v3 2019课程中文版笔记

Thanks @jeremy !

Yes, I want to help more Chinese to study too. The following is my attempts.

  • I have done very detailed 7 lesson notes in English and done a lot of ytcropper, and I am incorporating them into the existing forum lesson notes.

  • Meanwhile I started to contribute to English subtitle and Chinese subtitle for 2019 lesson videos on Youtube, but I fear as Machine Translation becomes more and more powerful, any subtitle will be made obsolete soon. So, I am not strongly motivated to work on English and Chinese subtitles. Maybe I am wrong about this, what’s your opinion?

  • I am experienced in making short study note video series on ML and DL courses. I have done Ng’s ML and DL courses study-notes-videos in Chinese. Although Ng’s videos are wonderful and extremely friendly, still lots of people appreciate and consider my study note videos to be good complement with original videos with Chinese subtitles. So, my current plan is to turn the forum incorporated lesson notes into a long series of short videos in Chinese, and I will post the video links here.

Of course, I will provide the Chinese version of lesson notes here too.

Will my plan of work violate any rules of
When the study note videos are done and posted, how can I give credit to and people on forum formally and correctly?





1. 启动你的GPU instance
2. 更新你的课程repository
3. 更新你的 fastai library
4. 实验结束时,关闭GUP instance

启动GPU instance

* 登陆 [Crestle]( ,点击 Start Jupyter
* GUP instance需要1-2分钟就绪
* 你之前的实验内容已经准备就绪


更新课程repository,你需要使用 terminal.
点击 ‘Jupyter Notebook’ 按钮, jupyter notebook 菜单中开启一个新的 terminal

cd courses/fast-ai/course-v3/
git pull

你需要执行 git stash 来删除你之前所做的修改
牢记:你应该始终在复制的notebook 中进行实验工作

更新 fastai library

更新fastai library,需要像之前一样打开 terminal 执行以下代码

conda update conda
conda install -c fastai fastai

停止你的GPU instance

一旦结束实验,请回到控制页面,点击 Stop Jupyter

It’s not enough to just close your browser or turn off your own computer.

从新连接你的GPU instance


Lesson 2

如果你是新创建的GPU instance,以上操作没问题

如果你之前试验过了,那么这次需要在terminal 中执行: rm -r ~/.datasets/camvid

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0:00-0:47 * ytcropper 可以循环播放
点击前往 官方指南 教你如何开启你的第一个GPU。

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Original English post from Jeremy - Part 1 (2018)


  • 先搜索
  • 再尝试不同关键词搜索



  1. 为了解决你的问题,你做了哪些尝试?每个尝试中,你预期有怎样的结果,实际结果是怎样的?视频相关问题,请提供视频链接和时间节点
  2. 你是如何理解问题的?你对问题发生的原因是如何解释的?你认为怎样的解决方案可能解决这个问题?
  3. 你的工作环境配置是怎样的?比如,AWS (p2 or t2?), Paperspace, 你的电脑是PC,OS,Linus…
  4. 如果你没有使用标准的AMIs/scripts,或做了某些修改,请务必指出来
  5. 如果你对工作环境libraries 或者 notebooks做了修改,也必须指出来
  6. 准确给出你收到的错误提示
  7. 如果有必要,提供错误发生时的截图
  8. 如果你在安装或configuration时出现异样(不同于课上展示的),务必指出来
  9. 如果你解决了一部分问题,务必详细描述并告知


# 如果你在conda environment 下,运行以下代码更新 conda 与 fastai
conda update conda -y # 在 conda env 之外运行,更新conda

git pull # 在 course v3 文件夹下运行,更新notebook

conda install -c fastai fastai # 在conda env 下运行, 更新fastai

为什么用Jupyter Notebook?

前往练习Jupyter notebook使用
Kaggle中文版Jupyter notebook使用方法将稍后提供

可以说,做深度学习,我们只需要Jupyter Notebook就够了。

I think it’ll be a few more years until automatic translations are good enough that people won’t want manual ones - so I think it would still be very valuable indeed.

Fantastic! That will be great :slight_smile:

There’s no “formal and correct” approach - just a note at the top that your notes are summarizing a lesson, along with a link to the lesson, would be a good way for people using your notes to be aware of the source, and access it if they wish.


The forum post system says I edit too much and only allow to edit again after 3 hours. How can I get around this for working on this particular post intensively? thanks!

Hey Daniel, forum posts are pretty useful for a live update when the class is still going on. As for completed courses, I would recommend @hiromi’s approach, that is, creating them on Github like this. Note that I am not saying that you should transcript the lecture video word by word like @hiromi, which is a lot of work; (you are my hero, @hiromi) rather, I mean that I would go for Github rather than Discourse forum for collaborating on and sharing lecture notes on completed courses. It is visually more friendly to the reader and allows for better collaboration. Discourse is really not intended for this purpose.



The first time around, I put my notes up in It definitely had wider audiences but editing and maintaining was a little difficult because there is no plain markdown text you can access. So for something simple like video URL changing was not as simple as find and replace.

Github approach has been great so far. Actually, @stas created a script utilizing pandoc to export markdown files to PDF for me (, so conversion to other format is an added bonus :slight_smile:


I’m afraid I don’t know - we’re using the Discourse forum software, so if you find some setting you’d like me to change, I’m happy to do so.

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Thanks Jeremy, I think I can work it out with github+issues version freely and update on this forum post version once a day.

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Hi @hiromi,
Thanks for your great work and the PDF solution!

I started my notes using your beautiful notes on github. I think I will continue to use your notes as one of my main note sources.

Looking forward to more of your work!


Thanks @PegasusWithoutWinds for the github suggestion! I am taking it.

Also, you are right that it is wise to consider user experience. I hope my style of using github md + issues is not painful to use.

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For all the amazing posts you have shared above, since these are all md, we should be able to get most of them to work just by copying and pasting. Feel free to start an issue or pull request in We could figure out how to organize them there.

Let me know if there is anything I could help with the docs and website build process. It could be a bit tricky when getting started, but you will find the workflow pretty smooth after getting used to it.

Thanks @PegasusWithoutWinds, I am sure I will need your help on all these issues mentioned above at some point in the future. At the moment, I have no idea what is necessary to be added onto course v3 repo, given this Chinese version note only just get started.

Right now, I will just try to keep working on this, adding more content, as it progress, many of the issues above may become necessary and I will push them forward with your help.

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There is a limit on number of words you can write in a single discourse post. I remember crossing it for one my my lesson notes and had to truncate it.

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Thanks! Nice to know.
