Deployment Platform: Render ✅

So glad I stumbled upon this thread as I was struggling for the last few days to do an initial deployment of my Nature Cat character classification webapp. I am glad to say I was finally able to deploy using Render after reading and playing with all the changes for requirements.txt and files.

Special thanks to @mrfabulous1 for helping us newbies. is live for the time being.

Here is what I used for Requirements.txt (may not be valid for long)
torchvision == 0.5.0

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Hi @mrfabulous1. I went ahead and tried changing the requirements a few times to try to get them to match the version from Kaggle, but I keep getting the same error. I’m also running into issues installing older versions of torch on my machine, so I might just need to retrain my model on Gradient or something. :confused:

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Hi, I’ve been getting the same

Jul 5 04:48:18 PM  #10 ERROR: executor failed running [/bin/sh     
-c python app/]: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully
Jul 5 04:48:18 PM  ------
Jul 5 04:48:18 PM   > [6/6] RUN python app/
Jul 5 04:48:18 PM  ------
Jul 5 04:48:18 PM  error: failed to solve: rpc error: code = 
Unknown desc = executor failed running [/bin/sh -c python app/]: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully

error when I try to deploy in render that everyone else is getting. I am going to look for alternative ways to deploy my neural net unless someone can spot something amiss in the requirements.txt file I currently have and the !pip list from google colab:



and my result of calling pip list:

pip list:
Package                  Version        
------------------------ ---------------
absl-py                  0.9.0          
aiofiles                 0.5.0          
aiohttp                  3.6.2          
alabaster                0.7.12         
albumentations           0.1.12         
altair                   4.1.0          
asgiref                  3.2.10         
astor                    0.8.1          
astropy                  4.0.1.post1    
astunparse               1.6.3          
async-timeout            3.0.1          
atari-py                 0.2.6          
atomicwrites             1.4.0          
attrs                    19.3.0         
audioread                2.1.8          
autograd                 1.3            
Babel                    2.8.0          
backcall                 0.2.0          
beautifulsoup4           4.6.3          
bleach                   3.1.5          
blis                     0.4.1          
bokeh                    1.4.0          
boto                     2.49.0         
boto3                    1.14.9         
botocore                 1.17.9         
Bottleneck               1.3.2          
branca                   0.4.1          
bs4                      0.0.1          
CacheControl             0.12.6         
cachetools               4.1.0          
catalogue                1.0.0          
certifi                  2020.6.20      
cffi                     1.14.0         
chainer                  6.5.0          
chardet                  3.0.4          
click                    7.1.2          
cloudpickle              1.3.0          
cmake                    3.12.0         
cmdstanpy                0.4.0          
colorlover               0.3.0          
community                1.0.0b1        
contextlib2              0.5.5          
convertdate              2.2.1          
coverage                 3.7.1          
coveralls                0.5            
crcmod                   1.7            
cufflinks                0.17.3         
cupy-cuda101             6.5.0          
cvxopt                   1.2.5          
cvxpy                    1.0.31         
cycler                   0.10.0         
cymem                    2.0.3          
Cython                   0.29.20        
daft                     0.0.4          
dask                     2.12.0         
dataclasses              0.7            
datascience              0.10.6         
decorator                4.4.2          
defusedxml               0.6.0          
descartes                1.1.0          
dill                     0.3.2          
distributed              1.25.3         
Django                   3.0.7          
dlib                     19.18.0        
docopt                   0.6.2          
docutils                 0.15.2         
dopamine-rl              1.0.5          
earthengine-api          0.1.226        
easydict                 1.9            
ecos                     2.0.7.post1    
editdistance             0.5.3          
en-core-web-sm           2.2.5          
entrypoints              0.3            
et-xmlfile               1.0.1          
fa2                      0.3.5          
fancyimpute              0.4.3          
fastai                   1.0.61         
fastdtw                  0.3.4          
fastprogress             0.2.3          
fastrlock                0.5            
fbprophet                0.6            
feather-format           0.4.1          
featuretools             0.4.1          
filelock                 3.0.12         
firebase-admin           4.1.0          
fix-yahoo-finance        0.0.22         
Flask                    1.1.2          
folium                   0.8.3          
fsspec                   0.7.4          
future                   0.16.0         
gast                     0.3.3          
GDAL                     2.2.2          
gdown                    3.6.4          
gensim                   3.6.0          
geographiclib            1.50           
geopy                    1.17.0         
gin-config               0.3.0          
glob2                    0.7            
google                   2.0.3          
google-api-core          1.16.0         
google-api-python-client 1.7.12         
google-auth              1.17.2         
google-auth-httplib2     0.0.3          
google-auth-oauthlib     0.4.1          
google-cloud-bigquery    1.21.0         
google-cloud-core        1.0.3          
google-cloud-datastore   1.8.0          
google-cloud-firestore   1.7.0          
google-cloud-language    1.2.0          
google-cloud-storage     1.18.1         
google-cloud-translate   1.5.0          
google-colab             1.0.0          
google-pasta             0.2.0          
google-resumable-media   0.4.1          
googleapis-common-protos 1.52.0         
googledrivedownloader    0.4            
graphviz                 0.10.1         
grpcio                   1.30.0         
gspread                  3.0.1          
gspread-dataframe        3.0.7          
gym                      0.17.2         
h11                      0.9.0          
h5py                     2.10.0         
HeapDict                 1.0.1          
holidays                 0.9.12         
html5lib                 1.0.1          
httpimport               0.5.18         
httplib2                 0.17.4         
httplib2shim             0.0.3          
httptools                0.1.1          
humanize                 0.5.1          
hyperopt                 0.1.2          
ideep4py                 2.0.0.post3    
idna                     2.9            
idna-ssl                 1.1.0          
image                    1.5.32         
imageio                  2.4.1          
imagesize                1.2.0          
imbalanced-learn         0.4.3          
imblearn                 0.0            
imgaug                   0.2.9          
importlib-metadata       1.6.1          
imutils                  0.5.3          
inflect                  2.1.0          
intel-openmp             2020.0.133     
intervaltree             2.1.0          
ipykernel                4.10.1         
ipython                  5.5.0          
ipython-genutils         0.2.0          
ipython-sql              0.3.9          
ipywidgets               7.5.1          
itsdangerous             1.1.0          
jax                      0.1.69         
jaxlib                   0.1.47         
jdcal                    1.4.1          
jedi                     0.17.1         
jieba                    0.42.1         
Jinja2                   2.11.2         
jmespath                 0.10.0         
joblib                   0.15.1         
jpeg4py                  0.1.4          
jsonschema               2.6.0          
jupyter                  1.0.0          
jupyter-client           5.3.4          
jupyter-console          5.2.0          
jupyter-core             4.6.3          
kaggle                   1.5.6          
Keras                    2.3.1          
Keras-Applications       1.0.8          
Keras-Preprocessing      1.1.2          
keras-vis                0.4.1          
kiwisolver               1.2.0          
knnimpute                0.1.0          
librosa                  0.6.3          
lightgbm                 2.2.3          
llvmlite                 0.31.0         
lmdb                     0.98           
lucid                    0.3.8          
LunarCalendar            0.0.9          
lxml                     4.2.6          
Markdown                 3.2.2          
MarkupSafe               1.1.1          
matplotlib               3.2.2          
matplotlib-venn          0.11.5         
missingno                0.4.2          
mistune                  0.8.4          
mizani                   0.6.0          
mkl                      2019.0         
mlxtend                  0.14.0         
more-itertools           8.4.0          
mpmath                   1.1.0          
msgpack                  1.0.0          
multidict                4.7.6          
multiprocess             0.70.10        
multitasking             0.0.9          
murmurhash               1.0.2          
music21                  5.5.0          
natsort                  5.5.0          
nbconvert                5.6.1          
nbformat                 5.0.7          
networkx                 2.4            
nibabel                  3.0.2          
nltk                     3.2.5          
notebook                 5.2.2          
numba                    0.48.0         
numexpr                  2.7.1          
numpy                    1.18.5         
nvidia-ml-py3            7.352.0        
oauth2client             4.1.3          
oauthlib                 3.1.0          
okgrade                  0.4.3          
openpyxl                 2.5.9          
opt-einsum               3.2.1          
osqp                     0.6.1          
packaging                20.4           
palettable               3.3.0          
pandas                   1.0.5          
pandas-datareader        0.8.1          
pandas-gbq               0.11.0         
pandas-profiling         1.4.1          
pandocfilters            1.4.2          
parso                    0.7.0          
pathlib                  1.0.1          
patsy                    0.5.1          
pexpect                  4.8.0          
pickleshare              0.7.5          
Pillow                   7.0.0          
pip                      19.3.1         
pip-tools                4.5.1          
plac                     1.1.3          
plotly                   4.4.1          
plotnine                 0.6.0          
pluggy                   0.7.1          
portpicker               1.3.1          
prefetch-generator       1.0.1          
preshed                  3.0.2          
prettytable              0.7.2          
progressbar2             3.38.0         
prometheus-client        0.8.0          
promise                  2.3            
prompt-toolkit           1.0.18         
protobuf                 3.10.0         
psutil                   5.4.8          
ptyprocess               0.6.0          
py                       1.8.2          
pyarrow                  0.14.1         
pyasn1                   0.4.8          
pyasn1-modules           0.2.8          
pycocotools              2.0.1          
pycparser                2.20           
pydata-google-auth       1.1.0          
pydot                    1.3.0          
pydot-ng                 2.0.0          
pydotplus                2.0.2          
PyDrive                  1.3.1          
pyemd                    0.5.1          
pyglet                   1.5.0          
Pygments                 2.1.3          
pygobject                3.26.1         
pymc3                    3.7            
PyMeeus                  0.3.7          
pymongo                  3.10.1         
pymystem3                0.2.0          
PyOpenGL                 3.1.5          
pyparsing                2.4.7          
pyrsistent               0.16.0         
pysndfile                1.3.8          
PySocks                  1.7.1          
pytest                   3.6.4          
python-apt               1.6.5+ubuntu0.3
python-chess             0.23.11        
python-dateutil          2.8.1          
python-louvain           0.14           
python-multipart         0.0.5          
python-slugify           4.0.0          
python-utils             2.4.0          
pytz                     2018.9         
PyWavelets               1.1.1          
PyYAML                   3.13           
pyzmq                    19.0.1         
qtconsole                4.7.5          
QtPy                     1.9.0          
regex                    2019.12.20     
requests                 2.23.0         
requests-oauthlib        1.3.0          
resampy                  0.2.2          
retrying                 1.3.3          
rpy2                     3.2.7          
rsa                      4.6            
s3fs                     0.4.2          
s3transfer               0.3.3          
scikit-image             0.16.2         
scikit-learn             0.22.2.post1   
scipy                    1.4.1          
screen-resolution-extra  0.0.0          
scs                      2.1.2          
seaborn                  0.10.1         
Send2Trash               1.5.0          
setuptools               47.3.1         
setuptools-git           1.2            
Shapely                  1.7.0          
simplegeneric            0.8.1          
six                      1.12.0         
sklearn                  0.0            
sklearn-pandas           1.8.0          
smart-open               2.0.0          
snowballstemmer          2.0.0          
sortedcontainers         2.2.2          
spacy                    2.2.4          
Sphinx                   1.8.5          
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.2.2          
SQLAlchemy               1.3.17         
sqlparse                 0.3.1          
srsly                    1.0.2          
starlette                0.13.4         
statsmodels              0.10.2         
sympy                    1.1.1          
tables                   3.4.4          
tabulate                 0.8.7          
tbb                      2020.0.133     
tblib                    1.6.0          
tensorboard              2.2.2          
tensorboard-plugin-wit   1.6.0.post3    
tensorboardcolab         0.0.22         
tensorflow               2.2.0          
tensorflow-addons        0.8.3          
tensorflow-datasets      2.1.0          
tensorflow-estimator     2.2.0          
tensorflow-gcs-config    2.2.0          
tensorflow-hub           0.8.0          
tensorflow-metadata      0.22.2         
tensorflow-privacy       0.2.2          
tensorflow-probability   0.10.0         
termcolor                1.1.0          
terminado                0.8.3          
testpath                 0.4.4          
text-unidecode           1.3            
textblob                 0.15.3         
textgenrnn               1.4.1          
Theano                   1.0.4          
thinc                    7.4.0          
tifffile                 2020.6.3       
toolz                    0.10.0         
torch                    1.4.0          
torchsummary             1.5.1          
torchtext                0.3.1          
torchvision              0.5.0          
tornado                  4.5.3          
tqdm                     4.41.1         
traitlets                4.3.3          
tweepy                   3.6.0          
typeguard                2.7.1          
typing                   3.6.6          
typing-extensions        3.6.6          
tzlocal                  1.5.1          
umap-learn               0.4.4          
uritemplate              3.0.1          
urllib3                  1.24.3         
uvicorn                  0.11.5         
uvloop                   0.14.0         
vega-datasets            0.8.0          
wasabi                   0.7.0          
wcwidth                  0.2.5          
webencodings             0.5.1          
websockets               8.1            
Werkzeug                 1.0.1          
wheel                    0.34.2         
widgetsnbextension       3.5.1          
wordcloud                1.5.0          
wrapt                    1.12.1         
xarray                   0.15.1         
xgboost                  0.90           
xkit                     0.0.0          
xlrd                     1.1.0          
xlwt                     1.3.0          
yarl                     1.4.2          
yellowbrick              0.9.1          
zict                     2.0.0          
zipp                     3.1.0

It’s amazing the help @mrfabulous1 and @Mikful that you have provided to everyone here so far, but from the two painful hours I’ve spent on these issues this afternoon, I have to agree with @cberkner when he says

I do think that should remove Render as a recommended platform for this purpose

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Hi sarahgood, arthurconmy hope your both having a wonderful day!

  1. If you think your model is working then I suggest you contact support for some support at the very least they should be able to help or tell you what the problem is and you can then share it on the forum.

  2. I have deployed over 70 classifiers since I started using but I always test them on my desktop before deploying on the web. I currently have them running with different versions running of all the libraries including torch and torchvision going back over a year ago.

  3. I was able to deploy cberkner, model Deployment Platform: Render ✅. If you are willing to share your pip list and model I will check your models also.

  4. I think you should both try and deploy your models on other platforms and then come back and share your experiences with others. I originally started using as it was easy and I found other deployments to difficult. :slightly_frowning_face:

  5. On this page under production there are a number of other platforms that you can try. I also kwow that people have used Let us know which one you choose if you do so and whether it was easy or not.

  6. Also bear in mind that Mikful and gkumarg both managed to deploy their models, though they both had to do a bit of work to get it going.

Hope this helps.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:


How do you find out the dependencies in the Colab environment? I don’t find it.

I just saw the command pip list in one post. It has a huge list of things. I don’t assume we need to put everything in the requirement.txt. Instead, we shall update the versions of existing libraries. Still, it gave me the same error everybody else is getting.

pip list

absl-py 0.9.0
alabaster 0.7.12
albumentations 0.1.12
altair 4.1.0
asgiref 3.2.10
astor 0.8.1
astropy 4.0.1.post1
astunparse 1.6.3
atari-py 0.2.6
atomicwrites 1.4.0
attrs 19.3.0
audioread 2.1.8
autograd 1.3
Babel 2.8.0
backcall 0.2.0
beautifulsoup4 4.6.3
bleach 3.1.5
blis 0.4.1
bokeh 1.4.0
boto 2.49.0
boto3 1.14.9
botocore 1.17.9
Bottleneck 1.3.2
branca 0.4.1
bs4 0.0.1
CacheControl 0.12.6
cachetools 4.1.0
catalogue 1.0.0
certifi 2020.6.20
cffi 1.14.0
chainer 6.5.0
chardet 3.0.4
click 7.1.2
cloudpickle 1.3.0
cmake 3.12.0
cmdstanpy 0.4.0
colorlover 0.3.0
community 1.0.0b1
contextlib2 0.5.5
convertdate 2.2.1
coverage 3.7.1
coveralls 0.5
crcmod 1.7
cufflinks 0.17.3
cupy-cuda101 6.5.0
cvxopt 1.2.5
cvxpy 1.0.31
cycler 0.10.0
cymem 2.0.3
Cython 0.29.20
daft 0.0.4
dask 2.12.0
dataclasses 0.7
datascience 0.10.6
decorator 4.4.2
defusedxml 0.6.0
descartes 1.1.0
dill 0.3.2
distributed 1.25.3
Django 3.0.7
dlib 19.18.0
docopt 0.6.2
docutils 0.15.2
dopamine-rl 1.0.5
earthengine-api 0.1.226
easydict 1.9
ecos 2.0.7.post1
editdistance 0.5.3
en-core-web-sm 2.2.5
entrypoints 0.3
et-xmlfile 1.0.1
fa2 0.3.5
fancyimpute 0.4.3
fastai 1.0.61
fastdtw 0.3.4
fastprogress 0.2.3
fastrlock 0.5
fbprophet 0.6
feather-format 0.4.1
featuretools 0.4.1
filelock 3.0.12
firebase-admin 4.1.0
fix-yahoo-finance 0.0.22
Flask 1.1.2
folium 0.8.3
fsspec 0.7.4
future 0.16.0
gast 0.3.3
GDAL 2.2.2
gdown 3.6.4
gensim 3.6.0
geographiclib 1.50
geopy 1.17.0
gin-config 0.3.0
glob2 0.7
google 2.0.3
google-api-core 1.16.0
google-api-python-client 1.7.12
google-auth 1.17.2
google-auth-httplib2 0.0.3
google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.1
google-cloud-bigquery 1.21.0
google-cloud-core 1.0.3
google-cloud-datastore 1.8.0
google-cloud-firestore 1.7.0
google-cloud-language 1.2.0
google-cloud-storage 1.18.1
google-cloud-translate 1.5.0
google-colab 1.0.0
google-pasta 0.2.0
google-resumable-media 0.4.1
googleapis-common-protos 1.52.0
googledrivedownloader 0.4
graphviz 0.10.1
grpcio 1.30.0
gspread 3.0.1
gspread-dataframe 3.0.7
gym 0.17.2
h5py 2.10.0
HeapDict 1.0.1
holidays 0.9.12
html5lib 1.0.1
httpimport 0.5.18
httplib2 0.17.4
httplib2shim 0.0.3
humanize 0.5.1
hyperopt 0.1.2
ideep4py 2.0.0.post3
idna 2.9
image 1.5.32
imageio 2.4.1
imagesize 1.2.0
imbalanced-learn 0.4.3
imblearn 0.0
imgaug 0.2.9
importlib-metadata 1.6.1
imutils 0.5.3
inflect 2.1.0
intel-openmp 2020.0.133
intervaltree 2.1.0
ipykernel 4.10.1
ipython 5.5.0
ipython-genutils 0.2.0
ipython-sql 0.3.9
ipywidgets 7.5.1
itsdangerous 1.1.0
jax 0.1.69
jaxlib 0.1.47
jdcal 1.4.1
jedi 0.17.1
jieba 0.42.1
Jinja2 2.11.2
jmespath 0.10.0
joblib 0.15.1
jpeg4py 0.1.4
jsonschema 2.6.0
jupyter 1.0.0
jupyter-client 5.3.4
jupyter-console 5.2.0
jupyter-core 4.6.3
kaggle 1.5.6
Keras 2.3.1
Keras-Applications 1.0.8
Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2
keras-vis 0.4.1
kiwisolver 1.2.0
knnimpute 0.1.0
librosa 0.6.3
lightgbm 2.2.3
llvmlite 0.31.0
lmdb 0.98
lucid 0.3.8
LunarCalendar 0.0.9
lxml 4.2.6
Markdown 3.2.2
MarkupSafe 1.1.1
matplotlib 3.2.2
matplotlib-venn 0.11.5
missingno 0.4.2
mistune 0.8.4
mizani 0.6.0
mkl 2019.0
mlxtend 0.14.0
more-itertools 8.4.0
mpmath 1.1.0
msgpack 1.0.0
multiprocess 0.70.10
multitasking 0.0.9
murmurhash 1.0.2
music21 5.5.0
natsort 5.5.0
nbconvert 5.6.1
nbformat 5.0.7
networkx 2.4
nibabel 3.0.2
nltk 3.2.5
notebook 5.2.2
numba 0.48.0
numexpr 2.7.1
numpy 1.18.5
nvidia-ml-py3 7.352.0
oauth2client 4.1.3
oauthlib 3.1.0
okgrade 0.4.3
openpyxl 2.5.9
opt-einsum 3.2.1
osqp 0.6.1
packaging 20.4
palettable 3.3.0
pandas 1.0.5
pandas-datareader 0.8.1
pandas-gbq 0.11.0
pandas-profiling 1.4.1
pandocfilters 1.4.2
parso 0.7.0
pathlib 1.0.1
patsy 0.5.1
pexpect 4.8.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
Pillow 7.0.0
pip 19.3.1
pip-tools 4.5.1
plac 1.1.3
plotly 4.4.1
plotnine 0.6.0
pluggy 0.7.1
portpicker 1.3.1
prefetch-generator 1.0.1
preshed 3.0.2
prettytable 0.7.2
progressbar2 3.38.0
prometheus-client 0.8.0
promise 2.3
prompt-toolkit 1.0.18
protobuf 3.10.0
psutil 5.4.8
ptyprocess 0.6.0
py 1.8.2
pyarrow 0.14.1
pyasn1 0.4.8
pyasn1-modules 0.2.8
pycocotools 2.0.1
pycparser 2.20
pydata-google-auth 1.1.0
pydot 1.3.0
pydot-ng 2.0.0
pydotplus 2.0.2
PyDrive 1.3.1
pyemd 0.5.1
pyglet 1.5.0
Pygments 2.1.3
pygobject 3.26.1
pymc3 3.7
PyMeeus 0.3.7
pymongo 3.10.1
pymystem3 0.2.0
PyOpenGL 3.1.5
pyparsing 2.4.7
pyrsistent 0.16.0
pysndfile 1.3.8
PySocks 1.7.1
pytest 3.6.4
python-apt 1.6.5+ubuntu0.3
python-chess 0.23.11
python-dateutil 2.8.1
python-louvain 0.14
python-slugify 4.0.0
python-utils 2.4.0
pytz 2018.9
PyWavelets 1.1.1
PyYAML 3.13
pyzmq 19.0.1
qtconsole 4.7.5
QtPy 1.9.0
regex 2019.12.20
requests 2.23.0
requests-oauthlib 1.3.0
resampy 0.2.2
retrying 1.3.3
rpy2 3.2.7
rsa 4.6
s3fs 0.4.2
s3transfer 0.3.3
scikit-image 0.16.2
scikit-learn 0.22.2.post1
scipy 1.4.1
screen-resolution-extra 0.0.0
scs 2.1.2
seaborn 0.10.1
Send2Trash 1.5.0
setuptools 47.3.1
setuptools-git 1.2
Shapely 1.7.0
simplegeneric 0.8.1
six 1.12.0
sklearn 0.0
sklearn-pandas 1.8.0
smart-open 2.0.0
snowballstemmer 2.0.0
sortedcontainers 2.2.2
spacy 2.2.4
Sphinx 1.8.5
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.2.2
SQLAlchemy 1.3.17
sqlparse 0.3.1
srsly 1.0.2
statsmodels 0.10.2
sympy 1.1.1
tables 3.4.4
tabulate 0.8.7
tbb 2020.0.133
tblib 1.6.0
tensorboard 2.2.2
tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.6.0.post3
tensorboardcolab 0.0.22
tensorflow 2.2.0
tensorflow-addons 0.8.3
tensorflow-datasets 2.1.0
tensorflow-estimator 2.2.0
tensorflow-gcs-config 2.2.0
tensorflow-hub 0.8.0
tensorflow-metadata 0.22.2
tensorflow-privacy 0.2.2
tensorflow-probability 0.10.0
termcolor 1.1.0
terminado 0.8.3
testpath 0.4.4
text-unidecode 1.3
textblob 0.15.3
textgenrnn 1.4.1
Theano 1.0.4
thinc 7.4.0
tifffile 2020.6.3
toolz 0.10.0
torch 1.5.1+cu101
torchsummary 1.5.1
torchtext 0.3.1
torchvision 0.6.1+cu101
tornado 4.5.3
tqdm 4.41.1
traitlets 4.3.3
tweepy 3.6.0
typeguard 2.7.1
typing 3.6.6
typing-extensions 3.6.6
tzlocal 1.5.1
umap-learn 0.4.4
uritemplate 3.0.1
urllib3 1.24.3
vega-datasets 0.8.0
wasabi 0.7.0
wcwidth 0.2.5
webencodings 0.5.1
Werkzeug 1.0.1
wheel 0.34.2
widgetsnbextension 3.5.1
wordcloud 1.5.0
wrapt 1.12.1
xarray 0.15.1
xgboost 0.90
xkit 0.0.0
xlrd 1.1.0
xlwt 1.3.0
yellowbrick 0.9.1
zict 2.0.0
zipp 3.1.0This text will be hidden

OK, so I retrained my model on Floydhub, and attempted to deploy the app. Here’s my repo, including the model.pkl file. These were the model packages from Floydhub’s pip list:


So this is the list for my requirements.txt file:


I’ve tried testing the app locally, but using ‘python app/ serve’ I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "app/", line 48, in <module>
    learn = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks))[0]
  File "C:\Users\[me]\anaconda3\lib\asyncio\", line 583, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "app/", line 33, in setup_learner
    await download_file(export_file_url, path / export_file_name)
  File "app/", line 26, in download_file
    async with session.get(url) as response:
  File "C:\Users\[me]\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 1005, in __aenter__
    self._resp = await self._coro
  File "C:\Users\[me]\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 466, in _request
    ssl=ssl, proxy_headers=proxy_headers, traces=traces)
  File "C:\Users\[me]\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 286, in __init__
  File "C:\Users\[me]\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 340, in update_host
    raise InvalidURL(url)

I’ve managed to install Docker through pip install docker but when I run the docker line from the app readme, my environment doesn’t seem to recognize docker. I don’t know if it’s because I need to change the command to be able to run through conda or not.

I probably just don’t know enough about web dev to deploy this without going back and learning enough Django/React/some other framework to build it from scratch. :confused:

Hi sarahgood I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Having looked at your repo I found the following points of interest

  1. Floydhub or something else had locked so when run on the desktop you don’t have permission to run it. - changed permisions on app directory.

  2. Floydhub appears to be using an unsupported combination of torchvision 0.6.1 and 1.5.0 which was stoopping your app from starting. - changed requirements.txt line to

  1. The model.pkl file the should be in the app drectory. - put model.pkl in app directory

I tested your model running the same command as you from terminal on my macbook pro.

  1. Don’t forget to edit your index.html file because it looks like a bear classifier at the moment, we don’t want to confuse your users. :smiley:

As you can see your medieval classifier is working just fine, there must be a fine line between medieval and post medieval as my google search was for a post medieval item. :smiley: :smiley:

You do not need to run docker to test your app at all. See one of my previous posts.

The gentleman who donated this repo actually was the creator of Django, having played with Django, I think it would be a little more tricky than this repo to achieve.

The points of interest above, mean you have learned an invaluable lesson that is how much work it can take to build a simple app which is why @jeremy says build something. This little app uses Github, Floydhub, css, html, fastai, Learn AI concepts, aiohttp, asyncio, uvicorn, Online Jupyter notebooks, Starlette, Javascript , Unix commands, Python, and Docker. Which many people don’t realise when they first start.

since starting on fastai about a year ago I have played with at least a couple of hundred libraries.

Hope this helps, don’t forget to put it on Share your work here ✅ when you get it working. :smiley:

Cheers mrfabulous1 :grinning: :grinning:

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Hi Cesar_Zeus hope you are having a wonderful day also!

You just need the files listed in your requirements.txt file like in the post here.
Deployment Platform: Render ✅ Your version numbers may be different though.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

Dude, I can’t thank you enough. I finally got it live! I’m a bit miffed at myself that I didn’t realize the model file should’ve been in the app folder (and it’s sort of obvious when I think about it) but at least now I know going forward. Once I refine my model (and maybe adding some CSS styles) I’ll be sharing this for sure.

Hip Hip Hooray! Glad you got your model working sarahgood!
It’s always easy with hindsight. But having these troublesome points of interest while building your model means that you have learned way more than if it had gone perfectly. Every cloud has a silver lining!

Well done!

mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

ps. thanks for the acknowledgement :smiley: :smiley:

@mrfabulous1 Thank you! I got it working. There were two hurdles in case it helps someone.

1. requirements.txt
I notice it does not like below, which are in my pip list in Colab environment.


I replaced them with below, and it works.


2. The downloadable link for export file hosted in google drive
It was restricted. It needs to be anyone with the link. What a gotcha.

Now it’s running and I can test my weed detector with photo I took.

Let me celebrate for a second. :laughing:

And then there is one more problem. Once in a while, it ran out of memory. My export file is 80MB. Does it use that much memory – used over 512 MB? :cry:


Happy days Cesar_Zeus It’s always great to see people get there first fastai model deployed.

Thanks for posting your success every post helps others.

I believe your server issue may be related to the fact that the basic account/tier comes with 500mb of shared ram. See $7.00 option not quite sure what shared means, but it could mean that your virtual environment and docker container use some of that ram.

So you may need to investigate where ram is being used when the service is running.

This could be something that support could explain.

Let us know on the forum if you investigate any further as it was sarahgood’s determination to get their model working that I could use as an example for you.

Once again congrats on getting your model working.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Everyone,

I have never made a web application and don’t know how an application works. Can you suggest me a tutorial or something similar that would help me in deploying my classifier that I made into a webapp?

Thank you all in advance.

So after 2 sleepless nights, I figured it out. I am broke so can’t use Render. I used Heroku, here’s what I made

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Hi sachin93 I hope your having a wonderful day!
Well done getting your model working on

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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@mrfabulous1 thank you!!!

Just been having this problem again (strangely using the same code that worked for me last time!). This issue is that due to the virus scan blocking things, the data = await is returned as the html of the webpage instead of the pkl file… hence the error is the start of the HTML returned: <!DOCTYPE html><html>......

This time, after trying pretty much all the Google Drive direct link versions I could find, I gave up and have used Google Cloud Storage. It’s easy to create a bucket, then make the files directly public and use that public URL instead, which works smoothly:

I would recommend for anyone having problems to deploy locally first, as it’s much easier to debug.

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This might sound like a basic question but I encountered this error when I try to run the app using local/my laptop.

name ‘path’ is not defined

It refers to line 16 on (same as the original FastAi-v3 code) where
path = Path(__file__).parent
is defined.

I’ve tried doing from pathlib import Path but it still throws that error. I didn’t change anything from the original code (besides export file url and name) but that error keeps showing. What should I do to make it work?

I tried running from local because it couldn’t run on Render either. When I’m trying to run it where it executes [6/6] RUN python app/, it gives me this error:

error: failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = executor failed running [/bin/sh -c python app/]: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully
error: exit status 1

What happened and what should I do?

Hi arahpanah hope all is well!

If you haven’t done so please search this thread for ‘pip list’ and follow the instructions there for amending requirements.txt etc.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :grinning::grinning:

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