False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 90, 120]     128        True      
ReLU                 [8, 64, 90, 120]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 64, 90, 120]     36864      False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 90, 120]     128        True      
Conv2d               [8, 64, 90, 120]     36864      False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 90, 120]     128        True      
ReLU                 [8, 64, 90, 120]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 64, 90, 120]     36864      False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 90, 120]     128        True      
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     73728      False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
ReLU                 [8, 128, 45, 60]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     147456     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     8192       False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     147456     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
ReLU                 [8, 128, 45, 60]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     147456     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     147456     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
ReLU                 [8, 128, 45, 60]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     147456     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     147456     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
ReLU                 [8, 128, 45, 60]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 128, 45, 60]     147456     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     294912     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
ReLU                 [8, 256, 23, 30]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     32768      False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
ReLU                 [8, 256, 23, 30]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
ReLU                 [8, 256, 23, 30]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
ReLU                 [8, 256, 23, 30]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
ReLU                 [8, 256, 23, 30]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
ReLU                 [8, 256, 23, 30]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 256, 23, 30]     589824     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
Conv2d               [8, 512, 12, 15]     1179648    False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 512, 12, 15]     1024       True      
ReLU                 [8, 512, 12, 15]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 512, 12, 15]     2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 512, 12, 15]     1024       True      
Conv2d               [8, 512, 12, 15]     131072     False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 512, 12, 15]     1024       True      
Conv2d               [8, 512, 12, 15]     2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 512, 12, 15]     1024       True      
ReLU                 [8, 512, 12, 15]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 512, 12, 15]     2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 512, 12, 15]     1024       True      
Conv2d               [8, 512, 12, 15]     2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 512, 12, 15]     1024       True      
ReLU                 [8, 512, 12, 15]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 512, 12, 15]     2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 512, 12, 15]     1024       True      
BatchNorm2d          [8, 512, 12, 15]     1024       True      
ReLU                 [8, 512, 12, 15]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 1024, 12, 15]    4719616    True      
ReLU                 [8, 1024, 12, 15]    0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 512, 12, 15]     4719104    True      
ReLU                 [8, 512, 12, 15]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 1024, 12, 15]    525312     True      
PixelShuffle         [8, 256, 24, 30]     0          False     
ReplicationPad2d     [8, 256, 25, 31]     0          False     
AvgPool2d            [8, 256, 24, 30]     0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 1024, 12, 15]    0          False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 256, 23, 30]     512        True      
Conv2d               [8, 512, 23, 30]     2359808    True      
ReLU                 [8, 512, 23, 30]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 512, 23, 30]     2359808    True      
ReLU                 [8, 512, 23, 30]     0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 512, 23, 30]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 1024, 23, 30]    525312     True      
PixelShuffle         [8, 256, 46, 60]     0          False     
ReplicationPad2d     [8, 256, 47, 61]     0          False     
AvgPool2d            [8, 256, 46, 60]     0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 1024, 23, 30]    0          False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 128, 45, 60]     256        True      
Conv2d               [8, 384, 45, 60]     1327488    True      
ReLU                 [8, 384, 45, 60]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 384, 45, 60]     1327488    True      
ReLU                 [8, 384, 45, 60]     0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 384, 45, 60]     0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 768, 45, 60]     295680     True      
PixelShuffle         [8, 192, 90, 120]    0          False     
ReplicationPad2d     [8, 192, 91, 121]    0          False     
AvgPool2d            [8, 192, 90, 120]    0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 768, 45, 60]     0          False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 90, 120]     128        True      
Conv2d               [8, 256, 90, 120]    590080     True      
ReLU                 [8, 256, 90, 120]    0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 256, 90, 120]    590080     True      
ReLU                 [8, 256, 90, 120]    0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 256, 90, 120]    0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 512, 90, 120]    131584     True      
PixelShuffle         [8, 128, 180, 240]   0          False     
ReplicationPad2d     [8, 128, 181, 241]   0          False     
AvgPool2d            [8, 128, 180, 240]   0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 512, 90, 120]    0          False     
BatchNorm2d          [8, 64, 180, 240]    128        True      
Conv2d               [8, 96, 180, 240]    165984     True      
ReLU                 [8, 96, 180, 240]    0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 96, 180, 240]    83040      True      
ReLU                 [8, 96, 180, 240]    0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 192, 180, 240]   0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 384, 180, 240]   37248      True      
PixelShuffle         [8, 96, 360, 480]    0          False     
ReplicationPad2d     [8, 96, 361, 481]    0          False     
AvgPool2d            [8, 96, 360, 480]    0          False     
ReLU                 [8, 384, 180, 240]   0          False     
MergeLayer           [8, 99, 360, 480]    0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 49, 360, 480]    43708      True      
ReLU                 [8, 49, 360, 480]    0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 99, 360, 480]    43758      True      
ReLU                 [8, 99, 360, 480]    0          False     
MergeLayer           [8, 99, 360, 480]    0          False     
Conv2d               [8, 12, 360, 480]    1200       True      

Total params:  41133018
Total trainable params:  19865370
Total non-trainable params:  21267648

Regression with BIWI head pose dataset

BIWI head pose数据集要处理什么问题

BIWI head pose数据集要处理什么问题

This is a more advanced example to show how to create custom datasets and do regression with images. Our task is to find the center of the head in each image. The data comes from the BIWI head pose dataset, thanks to Gabriele Fanelli et al. We have converted the images to jpeg format, so you should download the converted dataset from this link.



%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline


from import *

Getting and converting the data



path = untar_data(URLs.BIWI_HEAD_POSE)
cal = np.genfromtxt(path/'01'/'', skip_footer=6); cal
array([[517.679,   0.   , 320.   ],
       [  0.   , 517.679, 240.5  ],
       [  0.   ,   0.   ,   1.   ]])


fname = '09/frame_00667_rgb.jpg'
def img2txt_name(f): return path/f'{str(f)[:-7]}pose.txt'
img = open_image(path/fname)




ctr = np.genfromtxt(img2txt_name(fname), skip_header=3); ctr
array([187.332 ,  40.3892, 893.135 ])
def convert_biwi(coords):
    c1 = coords[0] * cal[0][0]/coords[2] + cal[0][2]
    c2 = coords[1] * cal[1][1]/coords[2] + cal[1][2]
    return tensor([c2,c1])

def get_ctr(f):
    ctr = np.genfromtxt(img2txt_name(f), skip_header=3)
    return convert_biwi(ctr)

def get_ip(img,pts): return ImagePoints(FlowField(img.size, pts), scale=True)
tensor([263.9104, 428.5814])


ctr = get_ctr(fname), ctr), figsize=(6, 6))


Creating a dataset

从pointsItemList 创建Databunch

从pointsItemList 创建Databunch

data = (PointsItemList.from_folder(path)
        .split_by_valid_func(lambda o:'13')
        .transform(get_transforms(), tfm_y=True, size=(120,160))


data.show_batch(3, figsize=(9,6))


Train model



learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet34)


LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.


lr = 2e-2


learn.fit_one_cycle(5, slice(lr))'stage-1')



Data augmentation



tfms = get_transforms(max_rotate=20, max_zoom=1.5, max_lighting=0.5, max_warp=0.4, p_affine=1., p_lighting=1.)
从PointsItemList 构建DataBunch

从PointsItemList 构建DataBunch

data = (PointsItemList.from_folder(path)
        .split_by_valid_func(lambda o:'13')
        .transform(get_transforms(), tfm_y=True, size=(120,160))


def _plot(i,j,ax):
    x,y = data.train_ds[0], y=y)

plot_multi(_plot, 3, 3, figsize=(8,6))





%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline


from fastai.text import *

Preparing the data



First let’s download the dataset we are going to study. The dataset has been curated by Andrew Maas et al. and contains a total of 100,000 reviews on IMDB. 25,000 of them are labelled as positive and negative for training, another 25,000 are labelled for testing (in both cases they are highly polarized). The remaning 50,000 is an additional unlabelled data (but we will find a use for it nonetheless).

We’ll begin with a sample we’ve prepared for you, so that things run quickly before going over the full dataset.



path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)


It only contains one csv file, let’s have a look at it.

df = pd.read_csv(path/'texts.csv')
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
label text is_valid
0 negative Un-bleeping-believable! Meg Ryan doesn't even ... False
1 positive This is a extremely well-made film. The acting... False
2 negative Every once in a long while a movie will come a... False
3 positive Name just says it all. I watched this movie wi... False
4 negative This movie succeeds at being one of the most u... False
'This is a extremely well-made film. The acting, script and camera-work are all first-rate. The music is good, too, though it is mostly early in the film, when things are still relatively cheery. There are no really superstars in the cast, though several faces will be familiar. The entire cast does an excellent job with the script.<br /><br />But it is hard to watch, because there is no good end to a situation like the one presented. It is now fashionable to blame the British for setting Hindus and Muslims against each other, and then cruelly separating them into two countries. There is some merit in this view, but it\'s also true that no one forced Hindus and Muslims in the region to mistreat each other as they did around the time of partition. It seems more likely that the British simply saw the tensions between the religions and were clever enough to exploit them to their own ends.<br /><br />The result is that there is much cruelty and inhumanity in the situation and this is very unpleasant to remember and to see on the screen. But it is never painted as a black-and-white case. There is baseness and nobility on both sides, and also the hope for change in the younger generation.<br /><br />There is redemption of a sort, in the end, when Puro has to make a hard choice between a man who has ruined her life, but also truly loved her, and her family which has disowned her, then later come looking for her. But by that point, she has no option that is without great pain for her.<br /><br />This film carries the message that both Muslims and Hindus have their grave faults, and also that both can be dignified and caring people. The reality of partition makes that realisation all the more wrenching, since there can never be real reconciliation across the India/Pakistan border. In that sense, it is similar to "Mr & Mrs Iyer".<br /><br />In the end, we were glad to have seen the film, even though the resolution was heartbreaking. If the UK and US could deal with their own histories of racism with this kind of frankness, they would certainly be better off.'


It contains one line per review, with the label (‘negative’ or ‘positive’), the text and a flag to determine if it should be part of the validation set or the training set. If we ignore this flag, we can create a DataBunch containing this data in one line of code:

data_lm = TextDataBunch.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv')


By executing this line a process was launched that took a bit of time. Let’s dig a bit into it. Images could be fed (almost) directly into a model because they’re just a big array of pixel values that are floats between 0 and 1. A text is composed of words, and we can’t apply mathematical functions to them directly. We first have to convert them to numbers. This is done in two differents steps: tokenization and numericalization. A TextDataBunch does all of that behind the scenes for you.

Before we delve into the explanations, let’s take the time to save the things that were calculated.



Next time we launch this notebook, we can skip the cell above that took a bit of time (and that will take a lot more when you get to the full dataset) and load those results like this:

data = load_data(path)




The first step of processing we make the texts go through is to split the raw sentences into words, or more exactly tokens. The easiest way to do this would be to split the string on spaces, but we can be smarter:

  • we need to take care of punctuation
  • some words are contractions of two different words, like isn’t or don’t
  • we may need to clean some parts of our texts, if there’s HTML code for instance

To see what the tokenizer had done behind the scenes, let’s have a look at a few texts in a batch.



data = TextClasDataBunch.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv')
text target
xxbos xxmaj raising xxmaj victor xxmaj vargas : a xxmaj review \n \n xxmaj you know , xxmaj raising xxmaj victor xxmaj vargas is like sticking your hands into a big , steaming bowl of xxunk . xxmaj it 's warm and gooey , but you 're not sure if it feels right . xxmaj try as i might , no matter how warm and gooey xxmaj raising xxmaj negative
xxbos xxup the xxup shop xxup around xxup the xxup corner is one of the sweetest and most feel - good romantic comedies ever made . xxmaj there 's just no getting around that , and it 's hard to actually put one 's feeling for this film into words . xxmaj it 's not one of those films that tries too hard , nor does it come up with positive
xxbos xxmaj now that xxmaj che(2008 ) has finished its relatively short xxmaj australian cinema run ( extremely limited xxunk screen in xxmaj sydney , after xxunk ) , i can xxunk join both xxunk of " xxmaj at xxmaj the xxmaj movies " in taking xxmaj steven xxmaj soderbergh to task . \n \n xxmaj it 's usually satisfying to watch a film director change his style / negative
xxbos xxmaj this film sat on my xxmaj tivo for weeks before i watched it . i dreaded a self - indulgent xxunk flick about relationships gone bad . i was wrong ; this was an xxunk xxunk into the screwed - up xxunk of xxmaj new xxmaj yorkers . \n \n xxmaj the format is the same as xxmaj max xxmaj xxunk ' " xxmaj la xxmaj ronde positive
xxbos xxmaj many neglect that this is n't just a classic due to the fact that it 's the first xxup 3d game , or even the first xxunk - up . xxmaj it 's also one of the first stealth games , one of the xxunk definitely the first ) truly claustrophobic games , and just a pretty well - xxunk gaming experience in general . xxmaj with graphics positive

The texts are truncated at 100 tokens for more readability. We can see that it did more than just split on space and punctuation symbols:

  • the “'s” are grouped together in one token
  • the contractions are separated like this: “did”, “n’t”
  • content has been cleaned for any HTML symbol and lower cased
  • there are several special tokens (all those that begin by xx), to replace unknown tokens (see below) or to introduce different text fields (here we only have one).




Once we have extracted tokens from our texts, we convert to integers by creating a list of all the words used. We only keep the ones that appear at least twice with a maximum vocabulary size of 60,000 (by default) and replace the ones that don’t make the cut by the unknown token UNK.

The correspondance from ids to tokens is stored in the vocab attribute of our datasets, in a dictionary called itos (for int to string).

查看 UNK

查看 UNK



And if we look at what a what’s in our datasets, we’ll see the tokenized text as a representation:

Text xxbos i know that originally , this film was xxup not a box office hit , but in light of recent xxmaj hollywood releases ( most of which have been decidedly formula - ridden , plot less , pointless , " save - the - blonde - chick - no - matter - what " xxunk ) , xxmaj xxunk of xxmaj all xxmaj xxunk , certainly in this sorry context deserves a second opinion . xxmaj the film -- like the book -- loses xxunk in some of the historical background , but it xxunk a uniquely xxmaj american dilemma set against the uniquely horrific xxmaj american xxunk of human xxunk , and some of its tragic ( and funny , and touching ) consequences . 

 xxmaj and worthy of xxunk out is the youthful xxmaj robert xxmaj xxunk , cast as the leading figure , xxmaj xxunk , whose xxunk xxunk is truly universal as he sets out in the beginning of his ' coming of age , ' only to be xxunk disappointed at what turns out to become his true education in the ways of the xxmaj southern plantation world of xxmaj xxunk , at the xxunk of the xxunk period . xxmaj when i saw the previews featuring the ( xxunk ) blond - xxunk xxmaj xxunk , i expected a xxunk , a xxunk , a xxunk -- i was pleasantly surprised . 

 xxmaj xxunk xxmaj davis , xxmaj ruby xxmaj dee , the late xxmaj ben xxmaj xxunk , xxmaj xxunk xxmaj xxunk , xxmaj victoria xxmaj xxunk and even xxmaj xxunk xxmaj guy xxunk vivid imagery and formidable skill as actors in the backdrop xxunk of xxunk , voodoo , xxmaj xxunk " xxunk , " and xxmaj xxunk revolt woven into this tale of human passion , hate , love , family , and racial xxunk in a society which is supposedly gone and yet somehow is still with us .

But the underlying data is all numbers

array([   2,   18,  146,   19, 3788,   10,   20,   31,   25,    5])

With the data block API



We can use the data block API with NLP and have a lot more flexibility than what the default factory methods offer. In the previous example for instance, the data was randomly split between train and validation instead of reading the third column of the csv.

With the data block API though, we have to manually call the tokenize and numericalize steps. This allows more flexibility, and if you’re not using the defaults from fastai, the variaous arguments to pass will appear in the step they’re revelant, so it’ll be more readable.

data = (TextList.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv', cols='text')

Language model



Note that language models can use a lot of GPU, so you may need to decrease batchsize here.



Now let’s grab the full dataset for what follows.

path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB)


The reviews are in a training and test set following an imagenet structure. The only difference is that there is an unsup folder on top of train and test that contains the unlabelled data.

We’re not going to train a model that classifies the reviews from scratch. Like in computer vision, we’ll use a model pretrained on a bigger dataset (a cleaned subset of wikipedia called wikitext-103). That model has been trained to guess what the next word, its input being all the previous words. It has a recurrent structure and a hidden state that is updated each time it sees a new word. This hidden state thus contains information about the sentence up to that point.

We are going to use that ‘knowledge’ of the English language to build our classifier, but first, like for computer vision, we need to fine-tune the pretrained model to our particular dataset. Because the English of the reviews left by people on IMDB isn’t the same as the English of wikipedia, we’ll need to adjust the parameters of our model by a little bit. Plus there might be some words that would be extremely common in the reviews dataset but would be barely present in wikipedia, and therefore might not be part of the vocabulary the model was trained on.



This is where the unlabelled data is going to be useful to us, as we can use it to fine-tune our model. Let’s create our data object with the data block API (next line takes a few minutes).

data_lm = (TextList.from_folder(path)
           #Inputs: all the text files in path
            .filter_by_folder(include=['train', 'test', 'unsup']) 
           #We may have other temp folders that contain text files 
           # so we only keep what's in train and test
           #We randomly split and keep 10% (10,000 reviews) for validation
           #We want to do a language model so we label accordingly
TextDataBunch:忽略label, shuffle训练集而非验证集

TextDataBunch:忽略label, shuffle训练集而非验证集

We have to use a special kind of TextDataBunch for the language model, that ignores the labels (that’s why we put 0 everywhere), will shuffle the texts at each epoch before concatenating them all together (only for training, we don’t shuffle for the validation set) and will send batches that read that text in order with targets that are the next word in the sentence.

The line before being a bit long, we want to load quickly the final ids by using the following cell.

data_lm = load_data(path, 'data_lm.pkl', bs=bs)
idx text
0 original script that xxmaj david xxmaj dhawan has worked on . xxmaj this one was a complete bit y bit rip off xxmaj hitch . i have nothing against remakes as such , but this one is just so lousy that it makes you even hate the original one ( which was pretty decent ) . i fail to understand what actors like xxmaj salman and xxmaj govinda saw in
1 ' classic ' xxmaj the xxmaj big xxmaj doll xxmaj house ' , which takes xxmaj awful to a whole new level . i can heartily recommend these two xxunk as a double - bill . xxmaj you 'll laugh yourself silly . xxbos xxmaj this movie is a pure disaster , the story is stupid and the editing is the worst i have seen , it confuses you incredibly
2 of xxmaj european cinema 's most quietly disturbing sociopaths and one of the most memorable finales of all time ( shamelessly stolen by xxmaj tarantino for xxmaj kill xxmaj bill xxmaj volume xxmaj two ) , but it has plenty more to offer than that . xxmaj playing around with chronology and inverting the usual clichés of standard ' lady vanishes ' plots , it also offers superb characterisation and
3 but even xxmaj martin xxmaj short managed a distinct , supporting character . ) \n\n i can understand the attraction of an imaginary world created in a good romantic comedy . xxmaj but this film is the prozac version of an imaginary world . i 'm frightened to consider that anyone could enjoy it even as pure fantasy . xxbos movie i have ever seen . xxmaj actually i find
4 xxmaj pre - xxmaj code film . xxbos xxmaj here 's a decidedly average xxmaj italian post apocalyptic take on the hunting / killing humans for sport theme ala xxmaj the xxmaj most xxmaj dangerous xxmaj game , xxmaj turkey xxmaj shoot , xxmaj gymkata and xxmaj the xxmaj running xxmaj man . \n\n xxmaj certainly the film reviewed here is nowhere near as much fun as the other listed


We can then put this in a learner object very easily with a model loaded with the pretrained weights. They’ll be downloaded the first time you’ll execute the following line and stored in ~/.fastai/models/ (or elsewhere if you specified different paths in your config file).

learn = language_model_learner(data_lm, AWD_LSTM, drop_mult=0.3)


LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.




learn.fit_one_cycle(1, 1e-2, moms=(0.8,0.7))'fit_head')



To complete the fine-tuning, we can then unfeeze and launch a new training.

learn.fit_one_cycle(10, 1e-3, moms=(0.8,0.7))'fine_tuned')


How good is our model? Well let’s try to see what it predicts after a few given words.

TEXT = "I liked this movie because"
N_WORDS = 40
print("\n".join(learn.predict(TEXT, N_WORDS, temperature=0.75) for _ in range(N_SENTENCES)))
I liked this movie because of the cool scenery and the high level of xxmaj british hunting . xxmaj the only thing this movie has going for it is the horrible acting and no script . xxmaj the movie was a big disappointment . xxmaj
I liked this movie because it was one of the few movies that made me laugh so hard i did n't like it . xxmaj it was a hilarious film and it was very entertaining . 

 xxmaj the acting was great , i 'm


We not only have to save the model, but also it’s encoder, the part that’s responsible for creating and updating the hidden state. For the next part, we don’t care about the part that tries to guess the next word.





Now, we’ll create a new data object that only grabs the labelled data and keeps those labels. Again, this line takes a bit of time.

path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB)


data_clas = (TextList.from_folder(path, vocab=data_lm.vocab)
             #grab all the text files in path
             #split by train and valid folder 
             # (that only keeps 'train' and 'test' so no need to filter)
             .label_from_folder(classes=['neg', 'pos'])
             #label them all with their folders


data_clas = load_data(path, 'data_clas.pkl', bs=bs)
text target
xxbos xxmaj match 1 : xxmaj tag xxmaj team xxmaj table xxmaj match xxmaj bubba xxmaj ray and xxmaj spike xxmaj dudley vs xxmaj eddie xxmaj guerrero and xxmaj chris xxmaj benoit xxmaj bubba xxmaj ray and xxmaj spike xxmaj dudley started things off with a xxmaj tag xxmaj team xxmaj table xxmaj match against xxmaj eddie xxmaj guerrero and xxmaj chris xxmaj benoit . xxmaj according to the rules pos
xxbos xxmaj titanic directed by xxmaj james xxmaj cameron presents a fictional love story on the historical setting of the xxmaj titanic . xxmaj the plot is simple , xxunk , or not for those who love plots that twist and turn and keep you in suspense . xxmaj the end of the movie can be figured out within minutes of the start of the film , but the love pos
xxbos xxmaj here are the matches . . . ( adv . = advantage ) \n\n xxmaj the xxmaj warriors ( xxmaj ultimate xxmaj warrior , xxmaj texas xxmaj tornado and xxmaj legion of xxmaj doom ) v xxmaj the xxmaj perfect xxmaj team ( xxmaj mr xxmaj perfect , xxmaj ax , xxmaj smash and xxmaj crush of xxmaj demolition ) : xxmaj ax is the first to go neg
xxbos i felt duty bound to watch the 1983 xxmaj timothy xxmaj dalton / xxmaj zelah xxmaj clarke adaptation of " xxmaj jane xxmaj eyre , " because i 'd just written an article about the 2006 xxup bbc " xxmaj jane xxmaj eyre " for xxunk . \n\n xxmaj so , i approached watching this the way i 'd approach doing homework . \n\n i was irritated at first pos
xxbos xxmaj no , this is n't a sequel to the fabulous xxup ova series , but rather a remake of the events that occurred after the death of xxmaj xxunk ( and the disappearance of xxmaj woodchuck ) . xxmaj it is also more accurate to the novels that inspired this wonderful series , which is why characters ( namely xxmaj orson and xxmaj xxunk ) are xxunk , pos


We can then create a model to classify those reviews and load the encoder we saved before.

learn = text_classifier_learner(data_clas, AWD_LSTM, drop_mult=0.5)




learn.fit_one_cycle(1, 2e-2, moms=(0.8,0.7))'first')
加载模型,解冻,训练(slice, moms), 保存模型

加载模型,解冻,训练(slice, moms), 保存模型

learn.fit_one_cycle(1, slice(1e-2/(2.6**4),1e-2), moms=(0.8,0.7))'second')


learn.fit_one_cycle(1, slice(5e-3/(2.6**4),5e-3), moms=(0.8,0.7))'third')


learn.fit_one_cycle(2, slice(1e-3/(2.6**4),1e-3), moms=(0.8,0.7))


learn.predict("I really loved that movie, it was awesome!")
(Category pos, tensor(1), tensor([7.5928e-04, 9.9924e-01]))

Multi-label prediction with Planet Amazon dataset



%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline


from import *

Getting the data



The planet dataset isn’t available on the fastai dataset page due to copyright restrictions. You can download it from Kaggle however. Let’s see how to do this by using the Kaggle API as it’s going to be pretty useful to you if you want to join a competition or use other Kaggle datasets later on.

First, install the Kaggle API by uncommenting the following line and executing it, or by executing it in your terminal (depending on your platform you may need to modify this slightly to either add source activate fastai or similar, or prefix pip with a path. Have a look at how conda install is called for your platform in the appropriate Returning to work section of (Depending on your environment, you may also need to append “–user” to the command.)

# ! pip install kaggle --upgrade

Then you need to upload your credentials from Kaggle on your instance. Login to kaggle and click on your profile picture on the top left corner, then ‘My account’. Scroll down until you find a button named ‘Create New API Token’ and click on it. This will trigger the download of a file named ‘kaggle.json’.

Upload this file to the directory this notebook is running in, by clicking “Upload” on your main Jupyter page, then uncomment and execute the next two commands (or run them in a terminal). For Windows, uncomment the last two commands.

# ! mkdir -p ~/.kaggle/
# ! mv kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/

# For Windows, uncomment these two commands
# ! mkdir %userprofile%\.kaggle
# ! move kaggle.json %userprofile%\.kaggle

You’re all set to download the data from planet competition. You first need to go to its main page and accept its rules, and run the two cells below (uncomment the shell commands to download and unzip the data). If you get a 403 forbidden error it means you haven’t accepted the competition rules yet (you have to go to the competition page, click on Rules tab, and then scroll to the bottom to find the accept button).

path = Config.data_path()/'planet'
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# ! kaggle competitions download -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -f train-jpg.tar.7z -p {path}  
# ! kaggle competitions download -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -f train_v2.csv -p {path}  
# ! unzip -q -n {path}/ -d {path}

To extract the content of this file, we’ll need 7zip, so uncomment the following line if you need to install it (or run sudo apt install p7zip-full in your terminal).

# ! conda install -y -c haasad eidl7zip

And now we can unpack the data (uncomment to run - this might take a few minutes to complete).

# ! 7za -bd -y -so x {path}/train-jpg.tar.7z | tar xf - -C {path.as_posix()}




Contrary to the pets dataset studied in last lesson, here each picture can have multiple labels. If we take a look at the csv file containing the labels (in ‘train_v2.csv’ here) we see that each ‘image_name’ is associated to several tags separated by spaces.

df = pd.read_csv(path/'train_v2.csv')
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
image_name tags
0 train_0 haze primary
1 train_1 agriculture clear primary water
2 train_2 clear primary
3 train_3 clear primary
4 train_4 agriculture clear habitation primary road


To put this in a DataBunch while using the data block API, we then need to using ImageList (and not ImageDataBunch). This will make sure the model created has the proper loss function to deal with the multiple classes.



tfms = get_transforms(flip_vert=True, max_lighting=0.1, max_zoom=1.05, max_warp=0.)

We use parentheses around the data block pipeline below, so that we can use a multiline statement without needing to add ‘\’.



src = (ImageList.from_csv(path, 'train_v2.csv', folder='train-jpg', suffix='.jpg')
       .label_from_df(label_delim=' '))
data = (src.transform(tfms, size=128)


show_batch still works, and show us the different labels separated by ;.

data.show_batch(rows=3, figsize=(12,9))



To create a Learner we use the same function as in lesson 1. Our base architecture is resnet34 again, but the metrics are a little bit differeent: we use accuracy_thresh instead of accuracy. In lesson 1, we determined the predicition for a given class by picking the final activation that was the biggest, but here, each activation can be 0. or 1. accuracy_thresh selects the ones that are above a certain threshold (0.5 by default) and compares them to the ground truth.

As for Fbeta, it’s the metric that was used by Kaggle on this competition. See here for more details.



arch = models.resnet50


acc_02 = partial(accuracy_thresh, thresh=0.2)
f_score = partial(fbeta, thresh=0.2)


learn = create_cnn(data, arch, metrics=[acc_02, f_score])
Downloading: "" to /home/ubuntu/.torch/models/resnet50-19c8e357.pth
100%|██████████| 102502400/102502400 [00:01<00:00, 100859665.66it/s]


We use the LR Finder to pick a good learning rate.

LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.


Then we can fit the head of our network.

lr = 0.01


learn.fit_one_cycle(5, slice(lr))'stage-1-rn50')


…And fine-tune the whole model:

LR Finder complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.


learn.fit_one_cycle(5, slice(1e-5, lr/5))

Total time: 04:00

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_thresh fbeta
1 0.097016 0.094868 0.952004 0.916215
2 0.095774 0.088899 0.954540 0.922340
3 0.090646 0.085958 0.959249 0.924921
4 0.085097 0.083291 0.958849 0.928195
5 0.079197 0.082855 0.958602 0.928259'stage-2-rn50')


data = (src.transform(tfms, size=256)
        .databunch().normalize(imagenet_stats)) = data
torch.Size([3, 256, 256])




LR Finder complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.




learn.fit_one_cycle(5, slice(lr))

Total time: 09:01

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_thresh fbeta
1 0.087761 0.085013 0.958006 0.926066
2 0.087641 0.083732 0.958260 0.927459
3 0.084250 0.082856 0.958485 0.928200
4 0.082347 0.081470 0.960091 0.929166
5 0.078463 0.080984 0.959249 0.930089'stage-1-256-rn50')


learn.fit_one_cycle(5, slice(1e-5, lr/5))

Total time: 11:25

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_thresh fbeta
1 0.082938 0.083548 0.957846 0.927756
2 0.086312 0.084802 0.958718 0.925416
3 0.084824 0.082339 0.959975 0.930054
4 0.078784 0.081425 0.959983 0.929634
5 0.074530 0.080791 0.960426 0.931257







You won’t really know how you’re going until you submit to Kaggle, since the leaderboard isn’t using the same subset as we have for training. But as a guide, 50th place (out of 938 teams) on the private leaderboard was a score of 0.930.


(This section will be covered in part 2 - please don’t ask about it just yet! :slight_smile: )

#! kaggle competitions download -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -f test-jpg.tar.7z -p {path}  
#! 7za -bd -y -so x {path}/test-jpg.tar.7z | tar xf - -C {path}
#! kaggle competitions download -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -f test-jpg-additional.tar.7z -p {path}  
#! 7za -bd -y -so x {path}/test-jpg-additional.tar.7z | tar xf - -C {path}
test = ImageList.from_folder(path/'test-jpg').add(ImageList.from_folder(path/'test-jpg-additional'))
learn = load_learner(path, test=test)
preds, _ = learn.get_preds(ds_type=DatasetType.Test)
thresh = 0.2
labelled_preds = [' '.join([[i] for i,p in enumerate(pred) if p > thresh]) for pred in preds]
['agriculture cultivation partly_cloudy primary road',
 'clear haze primary water',
 'agriculture clear cultivation primary',
 'clear primary',
 'partly_cloudy primary']
fnames = [[:-4] for f in]
df = pd.DataFrame({'image_name':fnames, 'tags':labelled_preds}, columns=['image_name', 'tags'])
df.to_csv(path/'submission.csv', index=False)
! kaggle competitions submit planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -f {path/'submission.csv'} -m "My submission"
Warning: Your Kaggle API key is readable by other users on this system! To fix this, you can run 'chmod 600 /home/ubuntu/.kaggle/kaggle.json'
100%|██████████████████████████████████████| 2.18M/2.18M [00:02<00:00, 1.05MB/s]
Successfully submitted to Planet: Understanding the Amazon from Space

Private Leaderboard score: 0.9296 (around 80th)

Collaborative Filtering on Movie Lens



from fastai.collab import *
from fastai.tabular import *

Collaborative filtering example



collab models use data in a DataFrame of user, items, and ratings.

user,item,title = 'userId','movieId','title'


path = untar_data(URLs.ML_SAMPLE)


ratings = pd.read_csv(path/'ratings.csv')
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
userId movieId rating timestamp
0 73 1097 4.0 1255504951
1 561 924 3.5 1172695223
2 157 260 3.5 1291598691
3 358 1210 5.0 957481884
4 130 316 2.0 1138999234


That’s all we need to create and train a model:

data = CollabDataBunch.from_df(ratings, seed=42)
设置y的区间,创建collab learner

设置y的区间,创建collab learner

y_range = [0,5.5]
learn = collab_learner(data, n_factors=50, y_range=y_range)


learn.fit_one_cycle(3, 5e-3)

Total time: 00:03

epoch train_loss valid_loss
1 1.629454 0.982241
2 0.856353 0.678751
3 0.655987 0.669647

Movielens 100k

下载完整Movielens 100k数据集

下载完整Movielens 100k数据集

Let’s try with the full Movielens 100k data dataset, available from





ratings = pd.read_csv(path/'', delimiter='\t', header=None,
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
userId movieId rating timestamp
0 196 242 3 881250949
1 186 302 3 891717742
2 22 377 1 878887116
3 244 51 2 880606923
4 166 346 1 886397596


movies = pd.read_csv(path/'u.item',  delimiter='|', encoding='latin-1', header=None,
                    names=[item, 'title', 'date', 'N', 'url', *[f'g{i}' for i in range(19)]])
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
movieId title date N url g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 ... g9 g10 g11 g12 g13 g14 g15 g16 g17 g18
0 1 Toy Story (1995) 01-Jan-1995 NaN 0 0 0 1 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 GoldenEye (1995) 01-Jan-1995 NaN 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
2 3 Four Rooms (1995) 01-Jan-1995 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
3 4 Get Shorty (1995) 01-Jan-1995 NaN 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 5 Copycat (1995) 01-Jan-1995 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

5 rows × 24 columns



rating_movie = ratings.merge(movies[[item, title]])
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
userId movieId rating timestamp title
0 196 242 3 881250949 Kolya (1996)
1 63 242 3 875747190 Kolya (1996)
2 226 242 5 883888671 Kolya (1996)
3 154 242 3 879138235 Kolya (1996)
4 306 242 5 876503793 Kolya (1996)


data = CollabDataBunch.from_df(rating_movie, seed=42, valid_pct=0.1, item_name=title)
userId title target
126 Event Horizon (1997) 1.0
44 Young Frankenstein (1974) 4.0
718 Star Trek: First Contact (1996) 4.0
506 Magnificent Seven, The (1954) 5.0
373 Good, The Bad and The Ugly, The (1966) 3.0


y_range = [0,5.5]
learn = collab_learner(data, n_factors=40, y_range=y_range, wd=1e-1)


LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.




learn.fit_one_cycle(5, 5e-3)

Total time: 00:30

epoch train_loss valid_loss
1 0.923900 0.946068
2 0.865458 0.890646
3 0.783896 0.836753
4 0.638374 0.815428
5 0.561979 0.814652'dotprod')

Here’s some benchmarks on the same dataset for the popular Librec system for collaborative filtering. They show best results based on RMSE of 0.91, which corresponds to an MSE of 0.91**2 = 0.83.

Interpretation 解读模型效果



  (u_weight): Embedding(944, 40)
  (i_weight): Embedding(1654, 40)
  (u_bias): Embedding(944, 1)
  (i_bias): Embedding(1654, 1)


g = rating_movie.groupby(title)['rating'].count()


top_movies = g.sort_values(ascending=False).index.values[:1000]
array(['Star Wars (1977)', 'Contact (1997)', 'Fargo (1996)', 'Return of the Jedi (1983)', 'Liar Liar (1997)',
       'English Patient, The (1996)', 'Scream (1996)', 'Toy Story (1995)', 'Air Force One (1997)',
       'Independence Day (ID4) (1996)'], dtype=object)

Movie bias

如何获取movie bias

如何获取movie bias

movie_bias = learn.bias(top_movies, is_item=True)


mean_ratings = rating_movie.groupby(title)['rating'].mean()
将movie_bias, title, 和评分均值排在一起

将movie_bias, title, 和评分均值排在一起

movie_ratings = [(b, i, mean_ratings.loc[i]) for i,b in zip(top_movies,movie_bias)]


item0 = lambda o:o[0]
sorted(movie_ratings, key=item0)[:15]
  'Children of the Corn: The Gathering (1996)',
  'Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996)',
 (tensor(-0.2926), 'Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997)', 1.9534883720930232),
 (tensor(-0.2708), 'Cable Guy, The (1996)', 2.339622641509434),
 (tensor(-0.2669), 'Striptease (1996)', 2.2388059701492535),
 (tensor(-0.2641), 'Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997)', 1.7407407407407407),
 (tensor(-0.2511), 'Beautician and the Beast, The (1997)', 2.313953488372093),
 (tensor(-0.2418), 'Bio-Dome (1996)', 1.903225806451613),
 (tensor(-0.2345), "Joe's Apartment (1996)", 2.2444444444444445),
 (tensor(-0.2324), 'Island of Dr. Moreau, The (1996)', 2.1578947368421053),
 (tensor(-0.2266), 'Barb Wire (1996)', 1.9333333333333333),
 (tensor(-0.2219), 'Crow: City of Angels, The (1996)', 1.9487179487179487),
 (tensor(-0.2208), 'Grease 2 (1982)', 2.0),
 (tensor(-0.2151), 'Home Alone 3 (1997)', 1.894736842105263),
 (tensor(-0.2089), "McHale's Navy (1997)", 2.1884057971014492)]
sorted(movie_ratings, key=lambda o: o[0], reverse=True)[:15]
[(tensor(0.5913), "Schindler's List (1993)", 4.466442953020135),
 (tensor(0.5700), 'Titanic (1997)', 4.2457142857142856),
 (tensor(0.5623), 'Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)', 4.445229681978798),
 (tensor(0.5412), 'L.A. Confidential (1997)', 4.161616161616162),
 (tensor(0.5368), 'Rear Window (1954)', 4.3875598086124405),
 (tensor(0.5193), 'Star Wars (1977)', 4.3584905660377355),
 (tensor(0.5149), 'As Good As It Gets (1997)', 4.196428571428571),
 (tensor(0.5114), 'Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)', 4.28974358974359),
 (tensor(0.5097), 'Good Will Hunting (1997)', 4.262626262626263),
 (tensor(0.4946), 'Vertigo (1958)', 4.251396648044692),
 (tensor(0.4899), 'Godfather, The (1972)', 4.283292978208232),
 (tensor(0.4855), 'Boot, Das (1981)', 4.203980099502488),
 (tensor(0.4769), 'Usual Suspects, The (1995)', 4.385767790262173),
 (tensor(0.4743), 'Casablanca (1942)', 4.45679012345679),
 (tensor(0.4665), 'Close Shave, A (1995)', 4.491071428571429)]

Movie weights



movie_w = learn.weight(top_movies, is_item=True)
torch.Size([1000, 40])


movie_pca = movie_w.pca(3)
torch.Size([1000, 3])


fac0,fac1,fac2 = movie_pca.t()
movie_comp = [(f, i) for f,i in zip(fac0, top_movies)]


sorted(movie_comp, key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True)[:10]
[(tensor(1.2412), 'Home Alone 3 (1997)'),
 (tensor(1.2072), 'Jungle2Jungle (1997)'),
 (tensor(1.2000), 'Bio-Dome (1996)'),
 (tensor(1.1883), 'Leave It to Beaver (1997)'),
 (tensor(1.1570), 'Children of the Corn: The Gathering (1996)'),
 (tensor(1.1309), "McHale's Navy (1997)"),
 (tensor(1.1187), 'D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996)'),
 (tensor(1.0956), 'Congo (1995)'),
 (tensor(1.0950), 'Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997)'),
 (tensor(1.0524), 'Cutthroat Island (1995)')]
sorted(movie_comp, key=itemgetter(0))[:10]
[(tensor(-1.0692), 'Casablanca (1942)'),
 (tensor(-1.0523), 'Close Shave, A (1995)'),
 (tensor(-1.0142), 'When We Were Kings (1996)'),
 (tensor(-1.0075), 'Lawrence of Arabia (1962)'),
 (tensor(-1.0034), 'Wrong Trousers, The (1993)'),
 (tensor(-0.9905), 'Chinatown (1974)'),
 (tensor(-0.9692), 'Ran (1985)'),
 (tensor(-0.9541), 'Apocalypse Now (1979)'),
 (tensor(-0.9523), 'Wallace & Gromit: The Best of Aardman Animation (1996)'),
 (tensor(-0.9369), 'Some Folks Call It a Sling Blade (1993)')]


movie_comp = [(f, i) for f,i in zip(fac1, top_movies)]
sorted(movie_comp, key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True)[:10]
[(tensor(0.8788), 'Ready to Wear (Pret-A-Porter) (1994)'),
 (tensor(0.8263), 'Keys to Tulsa (1997)'),
 (tensor(0.8066), 'Nosferatu (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) (1922)'),
 (tensor(0.7730), 'Dead Man (1995)'),
 (tensor(0.7513), 'Three Colors: Blue (1993)'),
 (tensor(0.7492), 'Trainspotting (1996)'),
 (tensor(0.7414), 'Cable Guy, The (1996)'),
 (tensor(0.7330), 'Jude (1996)'),
 (tensor(0.7246), 'Clockwork Orange, A (1971)'),
 (tensor(0.7195), 'Stupids, The (1996)')]
sorted(movie_comp, key=itemgetter(0))[:10]
[(tensor(-1.2148), 'Braveheart (1995)'),
 (tensor(-1.1153), 'Titanic (1997)'),
 (tensor(-1.1148), 'Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)'),
 (tensor(-0.8795), "It's a Wonderful Life (1946)"),
 (tensor(-0.8644), "Mr. Holland's Opus (1995)"),
 (tensor(-0.8619), 'Star Wars (1977)'),
 (tensor(-0.8558), 'Return of the Jedi (1983)'),
 (tensor(-0.8526), 'Pretty Woman (1990)'),
 (tensor(-0.8453), 'Independence Day (ID4) (1996)'),
 (tensor(-0.8450), 'Forrest Gump (1994)')]


idxs = np.random.choice(len(top_movies), 50, replace=False)
idxs = list(range(50))
X = fac0[idxs]
Y = fac2[idxs]
plt.scatter(X, Y)
for i, x, y in zip(top_movies[idxs], X, Y):
    plt.text(x,y,i, color=np.random.rand(3)*0.7, fontsize=11)

fastai part1 2019 中文版笔记视频的设想


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Thank you for your translation. I would like to ask if there is a Chinese communication group (QQ group or WeChat group). Some questions are convenient for communication. Thank you, the author, bother. 见闻


insights from fastai team

interviews with DL heros
interview with Sylvain by Sanyam Bhutani thanks to @init_27
I simply copied the following Q&As from @init_27 's post above

How Sylvain got started with fastai?

I kind of forgot about it (neural net) until October 2017… I was curious to see how the field had progressed — of course, I had heard all the hype around it — so I followed the MOOC version 1…I instantly loved the top-down approach… I have a strong background in Math, but it’s my love for coding practical things that kept me going.

What is it like to work with Jeremy Howard?

We never sleep, but that’s mostly because we both have toddlers!..I’ve improved a lot as a coder and I keep on learning new things from him. Just seeing how he iterates through your code to refactor it in a simpler or more elegant way is always fascinating. And I really love how he is never satisfied with anything short of perfect, always pushing to polish this bit of code or this particular API until it’s as easy to use as possible.

Could you tell us more about your role at and how does a day at look like?

Since I am based in New York City, we mostly work in parallel. We chat a lot on Skype to coordinate and the rest of the time is spent coding or reviewing code, whether it’s to make the library better or try a new research idea.

As for my role, it’s a mix of reviewing the latest papers and see what we could use, as well as help Jeremy develop new functionality in the library and prepare the next course.

What more can we expect next from the awesome library?

we’ll try to make it easier to put fastai models into production, we’ll focus on the applications we didn’t have time to finalize during the first part of the course (object detection, translation, sequence labeling), we’ll find some way to deal with very big datasets that don’t always fit in RAM, and also play with some research ideas we didn’t get to investigate (training on rectangular images for instance).

How do you discover these ideas, what is the methodology of experimentation at

The methodology could be summarized into: “try blah!”, as Jeremy said in one of the courses. We try to have an intuitive understanding of what happens when training a given model, then we experiment all the ideas we think of to see if they work empirically.

Very often, research papers focus on the Math first and come with this one new theory that is going to revolutionize everything. When you try to apply it though, you often don’t get any good results. We’re more interested in things that work in practice.

How do you stay up to date with the cutting edge?

By experimenting a lot! The fastai library isn’t just a great tool for the beginner, its high flexibility makes it super easy when I want to implement a research article to see if its suggestion results in a significant improvement. The callbacks system or the data block API allow you to do pretty much anything with just a few lines of code.

any advice for the beginners?

Start a blog, where you explain what you have learned. Explaining things is often the best way to realize you hadn’t fully understood them; you may discover there were tons of small details you hadn’t dug enough into.


上海meetup征集中, 2019.3.4开始的,thanks to @royam0820 ,上海的小伙伴有福气啊!meetup提供微信群和slack供大家交流。


各种GPU server对比


computational linear algebra course 简介
ML course in 2018 简介


Jeremy 推荐可视化教程


共享学习型竞赛, 时间序列学习小组, both thanks to @oguiza



JN 技巧分享

thanks to @stas tips and tricks


第一个PR:如何理解freeze to the last layer group?

1 Like

You are welcome! What you want may be found in 中文社区动态 of the post below。

欢迎使用Kaggle kernels!

Kaggle 是数据科学家和机器学习实践者的在线社区,隶属于谷歌公司。Kaggle 允许用户搜索和发布数据集,在网页环境中搭建和训练模型,与其他数据科学家和机器学习工程师在线合作,和参与竞赛解决数据科学问题。Kaggle 起源于提供竞赛,现在已成长为云端中数据科学实践的公开平台 ( 更多 ).

但是Kaggle Kernels 仍旧有其局限性,见资源与局限。如果你是重返kaggle, 直接前往你的Kernels,点击需要重返工作的kernel即可。

用 Kaggle kernels 来做 v3 课程Notebook

Kaggle kernels 自带 fastai library, William Horton @wdhorton and Sanyam Bhutani @init_27 将课程 notebooks 输出到 Kaggle kernels上。Sanyam Bhutani 在维护这些 kernels, 相关问题可前往 discussion thread here.

没有任何设置安装要求,只需点击 “fork” 然后运行Notebook即可。

Kernels 目录


步骤 1: 创建Kaggle账户

注册Kaggle here,到邮件中确认。确认后,即可登陆账户。

步骤 2: 导航到相关Notebook (kernel)


步骤 3: 一切就绪,直接上手!

我们以及设置好了课程所需的所有的数据集和前提要求,你可以像在本地环境中使用 jupyter notebook一样使用Kaggle kernel.


  • Kaggle kernels 是完全免费的
  • Notebook 不会像 fastai repository 一样频繁更新
  • 这些Notebooks 没有 官方维护。 (Sanyam Bhutani 在坚持维护工作,相关链接 discussion thread )
  • GPU 时限 (K-80 instance) 每次是6小时。
  • 硬盘使用量 = 5 GB/kernel。
  • 内存用量 = 14 GB/kernel.


如何不commit下,对Kaggle kernel大型文件下载 论坛分享

如何给你的code snippet做快捷键 论坛分享

如何做你的第一个文档改进PR 听写

如何创建你的第一个多行代码snippet 论坛分享


10 basic vim command

how to use mac to snapshot screen

vim medium

install kite for vim
  • install Kite

  • select vim as editor during installation process

  • go to local setting and install vim and neovim plugins

  • then ready to use kite with vim

vim cursor moving

0 = go to start of a line

$ = go to end of a line

H = go to top of a window

L = go to bottle of a window

M = go to middle of a window

G = go to the end of a file

gg = go to the first line of a file

20G = go to the 20th line of a file

e = next word

b = previous word

( = previous sentence

) = next sentence

{ = previous paragraph or block

} = next paragraph or block

`` = go to previous edit place

Monosnap for video
  1. set 5 frame/second

  2. high quality

  3. capture mouse cursor and clicks

  4. it will be small enough

  5. it can also create gif from movie too

如何使用git merge

git help merge # to check out how to use git merge

# inside exp branch by `git checkout exp`, run the following to merge with master

git merge master

# then run `git commit -a -m "merge"` to finish it up


This is an example configuration file for pdb++.

Actually, it is what the author uses daily :-). Put it into ~/ to use



import readline

import pdb

class Config(pdb.DefaultConfig):

filename_color = pdb.Color.yellow

truncate_long_lines = False # so you get all content insight 

highlight = True

sticky_by_default = True

line_number_color =

filename_color = pdb.Color.yellow

use_pygments = True

bg = 'light'

current_line_color = 1 # white arrow

Looper for youtube
  • chrome extension : looper for youtube

  • set automaticall loop all videos

use atom with Hydrogen
  1. atom core packages

  2. install hydrogen and its extensions (may not use at all though)

  3. install autocompletion python

  4. atom beautify

  5. source activate fastai

  6. go to a folder and then atom

如何将youtube sbv字幕转化为srt
  • 在youtube翻译字幕页面下载你的翻译sbv文件

  • 前往 做转化

  • 前往B站字幕上传你的字幕

  • 将鼠标放置在主输入栏,翻译即可

  • shift + space = 暂停/播放

  • shift + arrow left/right = 后退/前进

  • 如要修改,前往具体字幕栏修改

  • 先下载空白的YouTube提供的sbv字幕

  • 删除所有时间设置

  • 再重新上传回去


shift + cmd + d = 横切屏幕

opt + cmd + up/down arrow = 跳屏

cmd + w = 关屏

最常用的terminal commands

最常用的terminal commands

# find out the size of directory folders

du -sh *  

# move cursor to the front or end of a line

ctrl + a = to the end of a line

ctrl + e = to the start of a line

ctrl + u = clear the line before the cursor

ctrl + k = clear the line after the cursor

cmd + k = clear the terminal

ctrl + f = move forward a character

ctrl + b = backward

esc + f = move forward by a word 

esc + b = move backward by a word



  • 下载安装conda

  • 下载最新Conda, Mac选择pkg比较方便

  • 双击安装

  • 更新 condo update conda outside condo env

  • 创建独立工作环境

  • conda create -n fastai python=3 或者明确一个版本3.5

  • conda activate fastai 开启实验环境

  • conda deactivate 关闭实验环境

  • conda remove --name fastai --all 删除环境

  • 下载安装pdbpp 适配python 3.6均可3.7(可能只要是fastai dev 版本,就行)

  • conda install pdbpp is a must

  • not pip3 install pdbpp

  • 下载安装Jupyter notebook

  • 更新 pip: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

  • 下载更新Jupyter: python3 -m pip install jupyter

  • 下载安装 Pytorch和fastai libraries

  • 一步安装:conda install -c pytorch -c fastai fastai pytorch

  • 更新 conda update conda -y outside env

  • 更新 conda update -c fastai fastai inside env

  • 检验 conda list pip show

  • 卸载 conda uninstall fastai

  • developer install

  • see

git clone fastai-fork

cd fastai-fork


pip install -e ".[dev]"

vim basics to start

Vim basics

learnt from this video by tutorialLinux

:q ; just quit

:w ; save

:wq ; save and quit

:q! ; quit without saving

i ; go into insert mode to write code

ecs ; go back to command mode

dd ; from command mode to delete a line

3dd ; delete 3 lines 

u ; undo last action

ctrl + r ; redo action

/search_word ; to search a word inside a file

n ; to move to the next finding of your search

shift + n ; to move back the previous finding

:%s/search_word/replace_word/gc ; replace one by one

:%s/search_word/replace_word/g ; replace all at once

simple workflow

  • use search to go around quicky and i to insert and u to delete

go to .vimrc, copy the following

noremap &lt;Up&gt; 5k

noremap &lt;Down&gt; 5j

then, just use arrow up or down

用vim找pdbpp中运行的代码 vim find codelines in pdbpp
  1. :find folder/filename

  2. press esc

  3. type line number

  4. shift + g



: how to cut, under normal mode

: 1. put cursor to where you want to cut

: 2. press v and move cursor to select characters 

: 2. press V and move cursor to select lines

: 3. press d to cut, press y to copy

: 4. move to where to paste, 

: 5; press P to paste before cursor

: 5: press p to paset after cursor

: 6. insert mode, press :w and enter



Searching | Vim Tips Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

/ls ;; 我们在搜索ls, 前面不要有space空格



;; inside .vimrc

set ignorecase



:q ; to quit without save

:q! ; to quit without save

:wq ; save and quit 



; terminal文件夹下输入 vim 

; 再输入 :MT

; 尝试搜索untar_data

:tag untar ;tab to complete



; 将鼠标放在要探索的code上

ctrl + ] ;= dive in

ctrl + t ;= pull back

ctrl + w, ctrl + ] ;= dive in from another horizontal split

ctrl + w, up or dn ;= switch between splits

ctrl + \ ;= dive in from a new tab 

ctrl + a, ;left or right ;= switch between tabs



:find pathlib ; 寻找pathlib所在文件

- ; 调入上一级文件夹路径

:b# ; 从打开的文档中跳回上一次打开的路径

:tag Path ; 进入文件后再搜索



za ;将鼠标放在+-



:F ; tab to complete and enter

安装下载 vim

安装下载 vim

brew install vim

brew upgrade vim

vim # to run vim

设置 vim source

设置 vim source

nano ~/.vimrc

安装 ctags

安装 ctags

brew install ctags

查看 .vimrc


set tags=tags

set foldcolumn=3

set foldmethod=indent

set ignorecase

command FileAddress echo expand('%:p')

syntax on

set background=dark

filetype indent plugin on

""""" current millenium

set nocompatible

syntax enable

filetype plugin on

""""" file finder or fuzzy search

set path+=**

""""" display all matching files when tab

set wildmenu

""""" Tag Jumping

command! MakeTags !ctags -R .

command MT MakeTags

""""" tag jump with new tab horizontally or vertically

map &lt;C-\&gt; :tab split&lt;CR&gt;:exec("tag ".expand("&lt;cword&gt;"))&lt;CR&gt;

"""" switch tabs in vim 

map &lt;C-a&gt;&lt;up&gt; :tabr&lt;cr&gt;

map &lt;C-a&gt;&lt;down&gt; :tabl&lt;cr&gt;

map &lt;C-a&gt;&lt;left&gt; :tabp&lt;cr&gt;

map &lt;C-a&gt;&lt;right&gt; :tabn&lt;cr&gt;

"""""""""""""""" make presentation with vim files

au VimEnter no_plugins.vim setl window=66

au VimEnter no_plugins.vim normal 8Gzz

au VimEnter no_plugins.vim command! GO normal M17jzzH

au VimEnter no_plugins.vim command! BACK normal M17kzzH

au VimEnter no_plugins.vim command! RUN execute getline(".")

" au VimEnter no_plugins.vim unmap H

" au VimEnter no_plugins.vim unmap L

" why dont these work :(

au VimEnter no_plugins.vim nnoremap ^f :GO&lt;CR&gt;

au VimEnter no_plugins.vim nnoremap ^b :BACK&lt;CR&gt;



# download miniconda

conda --version # check version:

conda update conda # update conda: , install outside env

conda create -n mesa-abm python=3.6 anaconda # build environment

source activate mesa-abm

source deactivate

conda info --envs # check envs

conda env list # all envs to view

conda create --name new_env --clone existed_env # clone an env

conda remove --name old_env --all # delete an env

conda env export &gt; environment.yml # 输出env

conda env create -f environment.yml # build env from yml

Jupyter notebook install

Jupyter notebook

# If you have Python 3 installed (which is recommended):

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3 -m pip install jupyter

jupyter notebook # to start 



git checkout -- filename # 撤回未commit的changes

git reset --hard HEAD~1 # 撤回已经commit的changes

git push origin +master



# Permanently authenticating with Git repositories

$ git config credential.helper store

$ git push

Username for '': &lt;USERNAME&gt;

Password for '': &lt;PASSWORD&gt;

如何快速git push

如何快速git push

# 一步完成

lazygit 'message'

# 分步骤操作

# create a new repo on github

# go to your Mac directory 

git init

git add

git commit -m "first commit"

git remote add origin official-repo.git

git push -u origin master

git reset # to undo git add .

如何在原fastai repo和你的fork repo之间更新?

如何在原fastai repo和你的fork repo之间更新?

# 一步完成


# 分步骤操作

# step1: fork from official

# step2: git clone from your fork

git clone

cd my_fork

tools/run-after-git-clone # fastai tools

git remote add upstream official-url-git # link to official repo

git remote -v # check all branches local and remote

git pull upstream master # pull from official repo, or 

######## suggested by fastai is better I guess

git fetch upstream

git checkout master

git merge --no-edit upstream/master

git push

######## suggested by fastai

git push # update my-fork 

git pull # pull from my-fork


如何创建branch, make changes and git push to cloud

git branch # check all branches

git branch new_branch_name # create a branch from where we are

git branch -m a_new_name # rename

git branch -d branch_to_go # delete

git checkout new_branch # switch to a new branch

# make changes, do commit, then push with the following code, it won't affect master branch!!!

git push --set-upstream origin new-branch-name # 

git push origin --delete new_branch_name # to delete a branch remote in github

svn checkout url-folder-replace-tree/master-with-trunk # only download part of a repo



conda uninstall -y fastai

cd fastai-fork


pip install -e ".[dev]"

# 做版本内容修改,接下来做测试

## 如果是源代码测试

make test


## 如果是docsrc 测试 (无需!!!)

cd docs_src




python -m pdb

# 原来进入代码,输入insert import pdb; pdb.set_trace() 来debug已经不需要了

sticky # 看到全局代码

ll # 从debug跳回到全局代码

# l 20

# l 1, 20: see line from 1 to 20

s # step into a function

n # 运行下一行

w # call stack, where I started and where I am in source code, d go down a stack, u to go up a stack

b 88 # 运行到88行,暂停

# b or b func_name

# b 11, this_year==2017: conditional breakpoint, at line 11 to breakpoint, if this_year == 2017

cl 1 # 删除第一个breakpoint

r # 运行所在 function

c # 运行直到结束

q # 终止

? # 查看文档

hit return # 重复上一次操作

pp variable_name # 友好打印 该变量

# 完成当前loop: until



cd # go to home directory

nano .bash_profile # go inside .bash_profile:

alias ex='cd /Users/Natsume/Documents/experiments; conda activate fastai'

alias ft='cd /Users/Natsume/Documents/fastai_treasures/plantseedling/; conda activate fastai'

alias v3='cd /Users/Natsume/Documents/course-v3/nbs/dl1; conda activate fastai'

alias fastai='cd /Users/Natsume/Documents/fastai; conda activate fastai'

alias sfastai='cd /Users/Natsume/miniconda3/envs/fastai/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai'

alias pdbpp='python -m pdb'

alias de='conda deactivate'

alias xcode="open -a Xcode"

alias jn='jupyter notebook'

function lazygit() {

git add .

git commit -a -m "$1"

git push


export PS1="\w "

export LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8

export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

# added by Anaconda3 5.2.0 installer

export PATH="/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

# added by Miniconda3 4.5.12 installer

# &gt;&gt;&gt; conda init &gt;&gt;&gt;

# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!

__conda_setup="$(CONDA_REPORT_ERRORS=false '/Users/Natsume/miniconda3/bin/conda' shell.bash hook 2&gt; /dev/null)"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

\eval "$__conda_setup"


if [ -f "/Users/Natsume/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then

. "/Users/Natsume/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/"

CONDA_CHANGEPS1=false conda activate base


\export PATH="/Users/Natsume/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"



unset __conda_setup

# &lt;&lt;&lt; conda init &lt;&lt;&lt;

# added by Miniconda3 4.5.12 installer

# &gt;&gt;&gt; conda init &gt;&gt;&gt;

# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!

__conda_setup="$(CONDA_REPORT_ERRORS=false '/Users/Natsume/miniconda3/bin/conda' shell.bash hook 2&gt; /dev/null)"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

\eval "$__conda_setup"


if [ -f "/Users/Natsume/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then

. "/Users/Natsume/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/"

CONDA_CHANGEPS1=false conda activate base


\export PATH="/Users/Natsume/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"



unset __conda_setup

# &lt;&lt;&lt; conda init &lt;&lt;&lt;



如何构建和安装pdbrc video


## located at ~ directory, named .pdbrc, no need for source, just save it

alias dr pp dir(%1) # 查看everything underneath the object

alias dt pp %1.__dict__ # 查看object's dictionaries

alias pdt for k, v in %1.items(): print(k, ": ", v) # 查看一个纯 python dictionary

alias loc locals().keys() # local variables

alias doc from inspect import getdoc; from pprint import pprint; pprint(getdoc(%1)) # documents

alias sources from inspect import getsourcelines; from pprint import pprint; pprint(getsourcelines(%1)) # source code

alias module from inspect import getmodule; from pprint import pprint; pprint(getmodule(%1)) # module name

alias fullargs from inspect import getfullargspec; from pprint import pprint; pprint(getfullargspec(%1)) # all arguments names

alias opt_param optimizer.param_groups[0]['params'][%1] # all parameters

alias opt_grad optimizer.param_groups[0]['params'][%1].grad # all gradients of parameters

Jupyter notebook extensions

Jupyter notebook extensions

3 steps to install

conda install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

jupyter contrib nbextension install --user

jupyter nbextension enable toc2/main # in terminal or notebook cell, both are fine

# edit/notebook_config (at bottom of the droplist)

jn color theme

jn color theme

conda install jupyterthemes

jt -t onedork 

#| grade3 | oceans16 | chesterish | monokai | solarizedl | solarizedd




--write-sub Write subtitle file

--write-auto-sub Write automatic subtitle file (YouTube only)

--all-subs Download all the available subtitles of the video

--list-subs List all available subtitles for the video

--sub-format FORMAT Subtitle format, accepts formats preference, for example: "srt" or "ass/srt/best"

--sub-lang LANGS Languages of the subtitles to download (optional) separated by commas, use IETF language tags like 'en

youtube-dl --write-auto-sub --sub-lang en --sub-format srt

youtube-dl -f 'best[ext=mp4]' --write-auto-sub --sub-lang en --sub-format srt

transcript transform



How to Customize your Terminal Prompt | OSXDaily

inspect — Inspect live objects — Python 3.7.2 documentation

20 Terminal shortcuts developers need to know - TechRepublic

如何修改谷歌浏览器语言设置for colab



  • 使用ytcropper做视频截取,循环播放

  • mac音量调到最低

  • 用quicktime做屏幕录制,提供语音解读,音量调节适中

Tabular models



from fastai.tabular import *


Tabular data should be in a Pandas DataFrame.



path = untar_data(URLs.ADULT_SAMPLE)
df = pd.read_csv(path/'adult.csv')
预制 `dep_var`, `cat_names`, `cont_names`, `procs`

预制 dep_var, cat_names, cont_names, procs

dep_var = 'salary'
cat_names = ['workclass', 'education', 'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race']
cont_names = ['age', 'fnlwgt', 'education-num']
procs = [FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize]
构建test 的data source

构建test 的data source

test = TabularList.from_df(df.iloc[800:1000].copy(), 
在df和test data source基础上构建databunch

在df和test data source基础上构建databunch

data = (TabularList.from_df(df, path=path, cat_names=cat_names, cont_names=cont_names, procs=procs)


workclass education marital-status occupation relationship race education-num_na age fnlwgt education-num target
Private HS-grad Never-married Sales Not-in-family White False -1.2158 1.1004 -0.4224 <50k
? HS-grad Widowed ? Not-in-family White False 1.8627 0.0976 -0.4224 <50k
Self-emp-not-inc HS-grad Never-married Craft-repair Own-child Black False 0.0303 0.2092 -0.4224 <50k
Private HS-grad Married-civ-spouse Protective-serv Husband White False 1.5695 -0.5938 -0.4224 <50k
Private HS-grad Married-civ-spouse Handlers-cleaners Husband White False -0.9959 -0.0318 -0.4224 <50k
Private 10th Married-civ-spouse Farming-fishing Wife White False -0.7027 0.6071 -1.5958 <50k
Private HS-grad Married-civ-spouse Machine-op-inspct Husband White False 0.1036 -0.0968 -0.4224 <50k
Private Some-college Married-civ-spouse Exec-managerial Own-child White False -0.7760 -0.6653 -0.0312 >=50k
State-gov Some-college Never-married Tech-support Own-child White False -0.8493 -1.4959 -0.0312 <50k
Private 11th Never-married Machine-op-inspct Not-in-family White False -1.0692 -0.9516 -1.2046 <50k
构建tabular learner模型

构建tabular learner模型

learn = tabular_learner(data, layers=[200,100], metrics=accuracy)

训练, 1e-2)

Total time: 00:03

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy
1 0.354604 0.378520 0.820000


如何做tabular data预测

如何做tabular data预测

row = df.iloc[0]
(Category >=50k, tensor(1), tensor([0.4402, 0.5598]))