Distill Prize: A great way to thank bloggers (and course creators / library creators) for their hard work

I’m guessing most people have seen the articles over at distill.pub, but I wanted to make everyone aware of a prize that they offer for clarity in machine learning. Details are on their site: https://distill.pub/prize/ The gist is that they’ve created the prize to honour people who make machine learning research more understandable, which is an amazing opportunity to thank your favourite deep/machine learning blogger or content creator.

With that in mind I’ve nominated @Jeremy for a prize for both the course and for the fast.ai framework, as well as Sebastian Ruder (ruder.io) for his amazing blog articles on NLP and embeddings.

I’m sure there are many deserving people out there and I’m interested in hearing about who you’ve run across who you think is worthy of the prize. The ability to explain machine learning concepts in a way that everyone can understand is an important part of spreading research and building community and I was excited to see this offering.
Nominations are due by the end of the year, and I encourage everyone to think about who they’d nominate and why and to share your nominations here.


Thank you that’s very kind! :slight_smile:

I’ve nominated both Jeremy and Rachel.


I have nominated both of them too.


I have also nominated Jeremy Howard for the award.

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Nominated Jeremy and Rachel :smiley:

I nominated Jeremy and Rachel as well