Dog Breed Identification challenge

Thanks Jeremy. Will do it using kaggle-cli. I see a slew of submissions from fastai students already. Amazing stuff. :slight_smile:

I somehow have four more images than the competition has so I have some work to figure that out. I think I should have a first submission tomorrow night as long as I am able to figure out why that is happening.

I figured out my issue and now have a completed submission.

Iā€™m really happy with that as a starting point. I used resnet34 and havenā€™t really done anything to help the model yet. Thank you to everybody who had helped me get to this point. I can now confirm that it is possible to use from_paths even though from what Iā€™ve heard from everybody, from_csv is the better way to do it.


Models log loss on a whole training set (acquired through 5 fold cv, between folds score might very from less than 0.17 to 0.26):

inception_4_300 	 0.228
inception_4_350 	 0.211
inception_4_400 	 0.204
inception_4_450 	 0.223
inceptionresnet_2_300 	 0.239
inceptionresnet_2_350 	 0.217
inceptionresnet_2_400 	 0.215
inceptionresnet_2_450 	 0.222

Simple averaging all models except forinceptionresnet_2_300, inception_4_450 gives 0.181 on a training set and 0.172 on a leaderboard.


@sermakarevich Great, thanks :slight_smile:
I am afraid of asking this kind of basic question, but what did you average (weights, probs, orā€¦)?, and how did you average them in practice?


Yep, thats really scary question :wink: In practice it looks like this:

  • I have 5 predictions for a test set because I do 5-fold CV
  • averaging CV predictions for test set for each model so at the end I have a single test set prediction for each training config (model / image size)
  • through CV i get train set predictions as well - this allows me to check how should I average predictions from different models (you might end up with just a mean, or median, or weights, or blending with additional model) and better understand all models accuracy as whole train set is better than validation set
  • averaging test predictions from different models

Amazing! Thanks @sermakarevich!

Iā€™m in 11th place, and Iā€™ll try your approach.

How do you do a 5-fold CV with the fastai lib?

fastai students gonna rock it :sunglasses:

It turned out to be pretty easy with sklearn StratifiedKFold indexes with ImageClassifierData.from_csv method. You just need to define val_idxs parameter.


Thanks @sermakarevich ! Just qq.

You mean you did CV for test set rather than training/validation?

Thatā€™s pretty cool :smiley: Thanks!
BTW, are there any standard methods of ensembling multiple models or architectures, I mean re ā€œweights or probabilitiesā€ or ā€œmean or medianā€?

  • splite train set into 5 parts with sklearn StratifiedKFold
  • 4 parts are used as train-1 set and 1 is used as valid-1 set
  • this is done by StratifiedKFold.split method which returns indexes for train-1 set (80% of original train) and indexes for valid-1 set (20% of original train)
  • tune a model
  • do TTA predictions for test and valid-1 (20% of train set)
  • iterate through this 5 times

@jamesrequa knows this better than me. I used two different ways:

  • just avg(sum(all predictions))
  • extracted features from convolutional layers from different models are stacked together and only than I feed them into FC layer.

Iā€™m asking because for the dog breed competition when I tried to ensemble three models by just simply averaging their probabilities, each log loss was around 0.21, the outcome jumped up high to around 13 :tired_face:. Thats why :wink: Thanks!

Check rows and columns ordering. 13 is definitely an error.


Thanks a lot, now itā€™s super clear :wink:
And, sure, I was wrong somewhere in the averaging process, Iā€™ll try again :sweat:

@sermakarevich what are these numbers (300, 350, 400, 450)? Size of the images?


looks like half of top 20 is fastai students so far :slight_smile:


why not get predictions for test by training on the whole dataset instead of CV ?

No reasons why not to. You only need to know how to optimise a model without a validation set. With CV one can achieve

  • better understanding of accuracy
  • get predictions for train set
  • get mini ensemble for test set.

This mini ensemble gives 0.02 log loss improvement test vs train (which is 10%).


Iā€™m assuming you mean a new model for each iteration, correct?

ā€¦ and thanks for the detailed and nice writeup on using K-Fold CV!

How do I submit my results to Kaggle?

I ran some tests and built a decent classifier for my first submission, but itā€™s not clear to me how to get those predictions into a csv file for submitting.

Look at the last few lines of this Kernel for an example of that:

One step they donā€™t do though is:

sub.to_csv(path+"filename.csv", index=False)