Hi guys,
I’ve started working with Github very recently. I’m trying to follow the nbdev End-To-End Walkthrough tutorial for trying to create a blog of sorts. I’ve set up my WSL and git following live fast.ai coding tutorials 1 and 2.
But I’m stuck because of some error that I am unable to figure out.
Here’s what I did:
- created a new repository on GitHub
- nbdev_install_quarto in WSL
- cloned my repository using git clone ssh
- initialised the repo using
- git add .
- git commit -m’Initial commit’
- git push
At this stage, I should be seeing two green checks but there is a red cross - deploying to GitHub pages failed.
This is the URL to my Github Action and below is the error where the initial commit fails to deploy to GitHub pages
The error message says something like this: “Quarto is not installed. We will download and install it for you. Require root access. Process completed with exit code 1”.
I’m not sure how to proceed further. Any help is really appreciated.
I’m not sure if this is related:
when I run nbdev_new
, I get the following message before it prompts me to enter a description
_install_hooks/home/yasaswi/mambaforge/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ghapi/core.py:101: UserWarning: Neither GITHUB_TOKEN nor GITHUB_JWT_TOKEN found: running as unauthenticated
else: warn(‘Neither GITHUB_TOKEN nor GITHUB_JWT_TOKEN found: running as unauthenticated’)
Thank you in advance for your time!