v3 2019课程中文版笔记

第二课 创造你的数据集


how to use forum and contribute to fastai

start - 4:26
how to use forum and contribute to fastai
* How to contribute to fastai - Part 1 (2019)
* Doc Maintenance | fastai
where is the most important information at forum?
- official updates and resources
- start from here
how not be intimidated by the overwhelming forum
- click summary button


How to return to work?

- with [kaggle](
	- click into kernels
- with your local workplace
	- `git pull`
	- `condo update conda` outside conda environment
	- `conda install -c fastai fastai`

What students have done after the first week?

What students have done after the first week
- use NN to clear whatapp downloaded images
- use NN to beat the state of art on recognize background noise
- new state of art performance on a language DHCD recognition
- turn point mutation of tumor into images and beat the sate of art
- automatically playing science communication games with transfer learning and fastai
- James Delinger: do useful things without reading math equations (greek)
- Daniel R. Armstrong: want to contribute to the library, step by step, you will get there
- project to classify zucchinis (39 images) and cucumbers (47 images)
- use PCA to create a hairless classifier for dogs and cats
- classifier for new and old special buses
- models classify 110 cities from satellite images
- models to classify complete and incomplete construction sites


What is the course structure and teaching philosophy

12:56 - 16:20
What is the course structure and teaching philosophy
* recursive learning in curriculum
* Perkins’s theory (chinese version)
* code first
* whole game with videos
* concepts not details
* keep moving forward


How to create your own dataset for classifier

How to create your own dataset for classifier
inspired by PyImageSearch, great resources
project to classify teddy bear, grizzly bear and black bear
search “teddy bear” in google image
- ctrl+shift+j or cmd+opt+j
paste the codes and save image urls into a file in your directory
how to create three set of folders experimentally
- create variables for a folder and url.txt
- create the folder path
- download the images into the folder
- do it three times for three kinds of bears
How to verify images that are problematic with `verify_images’?


How to create DataBunch from a single fold of images?

How to create DataBunch from a single fold of images
- how to set the training set from the single folder
- how to split into a validation set from the single folder
- why set random seed before creating DataBunch?


How to check images, labels, and sizes of train and validation set

How to check images, labels, and sizes of train and validation set
* How to display images from a batch
* How to check labels and classes
* How to count the size of train_ds and valid_ds?


How to train and save the model

How to train and save the model
- how to create a CNN model with ResNet34 and plot error-rate
- how to train the model for 4 epochs
- how to save the trained model




  • 怎样的下坡才是真正有意义的最优学习率区间?
    • “bumpy"起伏不平的不好,”平滑坡陡”更好?
    • 主要靠实验来积累感官经验,构造良好直觉
  • 怎么选择的 (3e-5, 3e-4)?
    • 确定好了3e-5后,通常选择1e-4或3e-4
    • 依旧是依靠实验和经验累积

How to interpret the model

How to interpret the model
how to read most confused matrix?


Noisy data and model output

Noisy data and model output
What does noisy data mean?
- such as mislabelled data
What problem noisy data could cause model to have?
- unlikely, some data are predicted correctly with high confidence
- these data are likely to be mislabelled
Solution approach
- joint domain expert and machine automation


How to clean up noisy data with widget?

How to clean up noisy data with widget
How to work with widget to clean mislabelled data manually?


How to build a ipywidget for your notebook

How to build a ipywidget for your notebook
how to read the source code of the widget?
how to build a tool for notebook experimenter?
Exciting to create tools for fellow practitioners
encouraged to dig into the ipywidget docs
not a production web app


What is biased noise?

What is biased noise?
* most time after remove mislabelled data, model improved only a little
* it is normal as model can handle some level of noise itself
* what is toxic is biased noise, not randomly noisy data


How to put model into production web app?

How to put model into production web app
* why to run production on CPU not GPU?
* the time difference between CPU web app vs GPU server is 0.2 vs 0.01s
* how to prepare your model for production use?
* it is very easy and free to use with some instruction on course wiki
* try to make all your classifier into web apps


99% of time what we need to finetune is lr and epochs for CV

99% of time what we need to finetune is lr and epochs for CV
experiment what happen when lr is very high
- no way to undo it, has to recreate model
experiment what happen when lr is too low
- loss down very slow
validation loss is lower than training loss
- lr is too low
- too few epochs
too many epochs
- overfitting - to learn specific images of teddy bears
- signal - loss goes down but goes up again
- but it is difficult to make our model to overfit


what is the math behind an image and its classification?

what is the math behind an image and its classification
what is the math behind an image and its classification?
what is behind learn.predict source
what does np.argmax do
what is error_rate source code?
what is behind accuracy function?
which dataset does metric apply to?
doc is not just nice printing of ?, because it may has examples
why use the 3 of 3e-5 often?


what is linear function, and how matrix multiplication fit in?

62:15- 68:23
what is linear function, and how matrix multiplication fit in
* KhanAcademy for basics and advanced math
* to replace b with a_2*x_2
* there are lots of examples (x1, y1), (x2, y2), …
* Rachel’s best linear algebra course
* vectorization, dot product, matrix product to avoid loop and speed up
* matrix multiplication in visualization


QA on data size, unbalanced data, model framework and weights

QA on data size, unbalanced data, model framework and weights
How do we know we don’t have enough data
* lr is good, can’t be a little higher or lower
* if epochs goes a little bigger then make validation loss worse
* then we may need to get more data
* most time you need less data than you think
How do you deal with unbalanced data?
- do nothing, it always works
What is ResNet34 as function?
- function framework without number or weights
- pretrained model with weights


How to create the simplest NN (tensor, rank)?

How to create the simplest NN (tensor, rank)
what is the simplest architecture?
what is SGD?
how to generate some data for a simple linear function?
how to use matrix product @ to create the linear architecture?
what is a tensor?
- array
what is a rank?
- rank 1 tensor is a vector
how to create the X features?
how to create the coefficients or the weights?
how to plot the x and y (ignoring x_2 as it is just 1)?
what about matplotlib?
how to create MSE function?
how to do scatter plot?
how to do Gradient Descent?
how to calculate derivative with Pytorch?


why do we need learning rate at all?

why do we need learning rate at all
- derivative tells us direction and how much
- but it may not best reduce the loss
- we need learning rate to help get loss down appropriately


How to animate the graphs

How to animate the graphs


why mini-batches makes training more efficient?

why mini-batches makes training more efficient


What are the new vocab learnt?

What are the new vocal learnt?
Learning rate
epoch: too many epochs, easily overfit
mini batch: more efficient than full batch training
SGD : GD with mini-batch
Model/Architecture: y = x@a, Resnet34, matrix product
parameters: weights
loss function



DL as function approximation
You are a math person


what is overfitting and regularization and validation set

what is overfitting and regularization and validation set
- what is training dataset on the graph?
- which model/graph is underfitting the training set?
- doing bad, having worse loss
- which model/graph is overfitting the training set?
- doing good, having low loss
- both are different from the right model
- both have bad loss on new/validation dataset
- false assumption
- more parameters -> overfitting
- less parameters -> underfitting
- truth
- overfitting and underfitting -> nothing to do with parameter number
- boss and org
- training set can tell underfitting from overfitting and ok models
- validation set can differ overfitting model from OK model
- use validation set from being sold snake oil
- further study
- Rachel’s blog post
- Rachel’s courses