Deployment Platform: Render ✅

@mrfabulous1: Thank you so much, now I got it. I thought I needed !pip list in order to train the model with the specific requirements in the github repo example. Thanks to you I now know it’s the other way around. :wink:

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Hi piaoya hope you had a jolly day! So glad you got it, as I know it can be tricky to deploy your first app on a new system.

Yes the steps are

  1. train your model on any platform and any version of fastai in a notebook.
  2. save your model.
  3. run pip list or pip freeze save this to a file.
  4. now go to any platform that runs the a compatible version of python, docker or a virtual environment.
  5. change your requirements.txt in your repo to match the versions in your training pip list file.
  6. deploy app.

You can now use that repository on any system that uses docker, if it works on render, it will work on my version of docker desktop or other cloud platforms.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

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In case anyone needs to deploy CycleGan of course v3 to Render, I created a sample that uses generator of the CycleGan and the api takes image and returns styled image. You can use it as a starter for any style transfer api. I also fixed the requirements for the people who train on Colab. It means you can train on Google Colab and export pkl and use it directly on Render. Current model in my repo is trained to draw sketch of portraits (still tranining though).
You can replace it with your own models just be sure that dropbox link has “?dl=1” in the end to start downloading immediately otherwise you will have unpickle error “_pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, ‘<’.”

Github Repo

Colab CycleGan Sample

Demo on Render:

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hey @mrfabulous1 I changed my requirements but am getting the following error:
AttributeError: module ‘sys’ has no attribute ‘set_coroutine_wrapper’

Any idea what to do?

Hi qq88 hope you are having a wonderful day!

What version of python are you using in your venv environment?

I believe that ‘set_coroutine_wrapper’ has been removed in python 3.8, so you may have to run or train your model in python 3.7 where I believe it was deprecated but is still included.

Hope this helps mrfabublous1 :smiley: :smiley:


I have this scenario, I don’t get any error and got this screen:

But I can’t see my webservice on the Render domain, it says: Internal Server Error

what could it be??

Hi viritaromero hope all is well!

If you have not done so already, the first step you should do is search this thread for pip list and make sure you have done what the post’s say.

If you still have an error and you can’t find it on the render platform.

I suggest you install a virtual env on your desktop deploy your app there and test it. This way you will be able to see the error that is causing the internal server error.

Hope this helps

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

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Managed to deploy( server is working ) but there is error ( please see the following )



Is possible to remove the error?

Hi andrew77 hope you are having a marvelous day.

Managed to deploy( server is working ) but there is error ( please see the following )

Does this mean that your app is working and can make predictions satisfactorily?
As if the model is working we don’t want to break it.

The error in your pastebin is often seen when there are or is a difference in the versions of library you used to train your model.

Is the requirements.txt in your post identical/same as the one you trained your model on?

I use Google Colab to train my models. But often deploy them on many different platforms. I normally deploy them with in 30 minutes of training the model as this is the only way I can can be sure that there have been no changes in any single library since I trained the model.

In order to get rid of the error, its likely you will need to confirm the libraries you are using in your requirments.txt in production are identical to the platform versions you used on the date you trained your model.

The torch versions look like a good place to start.

I would back up the current deployed version and redeploy it with a different version if there is a difference.

If that doesn’t work I would retrain the model and deploy it immediately checking that the library versions between training and platform deployment in requirements.txt are identical.

Hope this helps

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

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Hi @mrfabulous1

I managed to deploy successfully . I actually just trained the model today.
Maybe the version didn’t match.

Is there a work around for this?

Hi andrew77 I hope you are still having a wonderful day!

can you run pip freeze on your training platform and on your deployment platform and confirm all libraries used in requirements.txt are identical versions and paste them here please both lists here please.

This is the normal work around.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

colab/training platform


Hi andrew77 :smiley: :smiley:

The library versions that you trained on are different to the deployment ones.

I would suggest you start here, change your render requirements.txt libraries to match your deployment library version numbers.

If you search this forum, there was an issue with Pillow you may need version 6.x
nb! backup your work before making changes.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

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My solution, and I think it’ll work for everyone, is directly edit your file on GitHub instead of downloading it. It’s easy and no hassle with the versions.


Thanks for your prompt reply.

I tried modifying to the following but unsuccessful. I think it’s the mix and match thingy between , torch and torchvision. Is there a ‘fail proof’ way to do so?


torchvision == 0.5.0

Error message

Hi andrew77 :smiley:
You need to change the version of fastai also your reqirements.txt should equal your Colab file versions as these are the ones you trained your model on.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

thanks it’s working now.

sharing my requirements.txt for colab users.

torchvision == 0.5.0
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Hi andrew77 Hooray :trophy:

Well done! remember you will have to go through this process every time you make a model as you never know if a library has had even a minor change which may break another library.

Doing these steps makes finding faults much easier.

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley: :smiley:

Hey guys, render works fantastic so far! Started with GCP but gave up after an hour. Render deploy went seamlessly. Need to work on the model but considering this is my first deployment ever, I am loving it!

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Hello folks, I would like to ask you a very silly question because I see everyone is doing a great job deploying apps.

Context: I tried to deploy mine, in fact I just changed the resulting model url in the file but the application is the same, detect bears. I tried this because I wanted to see by myself it really worked before coding my own application.

Problem: If you go my site url, the site is all white, blank, nada. Should I wait some time before it deploys?, did I miss something?, I even added my cc number because I thought that was the reason.
I temporarily suspended the site to avoid charges.

More context:

  • The requirements.txt file was updated because I trained the model using Colab.
  • Render has permission to access my Github account.
  • I carefully followed the instructions in the production section, I don’t know what could be wrong.
  • I selected the starter plan. 512 MB, shared CPU.

Any ideas?, thank you for your help.